Page 2 - Black History Month 2021 - Combined Special Edition of Luke AFB Thunderbolt Davis-Monthan AFB Desert Lightning News
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2                                                         January 29, 2021                                              Aerotech News                          Aerotech News                                                January 29, 2021                                                                  3

                                                   oot soldier in
                                  eran f
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          Army veteran foot soldier in
          Arm        y v     et   eran f           oot soldier in                                                                                                           Academy names airfield in honor of first Black Air Force general
          struggle                                                     for                      justice                                                                                                      join the Army Air Corps but was re-
          struggle for justice
                                                                                                                                                                                                             jected because segregationist policies
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of the time designated the Air Corps
                                                                                                                                                                                                             as whites-only. Instead, he graduated
                                                                                                                                                                                                             in June 1936 with a commission as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                             second lieutenant of infantry. His first
                                                                                                                                                                                                             assignment was to the all-Black 24th
                         by                                                                                     than an equal. Correcting that injustice                                                     Infantry Regiment at Fort Benning,
                TERRANCE BELL                                                                                   was nearly equal to fighting — and                                                           Georgia.
                                                                                                                perhaps dying — for his rights and                                                             In early 1941, the War Department
            U.S. Army Garrison Fort Lee Public Affairs
                                                                                                                those of others at home. In that regard,                                                     began training Black pilots at the
            Civil rights activist Medgar Wiley                                                                  he walked valiantly into the teeth of                                                        Tuskegee Airfield  in Tuskegee, Ala-
          Evers was well-known for his high en-                                                                 battle, grappling with voting rights                                                         bama. By then a captain, Davis was
          ergy, sobriety and tenacity. He would not                                                             and championing integration, while                                                           part of the first graduating class of
          spare a minute in pursuing equality —                                                                 supporting a long list of other issues in                                                    five pilots.
          not when Black people in segregationist                                                               a state where more than 600 lynchings                                                          In July 1942, now a lieutenant
          Mississippi were being murdered, beaten                                                               had occurred from 1877-1950, accord-                                                         colonel, he took command of the 99th
          and degraded as human beings.                                                                         ing to the Equal Justice Initiative.                                                         Pursuit Squadron — the Army Air
            Evers was on the literal front lines of                                                               Defiant in the face of a terrifying                                                        Forces’ first all-Black aviation unit.
          the battle, not some location up north                                                                reality, Evers still went about his                                              courtesy photo  By the summer of 1943, the unit was                                                    mike Kaplan
          where a declaration to fight for civil                                                                business to rid Mississippi of its mis-                     Gen. Benjamin O. Davis Jr.       in North Africa flying combat missions.  T-52A and T-41D Mescalero aircraft line up before takeoff at the U.S. Air
          rights in the 1940s-‘50s was relatively                                                               deeds. He was one of the first Blacks                                                          That fall, Davis was called back to   Force Academy airfield in Colorado Springs, Colorado, April 15, 2010.
          harmless. In the Deep South, poverty                                                                  appearing on TV in the state, exposing                                                       Tuskegee to take command of a new
          had overshadowed the slaveholder cotton                                                               himself to the many who saw no worth                                      by                 unit, the 332nd Fighter Squadron,
          wealth generated in the mid-1800s. The                                                                in his next breath, much less his work                          CLAUDETTE ROULO              where he found out that the Army was
          Civil War remained a point of contention.                                                             to change life as they knew it. Con-                                    DoD News             considering stopping Black pilots from
          Confederate loyalties ran deep, and a                                                                 versely, Evers did not expect anyone                                                         flying in combat. He defended his men
          decision to join the struggle was an ac-                                                              to hand him what he felt he was owed,                        The U.S. Air Force Academy named   in a news conference at the Pentagon.
          ceptance of potential danger and maybe                                                                and he knew his decision to fight came                     its airfield in honor of Air Force Gen.   “All the Blacks in the segregated
          even death.                                                                                           with consequences, said Myrlie Evers-                      Benjamin O. Davis Jr., the service’s   forces operated like they had to prove
            Evidence of Mississippi’s subjugated                                                                Williams, Medgar’s widow.                                  first Black general and the commander   they could fly an airplane when every-
          racial climate had been within Evers’                                                                   “We both knew he was going to die,”                      of the Tuskegee Airmen in Africa and   one believed they were too stupid,” he
          sightlines since childhood. The Decatur,                                                              she told Esquire magazine.                                 Europe.                           wrote in his autobiography, “Benjamin
          Miss., native remembered walking miles                                                                  Evers expressed his resignation this                       The project to name the previously   O. Davis Jr.: American.”
