Page 6 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 6
6 High Desert Warrior
March 4, 2016
Community Calendar
Storytime. 10-11 a.m. Library, building 331 on 2nd Street. Public Affairs Office
During Storytime children will have three stories read to them
after which they will make a craft they can bring home. This is a The Army Emergency Relief fundraising campaign has to nearly 47,000 Soldiers and Families, which includes $9
free event open to the Fort Irwin community. Register by calling kicked-off at Fort Irwin and will go through May 15. million for 4,102 scholarships to military spouses and children.
The Army-wide campaign takes place annually and aims Soldiers needing AER assistance can contact their unit
SKIESUNLIMITED INSTRUCTORS to garner contributions for the program that helps Soldiers chain of command or call the Fort Irwin AER office at 380-
and their families with financial challenges. This year’s theme 3513. Additional information is available at
SKIESUnlimited is looking for instructors to teach youth of is “Never Leave a Soldier in Need.”
all ages in martial arts, piano, guitar, voice, gymnastics, dance,
group sports, and to be tutors. For more information email According to an AER news release, AER has made signifi- cant changes to meet the needs of today’s Army, adding new
categories of assistance, expediting the assistance process and
MARCH 5 increasing grants by 30 percent.
Skate-a-thon. Noon to 4 p.m. 11ACR Barracks on Barstow Road Last September, AER made a policy change allowing all
and Ninth St. Hosted by Heavy ArmHER Roller Derby. Free Soldiers, regardless of rank, direct access to AER assistance.
bounce house and hot dogs, sponsored by USO; 10 percent of
proceeds go to a community project. We are a recreational roller “’Never Leaving a Soldier in Need’ is in keeping with the
derby league in Fort Irwin. Our team consists of women from all Army’s core values,” said AER’s director, retired Army Lt.
walks of life committed to skating, derby, fun, and the commu- Gen. Robert Foley. “Whether the need is money for a Soldier’s
nity. For more information go to http://heavyarmherrollerderby. emergency leave, new brakes for the family car or to cover the initial rent deposit on a new apartment, AER is there! To
maintain this level of assistance today, donations from Soldiers,
MARCH 6 active and retired, are essential to ensure the legacy of Soldiers
helping Soldiers.”
United States Marine Corps Battle Color Ceremony. 1 p.m.
Sorensen Field at Marine Corps Logistics Base in Barstow. Free Army Emergency Relief is a private non-profit organization
and open to the public. and since it was founded in 1942, it has provided more than
$1.7 billion to more than 3.6 million Soldiers and Families.
MARCH 9 Last year AER provided more than $71 million in assistance
Cooking class. 10-11 a.m. Commissary. Cooking class offered on March 2016 Middle School and Teen Center Events:
the second Wednesday of the month.
March 4 Kids/Teen Choice March 21 Middle School News
MARCH 12 March 5 MST Crafts March 23 Drama Club
March 9 Drama Club March 24 Spring Fling at Middle School Field
Planned Power Outage. 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fort Irwin. Southern March 11 Kids/Teen Choice March 25 Kids/Teen Choice
California Edison conducts substation upgrades and systems March 12 MST Crafts March 26 MST Crafts
maintenance on a transmission line that services Fort Irwin. March 16 Cooking Club March 28 Spring Camp starts/Disneyland trip
March 18 Kids/Teen Choice March 30 Landsailing with Outdoor Rec
MARCH 16 March 19 MST Crafts
Food Truck Taste-A-Thon. Furniture store parking lot. Judging March 4 March 12 7 p.m. The Choice (PG-13)
from 11 to 11:45 a.m. Come see the winner and stay for lunch! 7 p.m. Zootopia (PG) 7 p.m. Zootopia (PG)
March 20
MARCH 21-24 March 5 March 13 7 p.m. The Boy (PG-13)
7 p.m. Zootopia (PG) 7 p.m. The 5th Wave (PG-13)
4th Annual NTC Truck Roadeo. Open to all NTC and Fort March 25
Irwin Soldiers. Vehicle competition categories include light March 6 March 18 7 p.m. Fifty Shades of Black (R)
(HMMWV), medium (LMTV) and heavy (HET). Promote 7 p.m. Zootopia (PG) 7 p.m. Pride and Prejudice and
competition and camaraderie amongst units. Sponsored by Zombies (PG-13) March 26
1916th Support Battalion and MWR. For more information call March 11 4 p.m. Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG)
380-3822 or email 7 p.m. Dirty Grandpa (R) March 19 7 p.m. The Finest Hours (PG-13)
4 p.m. Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG)
Tickets: Adult - $5.00/3D-$7.00, Children 6-11 - $2.50/3D-$4.50 Five and Under are FREE. This schedule is subject to
Easter Egg Hunt. 4-6 p.m. Main Exchange. Coloring contest change at the last minute to accommodate changes in movies and free showings. ID cards are required from all person-
and great prizes.
nel not in uniform when purchasing movie tickets. For more information and movie updates, call 380-3490.
Awesome 80’s Flashback Run 5K. 8:30 a.m. Resiliency Center. $5
run registration. Also, work out of the day (WOD) for $5. Bright
colors, leg warmers, leotards, big hair, and Madonna look-alikes
welcomed! Call 380-7715/4940.
MARCH 28-31
Drivers Education course for teens. Must be at least 15.5 years
old. Sign up at Class takes place
on Fort Irwin, behind the wheel training will be scheduled with
instructor in Barstow. $305. Must be enrolled in CYSS. 30 hours
in class or online, and six hours on behind the wheel. For more
information call the SKIESUnlimited program at 380-7751.
For more information go to