Page 14 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 14
14 High Desert Warrior
March 4, 2016
Your Soldiers
Waiting for ‘GO!’
Operations Group team performs parachute jump
Story and photos by Jason Miller training centers. Capt. Justin Bond, jumpmaster with Tarantula Team, Operations Group, shouts “GO!” –
Senior light task force trainer for the which signals the paratrooper to jump from the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter.
Public Affairs Office
Tarantula Team, Lt. Col. Brian Harthon,
Hand-picked United States Army Sol- explained the jump was unique, and occa-
diers with Tarantula Team – one of several sionally they jump from rotary wing aircraft
“critter” teams under Operations Group – in order to maintain their proficiency as
conducted a static line parachute jump at jumpmasters.
Drop Zone Noah here, Feb. 2.
“The majority of these airborne op-
The professionals conducted the cur- erations are performed jumping from high
rency jump from an UH-60 Blackhawk performance, fixed-winged aircraft (C-17
helicopter in order to continue provid- or C-130),” said Harthorn.
ing invaluable observation, control and
readiness training for thousands of light Visit the NTC Facebook page to view
airborne, air assault, Stryker, mechanized, Sgt. 1st Class Guillermo Orozco parachut-
armored task forces and cavalry squadrons ing from a UH-60 Blackhawk flown by
that visit the Army’s crown jewel of combat A Company, 2916th Aviation Battalion,
916th Sustainment Brigade.
Soldiers with Tarantula Team, Operations Group, conducted a currency jump in order to
continue providing invaluable observation, control and readiness training for thousands of
Soldiers at the National Training Center.
Sgt. 1st Class Jun Ramirez, jumpmaster with the 416th Civil Affairs Battalion, tucks Six Soldiers with Tarantula Team, Operations Group, make their way to an idling UH-60
the static line underneath the reserve harness of Lt. Col. Brian Harthorn, of Tarantula aircraft. They have been inspected by a jumpmaster and now are ready to jump.
Team, Operations Group. That procedure also indicates a Soldier has been inspected
by a jumpmaster.
For more information go to