          to school with others of his ethnicity                                                                way: “Freedom has never been free. ...                     unnamed airfield was “an incredible   Army Chief of Staff Gen. George
          while white kids riding school buses                                                                  I love my children, and I love my wife                     journey,” Air Force Academy Superin-  Marshall ordered an investigation,
          yelled epithets at them. He had seen the                                                              with all my heart. And I would die, die                    tendent Lt. Gen. Jay B. Silveria said at   and Davis spoke to the investigating
          horrific aftermath of a family acquain-                                                               gladly, if that would make a better life                   the naming ceremony.              committee, which found essentially
          tance being killed for a social infraction.                                                           for them,” he said on June 7, 1963.                          Davis was “instrumental in driving   no difference in performance between
            “I remember the Saturday night a                                                                      Five days later, the 37-year-old had                     this institution towards a much more   Black and white units.
          bunch of white men beat him to death be-                                                              returned home after a long meeting                         diverse and a much more inclusive   By then, though, Davis was already
          cause he sassed back to a white woman,”                                                               at a Jackson, Miss., church. As he left                    population, reducing attrition rates of   back in the fight in the skies over Italy.
          read an Evers’ recounting of the incident                                                             the car and began walking toward the                       minorities, and crucial in developing   The men under his command flew more
          that appeared in the book “The Martyrs:                                                               kitchen entrance, he was felled by a                       the plan to integrate women at the   than 15,000 sorties, downed 112 enemy
          Sixteen Who Gave Their Lives for Racial                                                               bullet from a high-powered rifle. It was                   United  States Air  Force Academy,”   planes, and destroyed or damaged 273
          Justice,” written by Jack Mendelsohn.                                                    courtesy photo  around 12:20 a.m.                                       Silveria said.                    on the ground. His units lost just 66 of
          “They just left him for dead  on the   Medgar Wiley Evers (July 2, 1925 – June 12, 1963) was an African American   His murder fueled passage of the                The son of Army Gen. Benjamin O.   their planes and only about 25 of the
          ground. Everyone in town knew about it,   civil rights activist and World War II veteran.             Civil Rights Bill of 1964, the landmark                    Davis Sr., the Army’s first Black gen-  bombers under their escort.                                                        courtesy photo
          but never said a word in public. I went                                                               federal legislation that provides for the                  eral, Davis entered the U.S. Military   Davis led dozens of missions in P-47                          The first five fighter pilots graduated
          down and saw his bloody clothes. They                                                                 rights of all people.                                      Academy at West Point, New York, in   Thunderbolts and P-51 Mustangs. He                              from the Tuskegee program on March
          left those clothes on a fence for about a   the confidence that had been forged by   “They would ask him, ‘Mr. Evers, why   Evers’ work as a civil rights advo-  July 1932. Upon his graduation, the   received the Silver Star for a strafing                         7, 1942. From left to right are: instruc-
          year. Every Negro in town was supposed   their individual and collective contribu-  are you doing this?’” recalled Watson,   cate is extensive. He investigated the   Army had two Black infantry officers   run into Austria and the Distinguished                    tor R.M. Long, George Roberts, Ben-
          to get the message from those clothes.”  tions to the war.          who met Evers when she was a college   murder of 14-year old Emmett Till and                 — Davis and his father.           Flying Cross for a bomber escort mis-                               jamin O. Davis Jr., Charles DeBow,
            How that incident influenced Evers’   Evers, having supported the famed   freshman. “He would say, ‘Somebody   many other suspicious deaths. He led              He faced racism throughout his mili-  sion to Munich on June 9, 1944.                               Mac Ross, and Lemuel Curtis.
          desire to fight for civil rights is uncertain.   Red Ball Express logistical effort in the   has to do it. It’s on my shoulders …   boycotts and rallies and tackled segre-  tary career. Davis’ obituary in the New   He would go on to serve in several
          Another conjecture is that it was pre-  European Theater, was transformed   You’ve got to speak up. These things   gationist issues one by one. He doubled       York Times noted: “He was ostracized   commands, in Europe and the United                             Army Air Forces Col. Benjamin O.
