Page 13 - Season Brochure, AV College Performing Arts Theatre 2015-16
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Antelope Valley Symphony Orchestra and Master Chorale | Antelope Valley College Concert Choir

                                                               David Newby, Artistic Director

The Antelope Valley Symphony Orchestra and Master Chorale and the Antelope Valley College Concert Choir celebrate the
                            Antelope Valley Master Chorale’s 25th Anniversary with four great programs.

Autumn Romance                           Classical Christmas                      Stars of Tomorrow                       Ode to Joy

October 17, 2015 | 8 pm                  December 12, 2015 | 8 pm                 March 26, 2016 | 8 pm                   May 21, 2016 | 8 pm
Frederic Chopin, Piano Concerto          Johann Sebastian Bach,                   Bac h Competition Winners
No. 1 in E Minor, Op.11                 Cantata 147, “Herz und Mund                                                      Beethoven, Symphony No. 9
                                         und Tat und Leben”                          Recital | 7 pm                       in D Minor, Op. 123
   Leah Kang, piano                      Ralph Vaughan Williams, Hodie            Con certo Competition Winners,         Antelope Valley
Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky, Symphony No. 6     With its timeless chorus “Jesu, Joy of                                           Symphony Orchestra
in B Minor, Op. 74 (“Pathètique”)        Man’s Desiring,” Bach’s Advent cantata      TBA                                  Antelope Valley
Former Antelope Valley College           offers a beautiful start to the holiday  Winners of the AVSOMC’s 2016            Master Chorale
music instructor Leah Kang performs      season. Vaughan Williams’s final work    Gail Newby Concerto Competition         Antelope Valley College
Chopin’s first piano concerto, which     for chorus and orchestra, Hodie          join the orchestra.                     Concert Choir
the composer premiered as a farewell     (“This Day”), is a masterwork of         Bach Competition winners
to his native Poland. Tchaikovsky        sonority and color.                      perform a prelude recital at            Beethoven’s inclusion of
acknowledged a “private and personal”                                             7 pm.                                   choir in his final symphony
program for his Sixth Symphony and                                                                                        helped establish it as a unique
considered it his greatest composition.                           Tickets for each performance:                           masterwork. Based on Friederich
Premiered only nine days before his      $20 | Senior, Military, AVC Staff $18 | Youth (Under 18), AVC Students $10       Schiller’s An die Freude, the
death, the work has been a cornerstone                                                                                    symphony is a universal
of symphonic repertoire ever since.      The AVSOMC concert season is sponsored in part by Los Angeles County Supervisor  acclamation of brotherhood.
                                                                          Michael D. Antonovich
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