Page 7 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 6, 2020
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Air Force photo contest winners Rehab program helps vets find employment
highlight family theme by John Archiquette VA, another government service, or a community employer,” with the Salvation Army, and within weeks, a VASNHS
said James Edmonds, VASNHS Vocational Rehabilitation mental health counselor referred him to the community
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare
service. He soon got an apartment and began work as a
find a job and get their feet back on the ground.”
VA Southern Nevada Healthcare System recognizes Com- Counselor. “We’ve had a lot of success with helping veterans integration program and the vocational rehabilitation
by Armando Perez Place, Kai Chapa, Scott AFB, Ill.; and Third Place, pensated Work Therapy Rehabilitation Week, honoring VA VASNHS vocational rehabilitation provides service to housekeeper at the North Las Vegas Medical Center. “I’ve
CWT vocational rehabilitation counselors, managers and more than 100 veterans each year. Many of those Veterans never gone without a job, and I’m happy to be working
JB San Antonio-Lackland, Texas Leonardo Arroyo, Eglin AFB, Fla. peer support specialists who provide services to more than receive employment through government or private hiring again,” said Evans.
Youth 13-17 years — First Place, Katelyn Wood, programs upon completion of the program. “Supporting Evans is one of several current participants of the VAN-
The U.S. Air Force recently announced its 2020 Minot AFB, N.D.; Second Place, Lyla Keizer, Joint 100 local Veterans each year.
VASNHS’ CWT services are integrated with clinical Veterans’ efforts to gain meaningful work benefits veterans, SHS vocational rehabilitation program who has been asked
photo contest winners. Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas; and care to assist veterans with mental health or physical health our communities,” said Edmonds. to apply for permanent employment. “Bill (Evans) has
The winners — first, second and third place in Third Place, Cooper Henry, RAF Alconbury, United challenges, including serious mental illness, Post-traumatic For one veteran, vocational rehabilitation services helped been a hard worker since day one. He’s done a great job in
five categories — were among more than 600 entries Kingdom Stress Disorder, polytrauma and traumatic brain injury, him to turn his life around. housekeeping.”
submitted for the annual contest. Adult Novice — First Place, Amanda Hunter, Hill substance use disorder, homelessness, and other psycho- Bill Evans moved to Las Vegas from Greenville, S.C., in VASNHS’ CWT services are integral to helping veterans
Travis Klare of Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., took AFB, Utah; Second Place, Travis Klare, Nellis AFB, logical issues that may interfere with them securing gainful February after a divorce from his wife of 30 years. “I needed overcome employment barriers and return to meaningful em-
second place honors in the Adult Novice category. Nev.; and Third Place, Romina Divincenzo, Defense employment. a new start,” Evans said. “But then the pandemic hit, and I ployment. For more information on eligibility for the program,
Entries for this year’s competition with a theme of Logistics Agency, New Cumberland, Penn. “The Compensated Work Therapy program has been a was out on the streets.” visit
“We Are Family” were submitted in July. Participants Adult Accomplished — First Place, Bryan Holm, great way for veterans to find work, whether it is here at the The 65-year old Navy veteran found a homeless shelter peutic_and_Supported_Employment_Services_TSES.asp.
entered up to two images for one of the categories. A Davis-Monthan AFB, Ariz.; Second Place, Justin
panel judged the entries based on impact, creativity Bellamy, Luke AFB, Ariz., and Third Place, Crystal
and technical excellence. Johnson, JB Charleston, S.C. __________
“The entries this year were just as amazing as “We actually had an individual who won in last honor, from Page 6 Birthday, Memorial Day, Veterans Day that the commemoration of this day Veterans Day continues to be ob-
last year’s entries,” said Darlene Johnson, Air Force year’s contest win in this year’s contest,” Johnson and Columbus Day. It was thought was a matter of historic and patriotic served on Nov. 11, regardless of the day
Services Center Community and Leisure Programs said. “Kinsley Miller from Joint Base McGuire-Dix- Since March 1989 when VA was that these extended weekends would significance to a great number of our of the week on which it falls. The res-
director. “The photos really brought the meaning of Lakehurst won in the Youth 6-8-year-old category last elevated to a cabinet level department, encourage travel, recreational and cul- citizens, and so on Sept. 20, 1975, Presi- toration of the observance of Veterans
this year’s theme to life.” year, and this year she won in the Youth 9-12-year-old the Secretary of Veterans Affairs has tural activities, and stimulate greater dent Gerald R. Ford signed Public Law Day to Nov. 11 not only preserves the
Although the timeline to judge the entries was category.” served as the committee’s chairman. industrial and commercial production. 94-97 (89 Stat. 479), which returned the historical significance of the date, but
constrained due to installation force support squad- Another first time judge, Taylor Stone, Arts and The Uniform Holiday Bill (Public Many states did not agree with this annual observance of Veterans Day to helps focus attention on the important
ron activities being closed, the theme brought much Crafts director at Kadena Air Base, Japan, has a Law 90-363 (82 Stat. 250)) was signed decision and continued to celebrate the its original date of Nov. 11, beginning in purpose of Veterans Day: A celebra-
emotion to the judging as shared by Jacqueline White, bachelor’s degree in fine arts with a focus in painting on June 28, 1968, and was intended to holidays on their original dates. 1978. This action supported the desires tion to honor America’s veterans for
Arts and Crafts director at McConnell Air Force from the University of North Carolina at Asheville. ensure three-day weekends for federal The first Veterans Day under the new of the overwhelming majority of state their patriotism, love of country, and
Base, Kansas. She was impressed by the visual capture from the employees by celebrating four national law was observed with much confusion legislatures, all major veterans’ service willingness to serve and sacrifice for
“The theme was very appropriate for this year with adult accomplished entries, but it was the youth cat- holidays on Mondays: Washington’s on Oct. 25, 1971. It was quite apparent organizations and the American people. the common good.
