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20 January 8, 2016 Desert Lightning News
Team Davis-Monthan wins AFRC Recruiting award
From the 943rd Rescue Group
DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- way to take care of their applicants. All of them will be future leaders in
“Team Davis-Monthan” won the Top Flight in Air Force our program. Anyone who is interested in becoming a Citizen Airman or
Reserve Command Recruiting Service for FY 1015, hav- who wishes to transition from active duty to the Air Force Reserve may call
ing met 209 percent of their annual accessions goal. (520) 228-0821 or 1650 to speak with a line or in-service recruiter or an
officer accessions specialist.
Additionally, Master Sgt. Adam Eldard, 943rd Rescue
Group in-service recruiter, won Top Recruiter in the
command for FY 2015, having met 235 percent of his an-
nual accessions goal.
“Team Davis-Monthan” includes: Senior Master Sgt.
Clark Gilleo (flight chief ), Senior Master Sgt. Cherie Rog-
ers (flight chief ), Master Sgt. Adam Eldard (in-service re-
cruiter), Master Sgt. Gabriel Silva (in-service recruiter),
Master Sgt. Tyler Max (officer accessions), Master Sgt.
John Herrick (line recruiter), Tech. Sgt. Martin Guardado
(line recruiter), Tech. Sgt. Anthony White (in-service re-
cruiter), and Jan Dietman (administrative assistant).
The recruiting zones for “Team Davis-Monthan” include the greater
Tucson, Ariz., area, and Holloman Air Force Base, N.M. “We had an awe-
some team of NCOs who really took recruiting to the next level,” said Gil-
leo, of their success. “They were always professional and went out of their
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