Page 4 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 4

4 High Desert Warrior                                                                                                             
        March 4, 2016

Your Schools

Intermediate school charts strategy for

continued success

                By Gustavo Bahena                    for school districts.                                                                                                                 Photo by Aubrey Zucco, TVIS principal
                                                        At the TVIS meeting, four presentations      Silver Valley Unified School District officials, Tiefort View Intermediate School
                 Public Affairs Office                                                               administrators and teachers, parents, and students gathered at the TVIS library to discuss
                                                     were conducted that explained the school’s      the school’s strategy for success, Feb. 19.
   Tiefort View Intermediate School at Fort          methods and future plans for: technology, par-
Irwin hosted a strategic planning meeting with       ent and community involvement, response to      include additional information for parents in  used at home, more information about school
school district officials, administrators, teach-    intervention (RTI), and positive behavior in-   a monthly newsletter distributed by the TVIS   activities, and a link to a technology website.
ers, students and parents, Feb 19.                   terventions and support (PBIS). The attendees   Parent Teacher Organization, said Zucco.       One overall theme included the importance of
                                                     then provided input in the form of recommen-    That will include PBIS techniques that can be
   The meeting served as a collaboration and         dations for additional directions in which the                                                                                See SCHOOL, page 5
brain-storming session at the local level within     school can take, said Cameron Smart, senior
the Silver Valley Unified School District, which     director of student services with SVUSD.
manages seven schools in the high desert. Three
of those schools are located within the garrison        The principal, Aubrey Zucco, stated that
of the National Training Center; the district’s      PBIS is a program that aims at changing a
Silver Valley High School, in Yermo, Calif.,         way of thinking to influence behavior. It in-
serves most high-school aged students of this        cludes wording phrases in positive terms and
military installation.                               informing students of expectations that are
                                                     desired and letting them achieve those levels
   The school district has implemented a             of expectations.
strategy for its schools that encompasses four
pillars, or priorities, which are: student achieve-     The PBIS program at TVIS is called SHARP
ment, technology, student/parent support and         for safe, honest, accountable, respectful and
fostering a culture of excellence leading to         positive.
district stability.
                                                        Smart explained a goal of SHARP is to set
   Jeff Youskievicz, assistant superintendent of     positive expectations and then work to moti-
educational services with SVUSD, stated the          vate and recognize students when they’re meet-
four areas fall under the district’s’ local control  ing the expectations rather than waiting for
and accountability plan (LCAP) the state of          undesired behavior and applying consequences.
California has requested of all districts in the
state. The LCAP is tied directly to state funding       The strategy meeting recommended to

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