Page 6 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
P. 6

6                                                         January 29, 2021                                              Aerotech News                          Aerotech News                                                January 29, 2021                                                                  7
     SportS heroeS who Served:

   WWI Soldier helped desegregate baseball

                   by                   owners that they were not welcome.
            DAVID VERgUN                  Rickey was said to have appreciated the
                                        service and sacrifices African Americans made
                 DoD News
                                        during the first and second World Wars, and he
     Branch Rickey was an  Army officer   was eager to enlist their services in baseball.
   in the Chemical Warfare Service during   He also remembered a Black player from the
   World War I. In his unit, coincidentally,   baseball team he coached at Ohio Wesleyan
   were future baseball greats Ty Cobb and   University in 1903 and 1904 who was denied
   Christy Mathewson. Rickey would also   hotel accommodations. The incident was said                                            photo from national archives
   take a place in baseball history, thanks   to have made him furious, and he personally
   to his decision to do the right thing.  intervened to let the player spend the night                            Brooklyn Dodgers baseball player
                                                                                                                   Jackie Robinson in 1950.
     In October 1945, as general manager   there.
   of the Brooklyn Dodgers, Rickey signed   Rickey later said, ‘’I may not be able to do
   infielder Jackie Robinson, an  African   something about racism in every field, but I                             • He was manager and general manager
   American, for the Dodgers’ minor league   can sure do something about it in baseball.’’                         of the St. Louis Browns from 1913 to 1915
   organization. Robinson’s later success   Then there was the business-practical ele-                             and in 1919.
   with the Dodgers from 1947 to 1956 led   ment. The Negro leagues had a lot of talent,                             • He helped to devise the farm system of
   other owners to seek Black talent.   and this didn’t go unnoticed by Rickey.                                    training ballplayers in 1919.
     This was before the U.S. military    Incidentally, Rickey and Robinson were                                     • He was manager and general manager
   integrated, which happened July 26,   brothers — that is, brothers in arms. Robinson                            of the St. Louis Cardinals from 1919 to 1942
   1948, after President Harry S. Truman   served in the Army during World War II.                                 and helped to create the team’s logo, which is
   signed an executive order establishing   Among Rickey’s many accomplishments                        courtesy photo  still in use today.
   the President’s Committee on Equality of   and milestones:                 Branch Rickey as general manager of    • He was general manager of the Brooklyn
   Treatment and Opportunity in the Armed   • In 1902, he played professional football for   the St. Louis Cardinals in 1941.   Dodgers 1943 to 1950 and of the Pittsburgh
   Services, committing the government to   the Shelby Blues of the Ohio League, which                             Pirates from 1950 to 1955.
   integrating the then-segregated military.  later became known as the National Football   baseball, basketball and football, as well as   • His teams won World Series champion-
     At the time, no statute barred Blacks   League.                          teaching English literature and history.  ships in 1926, 1931, 1934 and 1942 and Na-
   from playing professional baseball. How-  • In 1904 and 1905, he stayed busy at Al-  • He played in the major leagues in 1905  tional League pennants in 1928, 1930, 1947
   ever, it was an unwritten rule among club   legheny College in Pennsylvania, coaching   and 1906 with the St. Louis Browns.  and 1949.

   Always in Control: The Ahamed Sheriff Story

                                                    by                                                                       foreign to me. It was a harsh
                                          Petty Officer 1st Class       “I wouldn’t say that I didn’t have a good child-     reality of life that I learned
                                           ERICKSON MAgNO            hood. I’ve been in many situations that most peo-       at a very early age.  These
                                                                                                                             circumstances didn’t break
                                            Pacific Missile Range Facility    ple haven’t been in, and I’m proud of what those   me because I really try to find
                                          Senior Chief Air Traffic Con-  experiences have made me become as a person.”       learning and growing opportu-
                                        troller Ahamed Sheriff, senior                                                       nities in every experience, no
                                        enlisted leader of PMRF, has                                                         matter how devastating it is. I
                                        devoted his time caring for   “After high school, I attended   It destroyed me emotionally.”  think having a strong mindset
                                        Sailors since he enlisted in   Alabama State University in   His second challenge came   is one thing that we truly have
                                        1998, but his younger years   hopes of being a basketball   a decade later.          control over in life.”
                                        proved challenging.         star,” said Sheriff. “When that   “In 2010 I deployed to Iraq   This attitude and mindset
                                          “Honestly, I had what I think   didn’t work out, I found myself   for 10 months,” said Sheriff.   eventually led to success. He
                                        is unfortunately a typically   back in Los Angeles at a com-  “It was hard leaving my wife   said one of his proudest ac-
                                        traumatic start to life,” said   munity college. I just felt like   and kids — knowing it was a   complishments in the Navy
                                        Sheriff. “I was born and raised   I was at a crossroads in life   possibility I wouldn’t be com-  was when his mother saw
                                        in Los Angeles, back and forth   and I didn’t want to become a   ing back.”          him graduate with a master’s
                                        between South Central and   statistic. So, I joined the Navy   Although loss of life, threats   degree, a tremendous ac-
                                        Mid-Town. Both neighbor-    on September 27, 1998.”      of death, and adversity sur-  complishment as the first in
                                        hoods were highly volatile and   Just two years into the Navy,   rounded Sheriff throughout   his family to graduate from
                                        heavily influenced by drugs   he was faced with adversity dur-  his life, these experiences   college.
                                        and gangs throughout my     ing an unimaginable situation.  helped him become better   Another proud accomplish-
          mass communication specialist 1st class     childhood. I have four sisters   “On May 4, 2001, one of   prepared to face the future.  ment was being pinned to the
                         erickson B. magno   and was primarily raised by a   my best friends killed  an-  “I really believe that seeing   rank of chief petty officer in
   Senior Chief Air Traffic Controller Aha-  single mother. My mother di-  other one of my best friends   and going through some of the   2013.
   med Sheriff, assigned to the Pacific Mis-  vorced my abusive father when   after a verbal and physical   things I went through growing   “Making Chief for me was
   sile Range Facility, poses for a photo   I was around six years old.”  dispute over money while I   up in Los Angeles, prepared   the culmination of all the blood,
   in the public affairs office. PMRF is the   Childhood hardened Sher-  was stationed at Pearl Har-  me for these challenging times   sweat and tears that my family
   world’s largest instrumented multi-en-  iff and impacted him as a   bor,” said Sheriff.  “It was a   in a twisted way,” said Sheriff.  and I put into the Navy,” said
   vironment range capable of supporting   brother and son. Soon enough,   tragic loss of two lives in one   “I’m almost ashamed to say   Sheriff. “I wear the  anchors
   surface, subsurface, air and space op-  it would contribute to him as   night, one dead and the other   it, but it’s true. Experienc-
   erations simultaneously.             a Sailor.                   sentenced to a life in prison.     ing death wasn’t something    See ahameD, Page 10
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