Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 6-5-15
P. 5

Thunderbolt                                         NEWS                                                                                                                  June 5, 2015                     5                                                                                                                  

To post or not

                        by                          information that should never be publi-                                                                                                                           Senior Airman James Hensley
            CHARLOTTE HU                            cally published without proper clearance
                                                    are information from any controlled access      Social Media is a great communication tool but has risks that go with it. Knowing the
        Air Force Public Affairs Agency Public Web  websites such as the Air Force Portal, in-      difference between what should or should not be posted can protect Airmen from
                                                    IRUPDWLRQIURPXQLWDQGFDUHHUÀHOG6KDUH-      releasing information which could be used against them. One way to prevent leak-
   With the surge of social media and               3RLQWVLWHVDQGLQWHUQDOHPDLOVWULQJV        age of information is to use privacy settings.
blogging capability, every Airman has not
only become a communicator, but they are               One question that well-read and intel-       the content of this site to a wider audience     With recent events in the news high-
also nearly all in the digital publishing           OLJHQW $LUPHQ PLJKW DVN LV *LYHQ WKH    without coordination with the information     OLJKWLQJ WKH *OREDO :DU RQ 7HUURU LW LV
EXVLQHVV                                          requirements of the Freedom of Informa-         RZQHUDQG\RXUXQLWSXEOLFDIIDLUVRIÀFHµ   critically important that every Airman
                                                    WLRQ$FWDQG7UDQVSDUHQF\LQ*RYHUQDQFH                                                     KHOSSURWHFWRXUFRQWUROOHGLQIRUPDWLRQ
   The fundamental principles of the                which requires an open government, why             Information from controlled access
United States’ freedom of expression are            isn’t information more widely available?        websites must be carefully vetted before         6HHPRUHDWKWWSDLUIRUFHOLYHGRGOLYH
now shared with most of the world, and it                                                           being published on publicly available         PLOWRSRVWRUQRW"VWKDVK
has had stunning impact, from the fall of              7KHUHDUHOLPLWVWRZKDWZHFDQVKDUH      GLJLWDOSODWIRUPV                           O-8WSDGSXI
WKH )$5& 5HYROXWLRQDU\ $UPHG )RUFHV           All formal FOIA requests go through a
nization, to the toppling of dictatorships          Air Force professionals must always en-
throughout the Middle East, as detailed             sure there are no concerns regarding
in a Secretary of State speech on Internet          operational security with the release of
ments may be, this new digital publishing
capability has also provided the means                 ,QIRUPDWLRQ RQ XQLW DQG FDUHHU ÀHOG
to leak controlled information, perhaps             6KDUH3RLQW VLWHV LV LQWHQGHG IRU VSHFLÀF
XQZLWWLQJO\                                       LQWHUQDODXGLHQFHV$FRQVFLHQWLRXV$LU-
                                                    man might reason that the information on
   It is critical to the safety and security        KLVXQLW·V6KDUH3RLQWVLWHLVQRWFODVVLÀHG
of our Air Force that every Airman un-              $VVXFKLWGRHVQ·WUHTXLUHSURWHFWLRQ
derstand exactly what should and should
QRWEHSXEOLVKHGRQVRFLDOPHGLDRUEORJV            At the bottom of the AFNet Share-
There are three main elements that                  3RLQWFROOHFWLRQLVDSULYDF\QRWLFH8SRQ
should never be published on public fac-            clicking that notice, users will see the
ing websites, which includes social media           following message: “This site is intended
DQG EORJV 7KUHH H[DPSOHV RI FRQWUROOHG       for the use of United States government

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