Page 11 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 11 11High Desert Warrior
Your InstMaarlchl4a, 2t01i6on
From POWER, page 10
Photo courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District. Photo by Leslie Ozawa, Public Affairs Office
A large solar farm built next to the new Weed Army Community Hospital on North (Outer) A 1-megawatt concentrated photo-voltaic solar farm on Goldstone Road (past the Fort
Loop Road will provide the hospital with 2.4 megawatts, 100 percent of its projected daily Irwin stables) is a pilot program that is more efficient, since it uses a lenses to focus
average consumption. The hospital’s roof will hold a solar thermal system to provide hot the light to the cells and the movable panels can track the sun during the day. It went
water for domestic use. operational July 2015.
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