Page 17 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 17                                                                             17High Desert Warrior
                                                                                                                               March 4, 2016
                                                                                                    Your Installation

                                                  From MOTORCYCLE, page 16                          Quarterly domestic water

and unit motorcycle mentor (UMM) prior            a signed memorandum for record (MFR)              public notice
to operating a motorcycle. This training is       stating the Soldier is authorized to attend
conducted by the UMM. The UMM can                 training on the date selected or send an email                     By Chris Woodruff                         Drinking water containing more than 4 mg/L
coordinate with the Garrison Safety Of-           to stating the                                                                 of fluoride can increase your risk of developing
fice for assistance and training materials if     same (the memorandum may be delivered                       DPW Water Resources Manager                   bone disease.
needed. A Soldier is authorized to ride his/      by the Soldier).
her motorcycle to training.                                                                            Fort Irwin’s water permit requires Fort Irwin to        Some people who drink water containing arse-
                                                     4. Soldier will sign up for the training       notify the public quarterly of the following:           nic in excess of the maximum contaminant levels
   United States Army Installation                in AIRS.                                                                                                  (California’s MCL is 10 μg/L) over many years
Management Command Traffic Safety                                                                      This is an alert about your drinking water and a     may experience skin damage or circulatory system
Training Program                                     5. Once the Soldier has signed up for          cosmetic dental problem that might affect children      problems, and may have an increased risk of cancer.
                                                  training, and either an email or MFR is           under 9 years of age. At low levels, fluoride can help  The domestic use water provided by the Fort Irwin
   In an effort to alleviate registration issues  received by the Garrison Safety Office, the       prevent cavities, but children drinking water con-      water system has an arsenic concentration ranging
in the Army IMCOM Registration system             Soldier’s status in AIRS will be changed from     taining more than 2 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of      from non-detected μg/L to 35 μg/L.
and prevent class cancelations due to lack of     “pending” to either “registered” or “standby.”    fluoride may develop cosmetic discoloration of their
enrollment, Soldiers who wish to take the         Note: steps 1 – 5 must be completed a mini-       permanent teeth (dental fluorosis). The domestic           For more information, contact the Water Re-
Army Traffic Safety Training Program Train-       mum of 10 days prior to the class start date      use water provided by the Fort Irwin water system       sources Manager, Fort Irwin DPW, at 380-4987
ing that requires AIRS registration (i.e. BRC,    or the Soldier will not be registered to attend.  has a fluoride concentration ranging from of 0.8        or P.O. Box 105085, Fort Irwin, CA 92310-5085
BRC2, MSRC, IDT and RDT) will:                                                                      mg/L to 11 mg/L.                                        (building 602 on 5th Street). For questions
                                                     6. One or two days after the MFR is                                                                    concerning Fort Irwin Water System opera-
   1. Contact their supervisor and UMM to         delivered to the Garrison Safety Office or an        Dental fluorosis may result in brown staining        tions contact CH2MHill at 386-9706. Some
request training.                                 email is sent, have the Soldier and/or supervi-   and/or pitting of the permanent teeth. This prob-       home water treatment units are also available
                                                  sor check the registration status in AIRS (see    lem occurs only in developing teeth, before they        to remove fluoride from drinking water. To
   2. Research the AIRS website for the           AIRS 4 enclosure for instructions) to verify      erupt from the gums. Children under 9 should use        learn more about available home water treat-
appropriate class and select a training           that the status changed from “pending” to         the reverse osmosis water to avoid the possibility of   ment units, call the California Department of
date at        either “registered” or “standby.” If there is an  staining and pitting of permanent teeth. You may        Health Services Water Treatment Device Unit
claimer.aspx                                      issue, call 380-7708 for clarification.           also want to contact your dentist about proper use      at (916) 323-5600.
                                                                                                    by young children of fluoride-containing products.
   3. Contact the chain of command (i.e.             7. Soldiers who are in a “Standby” status      Older children and adults may safely drink the water.
commander, first sergeant) and obtain             should show up for training even though they
authorization to attend training. The com-        may not have a guaranteed seat.
mander or first sergeant must either provide

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