Page 5 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 5                                                                                                                                                             5High Desert Warrior
                                                                                                                                                                                          Your MSarcchh4, 2o016ols

                                                 From SCHOOL, page 4

reaching out to families (the school already holds “Parents
Advocating Student Success” meetings at 5:30 p.m. on

   “Between our four presentations and the feedback we
got from the students and the parents – we are doing things
well,” Zucco said.

   The proof is also in the statistics. Smart opened the
meeting with a briefing on the academic achievement of
TVIS and SVUSD, compared to other schools and districts
during 2014-15. The intermediate school ranked highest in
English Language Arts and math scores, under California
Smarter Balanced Assessments, among nine school districts
in the high desert; SVUSD ranked highest, as well, and also
ranked at the top in the county and state.

   “We, our teachers, support staff and students, did an
amazing … preparing our students, getting them ready,
teaching the new common course standards,” Youskievicz

   Youskievicz stressed that doing well in exams is not the
only objective at school.

   “It’s not just about preparing for the test, it’s about prepar-
ing them for the next step,” Youskievicz said. “Whether it’s
the next grade level, getting into college, a career – getting
them that exposure, that’s what this is about. It’s exposing
and getting them ready for life after this.”

   Youskievicz conveyed the value of holding strategy sum-
mits (one SVUSD school meets every month).

   “People say ‘How do you decide what you do?’ It’s
meetings like this that help us decide which direction our
programs take, and [what are] the needs of the parent and
the needs of the student.”

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