Page 23 - Ft. Irwin High Desert Warrior March 2016
P. 23

ALLSTAR Kia Home of the Triple Play Guarantee
We Are Doubling Down! ALLSTAR Kia will


        We Will Pay Up To                                                                                 WE WILL PAY UP TO                                                                                                                     BAD CREDIT?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NO PROBLEM!
$2500*                                                                                                    $5000*
                                                                                                             FOR YOUR TRADE                                                                                                                YOUR PAY STUB IS YOUR CREDIT
                                                                                                          PUSH IT, PULL IT, TOW IT...WE WANT IT!                                                                                               CALL OUR 24 HR.
PUSH IT, PULL IT, TOW IT...WE WANT IT!                                                                                                                                                                                                           CREDIT HOTLINE
                                                                                                          MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT OR OFFER

                                                                                       DOWN                          $                                     SECURITY $                                                                                        FIRST
0 0 0$
                                                                                       PAYMENT                                                                                                                                                               AVAILABLE

NEW 2016 KIA FORTE LX                                                                                                                                                          NEW 2016 KIA OPTIMA

                                                                                          LEASE FOR ONLY   NOT 1 BUT ALL IN STOCK                                                                                                          LEASE FOR ONLY      NOT 1 BUT ALL IN STOCK

                                                                                       $69                36 mos. closed end lease $3,999 Cash or Trade                                                                               $119                   24 mos. closed end lease $3,999 Cash or Trade
                                                                                          PER MONTH       Equity Due from Customer, plus $2,300 factory                                                                                    PER MONTH         Equity Due from Customer, plus $2,950 Factory
                                                                                           PLUS TAX       lease cash. For a total due at lease signing of                                                                                   PLUS TAX         Lease Cash. For a total due at lease signing of
                                                                                                          $6,299 on approved credit. 10K miles per year.                                                                                                     $6,949 on approved credit. 12K miles per year.
                                                                                                          20¢ per excess mile. No security deposit. All                                                                                                      20¢ per excess mile. No security deposit. All
                                                                                                          Model #C3421 with MSRP…$16,935                                                                                                                     model #53222 with MSRP $22,795

NEW 2016 KIA SPORTAGE                                                                                                                                                          NEW 2016 KIA SORENTO LX

                                                                                          LEASE FOR ONLY   NOT 1 BUT ALL IN STOCK                          2015 Kia Sorento:                                                                 LEASE FOR ONLY   NOT 1 BUT ALL IN STOCK
                                                                                                                                                           “Highest Ranked
                                                                                   $129                   24 mos. closed end lease $3,999 Cash or Trade     Midsize SUV in                                                            $149                   24 mos. closed end lease $3,999 Cash or Trade
                                                                                         PER MONTH        Equity Due from Customer, and $2,900 Factory      Initial QualityӠ                                                               PER MONTH        Equity Due from Customer, plus $3,500 factory
                                                                                          PLUS TAX        Lease Cash. For a total due at lease signing of                                                                                    PLUS TAX        lease cash. For a total due at lease signing of
                                                                                                          $6,899 on approved credit. 12K miles per year.        - J.D.Power                                                                                  $7,499 on approved credit. 12K miles per year.
                                                                                                          20¢ per excess mile. No security deposit. All                                                                                                      20¢ per excess mile. No security deposit. All
                                                                                                          Model #42222 with MSRP $23,175                                                                                                                     Model #73222 with MSRP…$27,225

NEW 2016 KIA RIO LX                                                                                                                                        NEW 2016 KIA FORTE LX

MSRP.........................................................................$15,110                                                                       MSRP .............................................................$16,935
A.S. Discount ..............................................................$1,620                                                                         A.S. Discount ..................................................$1,445
A.S. Loyalty Disc...........................................................$1,500                                                                         A.S. Loyalty Disc .............................................$1,500
Sale Price....................................................................$11,990                                                                      Sale Price......................................................$13,990
Factory Rebate..........................................................$1,000                                                                             Factory Rebate ...............................................$2,000

  NOT 1 BUT ALL IN STOCK                                                                                                                                   NOT 1 BUT ALL IN STOCK

