Page 5 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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4  January 29, 2021  Aerotech News  Aerotech News                    January 29, 2021                                                                   5                                                              

 Daughter of Tuskegee Airman makes Texas Guard history  Chronicling historical

 by Warrant Officer 1    la Payne described her career in the Guard   duties rotating between the Air National   Immediately, it was back to work for
 DAVID BROWN  as highlighted by travel and full of support   Guard and Air Force Reserve following her   Paula Payne as she ran to the site where   contributions of Black Marines
 from her superiors. Her first move was to   commission, until the terror attacks on Sep-  a young airman died attempting to save
 Texas Military Department  Andrews Air Force Base after transferring   tember 11, 2001, called her back to full-time   his fellow service members.
 During World War II, Sgt. Percy Howard   to the District of Columbia National Guard.   service as the Air National Guard’s first Black   “If it were not for him, it could have   by Cpl.    Ships notes that the brig was caught in a storm, destroy-
 Payne was assigned to the support team of   Upon arrival, she met a commander with   female chaplain.  been me or anybody else. He was my hero,”   SETh ROSENBERg   ing it and killing all those aboard but the cook.
 the 332nd Fighter Wing of the U.S. Army Air   a link to her family’s past military service.  Paula Payne’s first combat deployment   said Payne.  Isaac Walker and a man known only as “Orange” fol-
 Corps, better known as the Tuskegee Airmen   Lt. Gen. Russell C. Davis was the com-  led her to Balad, Iraq, as part of the 332nd   Following her six months in Iraq,   I MEF Information Group    lowed Martin, enlisting at Tun Tavern in 1776. Capt.
 — America’s first Black aviators. A genera-  mander of Paula Payne’s new unit, the 113th   Expeditionary Medical Group, a component   Paula Payne deployed to multiple as-  Any Marine can quickly recite the birth date of the U.S.   Robert Mullan inducted them into his company, which
 tion later, the Payne family would again make   Fighter Wing, and also a native of Tuskegee,   of the 332nd Fighter Wing, her father’s for-  signments across Europe and the United   Marine Corps — 10 Nov. 1775. Recruits and officer candi-  was part of a battalion of Marines raised by Maj. Samuel
 military history, as Col. Paula Payne became   Alabama. According to Paula Payne, Davis   mer unit. Though prejudice kept Percy Payne   States before retiring as a lieutenant   dates memorize this and many other pieces of knowledge   Nicholas. Mullan’s company crossed the Delaware River
 the first Black woman to serve in the rank of   took quick interest in her career development   from rising through the ranks, his daughter   colonel in 2014. Thinking of what life   with George Washington and fought the British at the
 colonel in the Texas State Guard.  and coordinated for her to obtain a full time   Paula was named the senior chaplain at Joint   might hold next, she remembered the sto-  like the first female Marine, first Marine aviator, and
 As part of the Tuskegee Airmen, Percy   position with the Air National Guard.  Base Balad.  ries of her grandfather, who had grown   dozens of other historical figures and events. However, for   Battle of Princeton in 1777, cementing Walker and Or-
 Payne worked in procurement and used his   “When I arrived to the 113th, Lt. Gen. Rus-  During her time in Iraq, Paula Payne   up in Texas as the son of a Methodist   our Black brothers and sisters, the history seems muddled.  ange’s significant role in Marine Corps history.
 talents as a musician and entertainer to   sell asked ‘Why do you want to do weekend   described the attacks as non-stop, recalling   preacher. It inspired her to pack her bags   Of course, the record speaks of the Montford Point   According to the U.S. Marine Corps Museum, at least
 support troop morale as part of Operation   drills? We need some people for active duty   one night when a mortar struck near her   again, and this time, she and her twin   Marines, created after President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s   13 of the 2,000 Continental Marines were Black.
 Happiness. Serving at a time when the U.S.   at the Air National Guard Support Center   quarters.  sister Patricia Payne, an Army veteran,   executive order to prohibit racial discrimination in the   In 1796, Secretary of War James McHenry passed
 military was racially segregated, Percy Payne   and the National Guard Bureau!’” said Davis.  “You could hear the faint eeeee... boom,   decided to relocate to Texas. According   defense industry. However, specific events, dates, and   an act that banned people of color from serving in the
 found himself denied leadership roles, as   Davis’ recommendation helped Paula   and it was close to my hooch, the housing   to Payne she sensed something waiting   names elude the memory of many Marines. After all, Ma-  military. This act remained law until the Emancipation
 Black Soldiers were denied entry into the   Payne become the first enlisted airman to   location of the medical group. The rocket was   for her there.  rine Corps curriculum only added the history of Montford   Proclamation in 1863 allowed people of color to serve in
 officer corps. Frustrated with a system that   serve in the Chief of Chaplain’s Office at the   launched in the middle of the night. I felt the   Four years later, Payne took the oath   Point in 2011.  the Army and Navy, but not the Marines.
 denied advancement based on race, Percy   Air National Guard Support Center. The   thing hit the ground, PA-PUM. Then I heard   of office becoming the first Black female   A timeline created by the U.S. Marine Corps Museum   President Franklin D. Roosevelt enacted Executive
 Payne left the military when the war ended.   move also put Paula Payne on the path to   ‘Nobody move, shelter in place!” said Payne.  colonel to serve in the Texas State Guard.   provides the true record. The first Black Marine enlisted
 Undeterred by her father’s treatment,   joining the ministry. Payne went on to earn   An hour and a half went by as the Explo-  Payne had worked toward attaining that
 Paula Payne enlisted in the Virgin Islands   a master’s degree in divinity from Wesley   sive Ordnance Team attempted to defuse   rank in both Air National Guard and Air   almost 170 years before Montford Point, during the   See marines, Page 13
 Air National Guard after finishing her under-  Theological Seminary, and direct commission   the mortar. Paula Payne sheltered in place,   Force reserve, but she was never selected.  Revolutionary War. Capt. Miles Pennington recruited
 graduate and graduate education. According   as a second lieutenant.  praying.   “I had finally come to terms that the   Private John “Keto” Martin in April of 1776. The person   With MARADMIN 331/20, the Commandant of the Ma-
 to Paula Payne, the decision was not well   “I started all over again from the bottom   “I knew I was going to die if I stepped out   promotion was not God’s plan.” said Paula   who enslaved Martin had no idea of his recruitment to   rine Corps Gen. David Berger ordered the removal
 received by her father.  of the officer’s ranks, separated from active   that hooch and made one move.” said Payne.   Payne. “Then the Governor signed the   the Continental Marines.  of public displays of the Confederate battle flag from
 “He told me ‘I just hope they treat you bet-  duty, and transferred over to the Air Force   “Then came the sound of an explosion, the   promotion order. When I die, my obituary   Martin served aboard the Continental brig USS Repri-  Marine Corps installations, June 5, 2020. This graphic
 ter than they treated me,’” said Paula Payne.  Reserves as a chaplain candidate.”  next thing I heard was someone shout for   will read, “Chaplain, Colonel, Paula M.   sal, participating in a cruise that resulted in the capture of   honors the Marines of Montford Point with significant
 Describing herself as “a rolling stone,” Pau-  Paula Payne served in a variety of pastoral   the chaplain.”  Payne. Texas did that for me.”  five British merchantmen. He served on the Reprisal until   photos of Montford Point Marines and the Congres-
          1777, when the dictionary of American Naval Fighting   sional Gold Medal presented to Montford Pointers.               layout and design by cpl. seth rosenberg

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