regards to all we are dealing with COVID-19,” White egories that stood out in their interpretation of family.
said. “The entries were varied, original and creative. “It’s great to see young minds being creative and
Some of the entries brought tears to my eyes and expressing themselves through art and photography,”
tugged on my heartstrings.” Stone said. “Family doesn’t have to be blood related
This is White’s first year judging the contest and and can be anyone that makes you feel at home, as
not only was she surprised by the number of entries these entries really showcase.” (A) Go ask your mother. GREAT RATES FOR
she judged, but how close each of the photos repre- For those looking forward to next year’s contest, When life throws you a financial challenge, (B) Because I said so.
you’ve proven you have what it takes to ace it.
Now it’s time to tackle your retirement savings
sented the theme. Stone said all entries are welcome and those with little at (C) We’ll see. MILITARY MEMBERS
“Families were depicted in many different ways in to no experience could become next year’s winners. There are no perfect answers in parenting.
the pictures and this is proof the military family is a “Don’t be nervous to submit an entry; greatness
broad and close-knit community,” she said. can come from everywhere and really take time to
Category winners are: consider the theme, as that was a large criteria for Military Discounts
Youth 6-8 years — First Place, Lelia Santiago, judging,” she said.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colo.; Second Place, Aiden Look for information about the 2021 Air Force • Active & Guard
Akridge, Robins AFB, Ga.; and Third Place, Autumn Photo Contest in the spring. In addition to the photo • Reserve & Retired
Hardt, Luke AFB, Ariz. contest, AFSVC conducts an annual Air Force Art Look for me!
Youth 9-12 years — First Place, Kinsley Miller, Contest. Call for entries for that contest will run from • Flexible payment options
Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J.; Second Jan. 15-Feb. 15.
Call 702-643-0057, or visit us at
honor, from Page 1 ______________ vance of this anniversary, all veterans, all veterans’
organizations, and the entire citizenry will wish 3315 W. Craig Rd.
An Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a) ap- to join hands in the common purpose. Toward
proved May 13, 1938, made Nov. 11 in each year a this end, I am designating the Administrator of •Auto
legal holiday — a day to be dedicated to the cause Veterans’ Affairs as Chairman of a Veterans Day
of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and National Committee, which shall include such other •Home
known as “Armistice Day.” persons as the Chairman may select, and which will
Armistice Day was primarily a day set aside to coordinate at the national level necessary planning 702.646.9955 •Motorcycle
honor veterans of World War I, but in 1954, after for the observance. I am also requesting the heads
World War II had required the greatest mobiliza- of all departments and agencies of the Executive 877.917.7990 •Boat
tion of Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen in branch of the Government to assist the National
the nation’s history; after American forces had Committee in every way possible.”
fought aggression in Korea, the 83rd Congress, at On that same day, President Eisenhower
the urging of the veterans service organizations, sent a letter to the Honorable Harvey V. Higley, 10%
amended the Act of 1938 by striking out the word Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs, designating MILITARY
“Armistice” and inserting in its place the word him as Chairman of the Veterans Day National DISCOUNT
“Veterans.” With the approval of this legislation Committee.
(Public Law 380) on June 1, 1954, Nov. 11 became In 1958, the White House advised VA’s Gen-
a day to honor American veterans of all wars. eral Counsel that the 1954 designation of the VA 6.5” AD SPACE
Later that same year, on Oct. 8, President Administrator as Chairman of the Veterans Day North Las Vegas
Dwight D. Eisenhower issued the first “Veterans National Committee applied to all subsequent VA
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