          cipitated by his military service in World   by his time in uniform. The Army was   are not going to come easy.’”  the NAACP’s youth membership in a             at West Point and then was barred from   States, before the end of the war. In                        Davis Jr., commander of the 332nd
          War II. Enlisting was an opportunity for   segregated, which certainly harkened   Despite the unfathomable degree of   few years. He helped James Meredith       commanding white troops and turned   1947, Davis transferred to the newly
          Black men and women to prove their   back to his life in Mississippi, but he   difficulty in making change in Ol’ Di-  become the first Black man to attend      away from segregated officers’ clubs in                                                               Fighter Group, stands in front of his
          courage and competency, and therefore,   nevertheless saw his service as a down   xie, Evers was committed to fulfilling   the University of Mississippi, years   the war years.”                                                                                      P-51D Mustang in Ramitelli, Italy, in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 March 1945.
          their worthiness as Americans. When   payment toward full citizenship. He   his role. In 1946, he and his brother   after his own application was rejected.        While a cadet, Davis had sought to            See airfielD, Page 10                    courtesy photo
          they went abroad, they were enlightened   felt he had earned the right to demand   Charles, who also served during the   And the list goes on.
          by the absence of Jim Crow, and Europe’s   change for better. He began to attach   war, led a group of African-American   Former Sgt. Medgar Wiley Evers is
          comparative acceptance garnered much   himself to civil rights causes not long   veterans to the Decatur City Hall to   buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
          thought, consideration and hope.   after returning home.            register to vote. When they showed up   The words of his widow at a 2003 cer-
            Furthermore, new job and organiza-  Minnie Watson, a retired tour guide   on Election Day to cast ballots, they   emony marking the 40th anniversary                                                                   Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc. • 877- 247-9288 •
          tional skills — along with contributing to   at the Medgar Evers Home Museum   were turned back by a white mob.  of his assassination could not have                                             Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert   Information Service, Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command,   tents of Desert Lightning News and the Thunderbolt are not necessarily
          the Allied victory — had an encouraging   in Jackson, Miss., said people always   Evers marched on, perhaps driven   been more perfectly chosen. “The ‘Taps’    JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE, DEFENSE INDUSTRY AND VETERANS NEWS  Lightning News and the  Thunderbolt. The editor will edit or rewrite   Air Education and Training Command, staff writers and other sources.  the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department
          and emboldening effect on African-Amer-  questioned why Evers would commit   by the same sense of duty he felt in   played with a final salute,” she said. “It                                  submitted material for clarity, brevity or to conform to the Associated   All advertising is handled by Aerotech News and Review, 220 E. Ave.   of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance of ad-
          ican military members. Many returned   to the daunting and dangerous task of   uniform. He had risked his life for a   felt as if we were truly being treated as   Publisher .............................................. Paul Kinison  Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force style as required by Air   K4, Suite 7, Lancaster, CA 93535. For business advertising, call 877-247-  vertising in these publications, including inserts or supplements, does
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9288 or email Sandi Bueltel at For classi-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for Desert Lightning News and
          to U.S. shores with swelled chests and   disrupting Southern convention.  country that was treating him less   Americans.”                                  Business manager  ...............................Lisa Kinison  the Thunderbolt can be emailed to the editor at amy@aerotechnews.  fied advertising, email  the DLN, Thunderbolt, DOD, Air Force or Aerotech News and Review.
                                                                                                                                                                      Editor ........................................................Amy Lamb  com. Submission deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of   The  Desert Lightning News and the  Thunderbolt are published by   Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for
                                                                                                                                                                      Advertising representative ................Sandi Bueltel  publication. Submissions will be based on space available and priority.   Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in no way connected with the   purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex,
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               U.S. Air Force, under written agreement with the 355th Fighter Wing
                                                                                                                                                                      Designer ................................................. Tinna Sellie   Desert Lightning News and the Thunderbolt use information from Davis-  at Davis-Monthan AFB and the 56th FW at Luke Air Force Base. Con-  or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Monthan Air Force Base website, Luke AFB website, the Armed Forces
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