Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, November 6, 2020
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4   November 6, 2020  News  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa  Desert lightNiNg News s. NevaDa  News                                    November 6, 2020    5           
 Businesses offer discounts, free meals to veterans  Holiday spirit starts early for one Reservist

 Veterans Day 2020 is on Wednes-  active-duty service members get a   Denny’s locations, 5 a.m.-noon,   Lucille’s BBQ: Veterans and active   Royalty members are being offered
 day, Nov. 11. Many businesses and   free order of 10 boneless wings and   Nov. 12.   duty military will enjoy 20 percent   a free Tavern Double Burger and   By Natalie Stanley  In 2016, Fishell and his volunteers were able
 organizations are continuing a long-  fries on Nov. 11. The offer is avail-  Famous Dave’s: Military personnel   off in the month of November, with   Bottomless Steak Fries anytime   Nellis AFB, Nev.  to deliver the toys directly to the children and
 standing tradition in offering free   able for dine-in or takeout.  and veterans are being offered a   proof of service (excludes Thanks-  between Nov. 11-30 for dine-in or   he said the look on their faces was priceless.
 meals and discounts to veterans.  Chili’s Grill & Bar: All veterans   free meal on Nov. 11 at participat-  giving Day and Thanksgiving   to-go.  The holidays are a time of giving and for   “It was really cool to see the direct impact,”
 Due to COVID-19  however,   and active duty military personnel   ing locations only. Valid for dine-  menu items).   Starbucks: Veterans, military   Master Sgt. Caleb Fishell, 926th Aircraft Main-  he said. “You would never guess they were fight-
 some organizations are now offering   can get a free meal from a special   in, to go and online ordering. Use   Old Country Buffet: Active duty,   service members and military   tenance Squadron unit training manager at  ing an illness, they were running around like
 discounts to veterans all the time,   menu on Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11,   code VETERAN for online orders.   reserve, or retired military per-  spouses get a free tall (12-oounce)   Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Giving back to local  normal, wanting to open toys.”
 instead of their regular Veterans   2020, at all participating Chili’s   Not valid for call-in orders. Proof of   sonnel in uniform or with a valid   hot brewed coffee at participating
 Day discounts. These adjustments   Grill and Bar restaurants. Available   military service is required. Please   ID receive 15 percent discount on   stores on Nov. 11.  Las Vegas families has been something he’s been   Over the years, Fishell has encouraged his
 help veterans take advantage of the   for in restaurant only. Please call   call ahead  to your local Famous   Military Mondays (Every Monday   Texas Roadhouse: is handing out   involved with since 2012.  Airmen to be a part of the process, hoping it
 discounts offered, while avoiding   ahead to your local Chili’s restau-  Dave’s for details.  including Memorial Day) at Old   vouchers for a free meal to all Vet-  It all began when an Airman at the 926th  will show them how just a little time can make
 the usual Veterans Day crowds.  rant if you have any questions about   Golden Corral: On Nov. 11, 2020   Country Buffet. Be sure to ask your   erans and Active Duty military   Wing was going through a cancer battle and  a huge impact.
 Before visiting one of the res-  your Veterans Day meals.  from 5-9 p.m., Golden Corral offers   server for more details.  from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Veterans   wing leadership wanted to show their support   “Just the smallest donation goes a long way,”
 taurants listed, please contact them   Claim Jumper: This year on Vet-  a free sit-in “thank you” dinner for   Outback Steakhouse: All service-  Day. Vouchers will be distributed   by donating to the community, specifically to  he said. “People don’t realize putting a can of
 directly to make sure they are par-  erans Day, Claim Jumper locations   military veterans, retirees, and ac-  men and women receive 10 percent   in the parking lots at Texas Road-  kids with cancer.  food in a box or donating a toy can bring some-
 ticipating in this year’s discount   are offering a free meal for veter-  tive duty members.  off their check all day, every day,   house locations.
 programs.  ans. You’ll also get a $5 discount for   IHOP: Free Red, White and Blue   with valid ID. Call or visit your   Wienerschnitzel: Wienerschnitzel   Fishell volunteered to spearhead a toy dona-  one to tears.”
