Page 22 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 22


Mobile Homes for Rent             Services                                                                   Try a little

    10-Minutes from                6ZLWFKWR',5(&79DQGJHWD                                              TENDERNESS®
         FT IRWIN!                 $100 Gift Card. FREE Whole-
                                  +RPH*HQLH+''95XSJUDGH                                                    Save 77% on Omaha Steaks
        Approx. 500-Sqft.
       1-Bedroom, 1-Bath                Starting at $19.99/mo.                                               The Family Gourmet Feast                       PLUS, 4 more
       Refrigerator, Stove                  New Customers
                                                                                                             2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons                      Kielbasa
              No Pets                Only. Don't settle for cable.                                           2 (5 oz.) Top Sirloins                       Sausages
                                                 Call Now                                                    2 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops
         $450/Month                                                                                          4 Boneless Chicken Breasts (1 lb. pkg.)    FREE!
                                            1- 800-609-0109                                                  4 (3 oz.) Kielbasa Sausages
          Includes Water                                                                                     4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers           Limit 2 pkgs. at this price. Your 4 free sausages will be sent to each
        Call 818-378-9069         ',6+79FKDQQHOV+LJK-                                               15 oz. pkg. All-Beef Meatballs           shipping address that includes the Family Gourmet Feast 40332.
                                    speed Internet Only $49.95/                                              4 (3 oz.) Potatoes au Gratin             Limit of 1 free box of 4 (3 oz.) Kielbasa Sausages per shipment.
Employment Opportunities           PR$VNDERXWD\HDUSULFH                                             4 (4 oz.) Caramel Apple Tartlets         Standard S&H will be added per address. Not valid with other
                                            guarantee & get                                                                                           offers. Expires 5/3/16. ©2015 OCG | 601B120 | Omaha Steaks, Inc.
/RRNLQJIRUTXDOL¿HG05,7HFK-       1HWÀL[LQFOXGHGIRU\HDU                                           Omaha Steaks Seasoning Packet
                                            1-800-279-1290                                                   40332ZWJ | Reg. $219.91
   at Weed Army Community
              Hospital.               Garage & Yard Sales                                                    49Now Only $ 99

         Full time position         MOVING?...PCSing?                                                        1-800-795-3314 ask for 40332ZWJ
    $45-$55/hr: negotioable       GARAGE/YARD SALE?                                                
      based on experience.
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          425-518-9213.              Attract More Customers          %8==(''5,9,1*,6'581.'5,9,1*

    LOOKING for the                     :LWKD&ODVVL¿HG$G
  BEST APPLICANT?                         Call 877-247-9288

   *****************************      Aerotech News & Review
          Place An Ad for
                                             Real Estate
          Aerotech News               All real estate advertised
          877-247-9288              in this publication is subject
                                    to the Federal Fair Housing
        &DUV	7UXFNV               Act of 1968, which makes it

  SELL or BUY YOUR                      illegal to advertise any
    WHEELS HERE!                       preference, limitation or
                                   discrimination based on race
    &DOO7RGD\3ODFHDQ$G          color, religion, or national
          Aerotech News                origin, or an intention to
          877-247-9288                  make such preference
                                     limitation or discrimination.
       Announcements                Real estate advertisements
                                   that are in violation of the law
    DONT FORGET!                      shall not be accepted for
                                      publication. All dwellings
 CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE             advertised in this publication
      TUESDAY @ NOON                  are available on an equal
          EACH WEEK!


 $475-$510/mo 1 Bedroom

$600-$650/mo 2 Bedroom                                                                                       WHEN THE GAMES BEGIN.

$&/53"-"*3t-"6/%3:300.t100-t("5&%$0.1-&9                                                            NEVER GIVE UP
                                                                                                             UNTIL THEY BUCKLE UP.
                                                                                                                                                        VISIT SAFERCAR.GOV/KIDSBUCKLEUP
           Broadway Apartments
                 2010 Borrego

                     Near Rimrock

                 Casa Del Sol
              1250 Barstow Rd.

                   Near Windy Pass


             Ask for Crystal

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