Page 3 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 6, 2020
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2   November 6, 2020  Commentary  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa  News                              November 6, 2020    3           
 On behalf of a   Nellis showcases advanced training

 grateful nation  capabilities to ACC command team

 by Bob Alvis  and commemorate their service in this   By Senior Airman Miranda Loera                                     as the “home of the fighter pilot,”
                                                                                                                          Kelly emphasized the importance of the
 special to Aerotech News  country, that understands the sacrifice.  Nellis AFB, Nev.                                     graduate-level warfighter training and
 A personal reflection I would like
 Veterans Day 2020 will definitely  to share is the one I have been witness   Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air           resources that Nellis provides as the last
 have a different feel to it this year, as  to many times over my years of being   Combat Command, and Chief Master       stop for Airmen before a deployment.
 the usual gatherings and ceremonies  friends with so many veterans, and   Sgt. David Wade, command chief of                 Two advancements in innovation at
 will be watered down or, in many cases,  that is the inevitable graveside service   ACC, toured Nellis Air Force Base,   Nellis that meet the Air Force Chief of
 not happen at all — and that is a real  and saying the final “goodbye” — that   Nev., during a week-long visit, Oct.     Staff’s “Accelerate Change or Lose” vi-
 tragedy.  special aspect of the veterans’ memo-  19-23, 2020.                                                            sion are the Virtual Test and Training
 We who will still remember and find  rial service, as the flag is folded and   During Kelly’s first visit to Nellis      Center and the 5G network develop-
 a way to commemorate the service of  Taps is played. With the kneeling of   since assuming command, he got a             ment.
 those brave men and women in uniform  a soldier in front of a family member,   Courtesy photo  behind-the-scenes look at how Team   The Virtual Test and Training Cen-
 past and present will, through many  the words of grateful nation are spoken.   Nellis works to keep the complex mis-    ter is an innovative training facility on
 forms of communication, spread the  Tears and trembling hands receive the  watching over the family and will for-  and diminishing numbers of the heart-  sion of six wings aligned with senior   Nellis that allows pilots to simultane-
 word and raise a toast to those who an-  flag that says your loved one was loved  ever be grateful for your loved ones’ ser-  felt citizens that understand the sacrifice   leaders’ top priorities.  ously train together in live and virtual
 swered the call of our nation, and do our  by so many more than just your family  vice and he or she will not be forgotten.     and dedication, we end up in a closet as   “It’s always nice to visit Nellis and   environments.
 best to see that they are not forgotten.  and we all feel your loss, and also kneel   There is that word “forgotten” again.   an old folded American flag whose story     the Nevada Testing and Training Range   The 5G network, another innova-
 Forgotten: That word haunts me as  before you and mourn your loss.    I hope and pray, as time and our nation   has passed on, along with the family   because the training and resources   tive development that recently came to
                                                                                       Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
 being a man of the stories from past   That folded American flag makes it  move forward, that we do not replace   members who would tell the story to   that our Airmen get here don’t exist   Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command, and Chief Master Sgt. David Wade,   fruition through the awarding of a DoD
 generations, which has been my call-  home with a special family member  the word “remember” with the word   keep the service to country and the   anywhere else in the world,” Kelly said.   command chief of ACC, talk with Airmen at the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center at Nellis Air   contract with AT&T, also drew praise
 ing for many years, finds me worrying  and usually sits in a place of honor. It  “forgotten” and that, with the absence   pride it brought at the forefront of our   “Team Nellis is truly at the tip of the   Force Base, Nev., Oct. 19, 2020. Kelly coined three USAFWC Airmen who were recognized   from the commander. Kelly expressed
 about future generations who distance  is a constant reminder that America is  of traditional Veterans Day programs   American journey.  spear when it comes to advancing our   as quarterly star performers.   how the advancement of 5G technol-
 themselves from the history books,   “Remember” this Veterans Day. Bring   force toward the digital moderniza-           ogy will bridge the gap between legacy
                                                                                                                          tactical command and control entities
 statues and ceremonies that past gen-  forth a renewed spirit in the absence of   tion that it will take to win tomorrow’s   tegic positions across ACC and our Air  ment of Defense and Department of  and the future of C2.
 erations used for inspiration to become   ceremony and make it your own per-  fight.”
            As Nellis is home to six of ACC’s  Force. They take what they learn here  Energy testing, research, and develop-
 better citizens for the nation they call   sonal outreach to inspire and educate   35 wings, Kelly used this visit to see a  at courses like the Weapons School and  ment area on NTTR.  “The United States Air Force War-
 home.  those who may not ever get a chance   variety of operational mission sets that  then it propagates across our force.”  “This team maximizes every re-  fare Center and its subordinate units
 The Citizen Soldier Dad or Mother,   to celebrate the service of a soldier. The                                          provide U.S. and allied Airmen the
 brother or sister, the boy or girl next   greatness of our nation is and will be   fall under his command.  Throughout the visit, Airmen and  source they have and they’re moving  tools, tactics and training to meet and
            A key theme throughout the event  senior leaders provided insight on cur-
                                                                                     fast,” said Wade. “The command  defeat any adversary,” said Kelly. “From
 door, or just a relative in the family   that we will not forget, but that we will   rent operations and highlighted Nellis’  goes the way Nellis goes because of  the Weapons School to Red Flag to the
 tree who answered the call and in many   all remember the citizen soldier for   was showcasing Nellis’ ability to pro-
          vide Airmen with world class training  ability to create realistic and effective  the training, testing and tactical pro-
 cases went off to war and never came   generations to come.                                                              incredible capability the VTTC brings,
 back or, if they did, carried the mental   Peace my friends. Enjoy your Veter-  that readies the force for tomorrow’s  testing and combat training for today’s  cedures that happen here every day.  Team Nellis works every day to prepare
                                               warfighters. Kelly got an insider’s view  They’re always looking to the future  warfighters to succeed in the high-end
 scars from the eyes that had seen more   ans Day!  adversaries.                     and trying to make us a more lethal  fight by delivering realistic, effective
            “We take the best of the best, bring  of the advanced composite force train-
 pain and suffering than a human being   them here to Nellis, and train them up,”  ing, tactics development, the electronic  and ready force.”
                                                                                                                          training that is relevant to our joint and
 should have to experience.                    combat testing areas and the Depart-    While touring the base, aptly known  coalition operations worldwide.
 Veterans on Veterans Day value the   Lt. Gen. Francis M. Beaudette (Commanding   Wade said. “Then we put them in stra-
 gathering of those around them, which   General of the United States Special
 helps to ease their sense loss and suffer-  Operations Command) gives Miranda
 ing as they remember those who served   Shurer (wife of Medal of Honor recipient
 beside them. Our commemorations   Staff Sgt. Ronald J. Shurer II) a flag that
 send a message that service to country   represents Shurer’s sacrifice to his country
 comes at a very high price and to not   as his military funeral comes to a close
 take your freedoms for granted. Those   on Oct. 27, 2020, at Arlington National
 who served saw firsthand how the de-  Cemetery. Shurer was awarded the Medal
 fense of the nation and its Constitution   of Honor Oct. 1, 2018, for his actions in
 is to not be taken lightly, or used for   Afghanistan April 6, 2008. Members from
 anything else but to serve the freedom-  the U.S. Army, U.S. Secret Service, previous
 loving people of the world. That’s a lot to   Medal of Honor recipients and his family
 put on the backs of our men or women   gathered to honor Shurer as he was laid to
 in uniform, but that’s why we honor   Army photograph by Sgt. Steven Lewis  rest in Arlington National Cemetery.

 Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number   Air Force photograph by Tech. Sgt. Alexandre Montes  Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
 published by Aerotech News and Review, a private   Review of the products or services advertised.   of a person to contact must be included in the event   Master Sgt. Nathan Grosse, 32nd Weapons Squadron,   An F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jet piloted by Gen. Mark Kelly,
 firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force.   Everything advertised in the publication shall be   questions arise.  shows a coin received from Gen. Mark Kelly, Air Combat   commander of Air Combat Command, takes off at Nellis
 Contents of Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition   made available for purchase and use of patronage   All material is edited for accuracy, brevity, clarity   Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
 Desert Lightning News Staff  are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed   without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national   and conformity to the Associated Style Guide, to   Command commander, for his hard work and dedication   Gen. Mark Kelly, commander of Air Combat Command,  Air Force Base, Nev., Oct. 21, 2020. The F-15E Strike Eagle
 Paul Kinison, Publisher, Aerotech News and Review  by, Aerotech News and Review, the U.S. government,   origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political   include military ranks and proper writing etiquette.  to his Airmen and the mission for the 57th Wing at Nellis Air   takes notes during a pre-flight briefing at the 17th Weapons  assigned to the 336th Fighter Squadron, Seymour Johnson
 Stuart Ibberson, Editor  the Department of Defense or the Department of the   affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the   Corrections: Desert Lightning  News  staff
 Tinna Sellie, Editorial Layout  members strive for accurac y each week .   Force Base, Nev., Oct. 21, 2020. Kelly coined several Airmen   Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., Oct. 21, 2020. The  AFB, N.C., is a dual-role fighter designed to perform air-to-
 Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales  Air Force.  purchaser, user or patron.  If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert   from different Air Force Specialty Codes for their exemplary   U.S. Air Force Weapons School trains tactical experts and  air and air-to-ground missions. The 336th FS participated in
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 ConTACT: Editorial Staff at 334-718-3509  including inserts and supplements, does not constitute   Lightning News is no later than Monday, 4:30 p.m.,   leadership and dedication to the 57th Wing and 99th Air   leaders to control and exploit air, space and cyber on behalf  the 17th Weapons Squadron’s Weapons Instructor Course
 For editorial staff: e-mail  an endorsement by the Department of Defense, the   the week of desired publication date., and we will consider   Base Wings’ missions.   of the joint force.   at the U.S. Air Force Weapons School.
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