Page 22 - Desert Lightning News 1-8-16
P. 22

22                                                  January 8, 2016                                    Desert Lightning News



U.S. Service Member killed, 2 others injured in Marjah

Lisa Ferdinando                                     Afghanistan.                                       rity in Afghanistan is through an Afghan-led and
                                                       “We are deeply saddened by this                 Afghan-owned peace process,” he said.
DoD News
                                                    loss,” Army Brig. Gen. Wilson A.                      Today was a difficult day for U.S. forces, and
   WASHINGTON — A U.S. service member               Shoffner said. “On behalf of Gen.                   Afghan forces have “suffered greatly” as well, he
was killed and two others were injured today        Campbell and all of [U.S. Forces                   said.
after they came under fire in Afghanistan’s Hel-     Afghanistan], our heartfelt sym-
mand province, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter       pathies go out to the families and                    “This is an ongoing fight,” Cook said.
Cook said.                                          friends of those involved.”                           “I think the events of the last few hours in
                                                                                                       Afghanistan highlight the risks that the Afghan
   Defense Secretary Ash Carter was updated            Two HH-60 Pave Hawk medical                     forces are taking every single day, and of course,
throughout the day on the situation, including      evacuation helicopters were sent to                the risks that the American forces who are there
through a previously scheduled videoconference      provide assistance, Cook said. One                 assisting them are taking as well,” he said.
with commanders in the Afghan capital of Kabul,     was waved off after taking fire and
Cook said at a news conference.                     returned safely to its base, while the
                                                    other landed safely but sustained
   “His thoughts and prayers are with the family    damage to its rotor blades after ap-
members of those injured and killed in this situ-   parently striking a wall, he said.
ation,” Cook said.
                                                       U.S. Confident, Challenges Remain
   The U.S. forces came under fire in Marjah            The situation in Helmand and throughout Af-
while conducting a “train, advise and assist” mis-  ghanistan remains challenging, Cook said. The
sion with their Afghan special operations coun-     United States is confident the Afghan national
terparts on the ground, Cook said. A number of      security and defense forces are continuing to de-
Afghan forces were injured as well, he added.       velop the capabilities and capacity to secure the
                                                    country against a “persistent insurgent threat,”
   Campbell Offers Condolences                      Cook said.
   In a statement, the spokesman for U.S. Forces       “The U.S. and Afghan governments agree that
Afghanistan expressed condolences on behalf of      the best way to ensure lasting peace and secu-
Army Gen. John F. Campbell, the commander of
the Resolute Support mission and of U.S. Forces

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