 NET $                                                                                 BUY  $             PER MONTH  37MEPPGAHEWSTY                        11,990 179NET $                                                                 BUY  $            PER MONTH       36MEPPGAHEWSYT
                                                                                       FOR                 PLUS TAX                                                                                                                        FOR                PLUS TAX
10,990 163COST                                                                                                                                             COST
AND                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AND

72 mos. at 2.99% APR on approved credit. A.S. Loyalty discount available to everyone who has purchased a new Kia                                           72 mos. at 2.99% APR on approved credit. A.S. Loyalty discount available to everyone who has purchased a new Kia
               from All Star Kia in the last year. Not everyone will qualify. All Model #31421 W/MSRP $15,110                                                             from All Star Kia in the last year. Not everyone will qualify. All Model #C3421 W/MSRP $16,935

NEW 2016 KIA RIO LX AUTO                                                                                                                                   NEW 2016 KIA SOUL

MSRP......................................................................$16,365                                                                          MSRP...........................................................$16,635
A.S. Discount ..............................................................$875                                                                           A.S. Discount ................................................$1,395
A.S. Loyalty Disc.......................................................$1,500                                                                             A.S. Loyalty Disc............................................$1,500
Sale Price...............................................................$13,990                                                                           Sale Price....................................................$13,740
Factory Rebate.........................................................$1,000                                                                              Factory Rebate.................................................$750

NOT 1 BUT ALL IN STOCK                                                                                                                                     NOT 1 BUT ALL IN STOCK

 NET $                                                                                 BUY  $             PER MONTH  37MEPPGAHEWSTY                        12,990 196NET$                                                                  BUY
                                                                                       FOR                 PLUS TAX                                                                                                                        FOR
12,990 196COST                                                                                                                                             COST
AND                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   AND       $            PER MONTH       30MEPPGAHEWSYT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              PLUS TAX
72 mos. at 2.99% APR on approved credit. A.S. Loyalty discount available to everyone who has purchased a new Kia
               from All Star Kia in the last year. Not everyone will qualify. All Model #31422 W/MSRP $16,365                                              72 mos. at 2.99% APR on approved credit. A.S. Loyalty discount available to everyone who has purchased a new Kia
                                                                                                                                                                          from All Star Kia in the last year. Not everyone will qualify. All Model #B1511 W/MSRP $16,635


ALLSTAR KIA                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            2015 Kia Soul: “Highest Ranked Compact
THE KIA TOTAL PROTECTION PACKAGE (On new cars)                                                           
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Multi-Purpose Vehicle in initial QualityӠ
.*-&-*.*5&%108&353"*/8"33"/5:                                   4"/#&3/"3%*/0t4)08$"4&%3/0RTH
.*-&4-*.*5&%#"4*$8"33"/5:                                                                                                                                                                                                    - J.D.Power
.*-&-*.*5&%"/5*1&3'03"5*0/8"33"/5:                              877-814-3232
.*-&4)06330"%4*%&"44*45"/$&                                                                                                                                                                    The Kia Soul received the lowest number of problems per 100 vehicles among compact multi-purpose vehicles in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           proprietary J.D. Power 2015 Initial Quality StudySM. Study based on responses from 84,367 new-vehicle owners, measuring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           244 models and measures opinions after 90 days of ownership. Proprietary study results are based on experiences and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           perceptions of owners surveyed in February-May 2015. Your experiences may vary. Visit

TERMS AND CONDITIONS AVAILABLE, SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS.                                                              HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL

All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer document processing charges, any electronic filing charge and any emission testing charge. On approved credit. Allstar loyalty discount is available to everyone who has purchased a new Kia from Allstar Kia in the last
year. Not everyone will qualify. Trade-in offer available on all new 2014 & 2015 Kias in stock up to $5000 trade must be current registered owner. Double rebate and trade-in offer are not available on vehicles listed in this advertisement, and cannot be combined with other discounts or offers. One advertised
vehicle per family, per year. All payments based on 2.99% apr financing for 72 months on approved credit. *Not everyone will qualify for all rebates. See dealer for exact details on triple play guarantee. Sale prices exclude leases. Ad expires 3/31/16.
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