Page 21 - Desert Lightning News 1-8-16
P. 21

Desert Lightning News                                     January 8, 2016                                         21



Wisdom teeth removal: Wise or not?

Capt. Karissa Rumple                                      pletely out, or are in a position that makes it diffi-    about your wisdom teeth and discuss the risks
                                                          cult to clean them adequately, the best thing is to     and benefits for your particular case. Also, with
59th Dental Group                                         have them removed before cavities, gum disease,         summer right around the corner, now is the per-
                                                          or an infection develop. Another common find-            fect time to get your teenagers in with your local
   JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND,                       ing involves wisdom teeth that are positioned in        dentist or oral surgeon for an evaluation to see
Texas -- Some people have none, some people have          a wrong way and pressing against the tooth in           if they should have their wisdom teeth removed.
more than four, but on a daily basis, patients are get-   front of them, creating damage.                         Prevention is the key to avoid tooth pain and/or
ting their wisdom teeth removed. Do you or your                                                                   infection in the future.
children have any? Are they predicted to be prob-            On the other hand, some wisdom teeth are com-
lematic in the future? These are questions patients       pletely encased in bone and are not expected to
should ask their dental providers to have an adequate     move much. In those cases, if there is no disease
understanding of their individual situation.              around the wisdom teeth, there is no need to extract
                                                          them, as there are important anatomical structures,
   Frequently, patients are under the impression that     like nerves, that could be affected.
either everyone needs to get them out, or they do
not need to unless they are causing pain. In reality,        When it comes to mouth pain, everyone gets
there are several reasons you should or should not        concerned but it may or may not be something to
plan to get wisdom teeth extracted.                       cause alarm. Sometimes patients experience pain as
                                                          the tooth starts to break through the gums. At this
   Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are          stage, teeth do not necessarily need to be removed;
like a box of chocolates: they come in a variety of siz-  they may just need the time to fully grow through
es, shapes, and positions, all of which have an impact    the gums and will be healthy teeth from that point
on the decision of whether or not to extract them.        forward. In other cases, however, the pain may be
Some people have sufficient space in their mouth            caused by something more severe such as a large
and are able to keep their teeth clean and healthy, so    cavity or infection. Waiting until this pain occurs is
they may not need to have them removed.                   far from ideal, as with age the procedure and healing
                                                          become more difficult for the patient.
   As with any other tooth, it is very important
to keep wisdom teeth clean, which for many pa-               At your next dental exam, ask your provider
tients is a difficult task. If they are completely
erupted, poking through the gums but not com-

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