Page 2 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 2
2 High Desert Warrior
March 4, 2016
Army Values
Maj. Gen. Joseph Martin
Commanding General
Celebrating African American History Month Command Sgt. Maj. Edison Rebuck
Post CSM
Story and photos by with those who would -- hav- Obba Babatundé spoke at the African American History Month
Gustavo Bahena ing never met me -- be will- celebration here, Feb. 3. He is an American actor of stage and screen Col. Scott Taylor
ing to set forth to lay down and an avid horseman, regarded highly as a rider and trainer in the Garrison Commander
Public Affairs Office your life and limb for my rodeo circuit, including the annual Bill Pickett Rodeo. Command Sgt. Maj. Daniel O’Brien
freedom,” he said.
The National Training Garrison CSM
Center and Fort Irwin cel- Babatundé expressed the Kenneth Drylie
ebrated African American importance of the individual Public Affairs Director
History Month during a cer- and of being part of a com-
emony at Sandy Basin Com- munity. High Desert Warrior Staff
munity Center here, Feb. 3.
“You are special. You’re Gustavo Bahena, Editor
The event was coordi- powerful. You’re dynamic (760) 380-2452
nated by Regimental Support in what you do,” Babatundé
Squadron, 11th Armored said. “Look around you at Leslie Ozawa, Staff Writer/Photographer
Cavalry Regiment and the one another. We’re a family. (760) 380-3450
Equal Opportunity/Equal We’re a family that’s part of
Employment Opportunity the human family -- are we Jason Miller, Staff Writer/Photographer
office. The event included a not? And without that, noth- (760) 380-3073
video presentation, singing by ing happens. We have to be
Soldiers, Soldiers performing mindful of not segregating Agustin Rodriguez, Editorial Assistant
as famous African Americans, ourselves from the human
a reading of a Maya Angelo family. Because when we do
poem and cultural food sam- that, we create a divide and Aerotech News
pling. with that divide we can’t do
anything.” Emma Uribe, Graphic Designer
Guest speaker for the
event was Obba Babatun- Another message Baba- HIGH DESERT WARRIOR
dé -- an American actor of tundé imparted was recogniz-
stage and screen known for ing the connection of current High Desert Warrior, a civilian enterprise newspaper, is
his Emmy-nominated per- African American generations an authorized publication for members of the United
formance in the television to generations during slavery. States Army and Fort Irwin community. Contents of this
movie “Miss Evers’ Boys,” The significance and value of newspaper are not necessarily official view of, or en-
a NAACP Image Award- those generations should not dorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense,
nominated performance in be forgotten. Department of the Army or Fort Irwin and the National
the TV movie introducing Training Center. High Desert Warrior is prepared weekly
Dorothy Dandridge, and a “I want these young men by the Public Affairs Office, National Training Center and
Tony Award-nominated role and women [to] identify Fort Irwin, P.O. Box 105067, Fort Irwin, CA, 92310-5067.
for his performance as C.C. that they come from some- Telephone: 380-4511 or DSN 470-4511. FAX: 380-3075.
White in the original cast of thing … they are those same High Desert Warrior is distributed Monthly 12 Months per
the 1981 Broadway musical people in this generation as year. It is produced at Aerotech News and Review, 456
“Dreamgirls.” The actor/ those people were in that East Avenue K-4, Suite 8, Lancaster, CA, 93535,
producer is also an avid horse- generation,” Babatunde said (661) 945-5634. Printed circulation is 6,500. Aerotech
man and is a highly regarded in an interview prior to the News and Review is a private firm in no way connected
rider and trainer in the rodeo ceremony. with the Department of the Army and is responsible for
circuit, including the annual the commercial advertising found in this publication.
Bill Pickett Rodeo. Babatundé also spoke Everything advertised in this publication will be made
about identifying as part of available for purchase, use or patronage without regard
The commander of RSS, a world population. He said to race, color, religion, sex, national orientation, age,
Lt. Col. James Stephens, we should “see ourselves as marital status, physical handicap or political affiliation
spoke at the event and intro- citizens of the world, proud of the purchaser, user or patron. A confirmed violation
duced Babatundé. Stevens Americans going forth to of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser will
explained the theme for this represent the best of who we result in refusal to print advertising from that source. The
year’s observance as ‘Hal- are so the rest of the world appearance of advertisements in this publication does
lowed Ground’ -- which rec- can identify that this is the not constitute an endorsement by the Department of
ognizes places of significance place that becomes a standard the Army of the products or services advertised.
in the epic battle for civil bearer.” Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.
rights and equality. (877) 247-9288,
He concluded by reiterat-
“Today we celebrate the ing the impact that Soldiers NEWSPAPER AWARDS
heritage of Americans of have on the country.
African lineage and we hold 2nd Place, 2009 U.S. Army IMCOM-West
this observance to mark their “I have to bring thanks Newspaper Competition — Tabloid Category
significance in the fabric of to you from those who you
our American life and his- may never meet, citizens Honorable Mention, 2008 Dept. of the Army
tory,” Stevens said. of America, who say thank Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware
you for your commitment
Newspaper Competition — Tabloid category
3rd Place, 2007 U.S. Army IMCOM-West
Newspaper Competition — Tabloid Category
Send your questions, suggestions, or problems to:
1. Your chain of command
2. ICE (Interactive Customer Evaluation)
3. CG’s Hotline: 380-5463
Babatundé appreciated to a standard of excellence
servicemembers and leader- -- for your commitment to
ship in attendance by saying making sure that we remain Spc. Stephanie Jones sang at the 2016 Fort Irwin African American
he was honored to be there. safe against the ills and evils History Month ceremony. She serves with the National Training
that may await us,” Baba- Center Protocol Office.
“I have come today to be tundé said.
able to stand and commune
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