 Abuelo’s Mexican Restaurant:   your next visit. The free meal you   pancakes. All active duty and veter-  nearest location for details.   is giving eligible veterans and ac-  tion for a local nonprofit and, along with other   Fishell is also involved in gathering donations
 Veterans and active-duty military   can get can be anything from their   ans are invited to come in and enjoy   Pilot-Flying J: All active-duty and   tive duty customers a chili dog,   wing members, arranged to deliver the donated  for local nonprofits that help homeless school
 can choose one free entrée from the   special Veterans Day menu, which   Free Red, White, & Blue Pancakes   retired military veterans get a free   small fries and a small Pepsi. Proof   toys to make the children’s holiday brighter.  children with food and other necessary supplies.
 Veterans Day menu on Nov. 11 at   you’ll receive when you visit the   on Nov. 11, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  breakfast including a coffee, Mon-  of service is required.   “The whole purpose was to help the burden of   While COVID-19 precautions will change
 select locations.  restaurant. Veterans must show of-  Little Caesars: Veterans and active   day through Sunday, Nov. 9-15 at   Yard House: Veterans and active   treatment, especially during the holidays,” said  the way Fishell and his team gather and deliver
 Applebee’s: Veterans and active-  ficial verification of their service to   military members can visit Little   Pilot and Flying J locations.  The   duty military guests get a com-  Fishell. “I’m sure the last thing the families in  their donations this year, it won’t bring an end
 duty military receive a free meal   take advantage of this Veterans Day   Caesars from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.,   offer is available via the app.  plimentary appetizer on Nov. 11.
 from a limited menu at participat-  free meal. Tax and gratuity aren’t   Nov. 11 for a free $5 Lunch Combo.   Red Lobster: Veterans and active   Please visit the Yard House website   that situation are thinking about is toys.”  to the holiday spirit.
 ing Applebee’s on Nov. 11. Dine-in   included, this is for dine-in only,   This Veterans Day free meal in-  duty military can receive a free   or contact your nearest location   Although Fishell and his team weren’t able   Seeing the impact on the kids and the non-
 only.   and casino locations are excluded   cludes four slices of Little Caesars   appetizer or dessert from a select   for details.  to interact directly with the children the first  profit program leaders is what motivates Fishell
 BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse:   from the offer.  Detroit-style DEEP!DEEP!™ Dish   menu on Nov. 11, 2020, with a valid   7-Eleven: Active-duty, retired, vet-  year, the experience was so impactful he has  to keep serving his community and empowering   Air Force photograph by Natalie Stanley
 On Nov. 11, all current and former   Denny’s – Nov.  12, 2020: All   pizza, plus a 20-ounce drink. Just   military ID or proof of service. The   eran, Guard, reservists and family   been gathering toys and other gifts every holiday  others to get involved.  Master Sgt. Caleb Fishell, 926th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron’s unit
 military members receive a free   veterans  and active duty service   present proof of service, which can   offer will be available for dine-in   members who are Veterans Advan-  season since.  “I just don’t want to see this fail,” he said. “All   training manager, poses with toys he plans to donate to a local nonprofit,
 entree up to $14.95, plus a free Dr.   members with a valid military ID   include an ID card with a veteran   only.   tage and 7Rewards members, can   “I love it, even when you can’t see it, you know  it takes is one good cause to change someone’s   Oct. 29, 2020, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Fishell has been giving back to
 Pepper beverage. Dine-in only.  or DD 214 receive a free Build Your   designation, a DD-214 form, or a   Red Robin: Veterans and active   receive a free coffee or Big Gulp on   local Las Vegas families since 2012.
 Buffalo Wild Wings: Veterans and   Own Grand Slam at participating   current military-issued ID card.  duty military who are Red Robin   Veterans Day.  you’re helping somebody in need,” he said.  world.”

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