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7UDLQWKHZRUOG·VJUHDWHVW)DQG)ÀJKWHUSLORWV                                                                                                June 5, 2015
                                                                                                                                                              Vol. 15, No. 21

„ Critical days of safety, 3
„ Crisis kids tour base, 4
„ Posting to web, 5
„ F-35 progress, 6
„ NCO PEC, 7

                              Staff Sgt. Timothy Boyer  Lt. Col. Matt Vedder, right, 61st Fighter Squadron instructor pilot, gives a step brief to pilots at the 61st FS at Luke Air
                                                        Force Base. Step briefs cover the most-up-to-date information including wind, weather, airspace and airfield conditions.
                                                        Top Dogs drive F-35 program forward
                                       See Page 12
                                                                    by Senior Airman                         )6 ZH WUDLQ 86 DQG $XVWUDOLDQ SLORWV  can expect new challenges and a steeper
INDEX                                                               JAMES HENSLEY                            This is a challenge in a way, because we         OHDUQLQJFXUYH
                                                                                                             execute training in a partner mission en-
Action line ............................. 2                              56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs    YLURQPHQW%XWDWWKHVDPHWLPHLWEXLOGV         “All the processes are completely new
Briefs..................................... 3                                                                DEHWWHUUHODWLRQVKLSEHWZHHQWKHQDWLRQVµ      which create their own challenges, and
Spotlight ................................ 4               The 61st Fighter Squadron at Luke Air                                                              we’re essentially developing a brand new
Diversions ........................... 20               Force Base is laying the groundwork for                 The F-35 training doesn’t refer only to       V\VWHP RI RSHUDWLRQVµ /RQJ VDLG ´)URP
Sports.................................. 23             future F-35 Lightning II squadrons by                the pilots but also the Airmen who will          some of our past experiences with the F-16,
                                                        launching a detailed pilot training program          SUHSDUHWKHSLORWVDQGDLUFUDIW                 we make suggestions for improvements
                          Emerald                       RQWKHÀIWKJHQHUDWLRQDLUFUDIW7KHWUDLQ-                                                           IRU WKH ) ,W·V UHDOO\ D SULYLOHJH WR EH
                           Knights                      ing conducted at the 61st will help following           “We’re laying the foundation for the ini-     DSDUWRIWKHÀUVW)VTXDGURQDW/XNH
                       graduate 16                      F-35 squadrons become well-oiled machines            tial F-35 pilot training here at Luke,” said     especially since only the best get selected
                                                        like the F-16 Fighting Falcon squadrons              Airman 1st Class Christopher Long, 61st          WRZRUNKHUHµ
                            For story and               FXUUHQWO\WUDLQLQJSLORWVDW/XNH                   )6DLUFUDIWÁLJKWHTXLSPHQWMRXUQH\PDQ
                             photos, see                                                                     ´:H·UH WKH ÀUVW ) WUDLQLQJ VTXDGURQ        Training is geared toward making pilots
                                                           The 56th Fighter Wing has a new mission           ZLWKIRUHLJQSDUWQHUQDWLRQVDWWKLVVFDOH     DVFRPEDWUHDG\DVWKHDLUFUDIWZLOODOORZ
                               Page 18.                 QRZWKDWIRUPDOO\LQFOXGHV)WUDLQLQJ            ,QFRPSDULVRQWRWKH)ÀJKWHUVTXDG-          To accomplish this mission they need the
                                                                                                             rons at Luke, the mission is essentially the     VXSSRUWRIWKHFRPPXQLW\
WEATHER                                                    “Our squadron’s mission is to train the           VDPHEXWWKHWHFKQRORJ\LVYHU\GLIIHUHQW
                                                        ZRUOG·VJUHDWHVW)SLORWVµVDLG/W&RO        7KHKHOPHWVJUDYLWDWLRQDOVXLWVMDFNHWV         “It takes Team Luke to make the 61st
                 Today                                  0DWW9HGGHUVW)6LQVWUXFWRUSLORW´7KH         DOOWKHJHDULVPXFKPRUHDGYDQFHGµ             )6µ9HGGHUVDLG´:LWKRXWWKHPZHFDQ·W
                                                        pilots who will complete training here will                                                           SURGXFH WKH EHVW ) SLORWV (YHU\RQH
             92°/72°                                    OHDYH DV WKH EHVW ) SLORWV ,Q WKH VW     With so much new technology, Airmen           SOD\VDQLQWULFDWHUROHLQWKLVPLVVLRQµ

                       Sunny                            Go to for Luke Facebook link             8VH\RXUVPDUWSKRQHWR
                                                                                                             connect to our website!
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