Page 2 - Aerotech News and Review, December 3, 2021
P. 2

NASA’s X-59 QueSST stands on its own



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                                                                                                 Lockheed Martin photographs  Access the Aerotech News web
                                                                              The X-59 is supported by ground supports in   site at
                                                                              preparation for installation of the landing gear   Submissions for upcoming events, air
                                                                              and other hardware required for structural     shows and museums
                                                                              testing. Most of the preparation for the X-59’s   should be emailed to
                                                                              construction involved more than a decade’s
                                                                              worth of research on quiet supersonic
                                                                              technology.                            For questions concerning the web site,
                                                                                                                           contact the webmaster at
   by Tiernan Doyle                     manager for technology. “It’s the preparation   as part of a mission to collect data on quiet su-
   NASA Armstrong                       that’s more time consuming.”          personic flight and public reactions to super-
                                          Most of the preparation for the X-59’s con-  sonic “thumps.” The plane is shaped in a way
     The X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology   struction involved more than a decade’s worth of   that reduces a sonic boom typically associated   Where you can get
   (QueSST) team of NASA and Lockheed Martin   research on quiet supersonic technology. NASA’s   with supersonic aircraft to a quiet sonic thump   Aerotech News and Review
   have recently removed the aircraft from its jig   quiet supersonic mission plans to bring all of the   to people on the ground. The mission’s findings   For information on
   system, or external supports.        science and technology developed during those   will be sent to regulators to help create new rules   Aerotech distribution, call
     The next step is proving the research aircraft is   years into the spotlight.  regarding speed limitations on supersonic flight   (661) 945-5634 or visit
   structurally sound and ready for final assembly.  For Richwine, seeing the construction of the   over land.
     The team has made significant progress on the   aircraft feels personal.
   X-59 QueSST assembly. In late October, they   “I have been working on supersonics technol-  Now that the X-59 is free from the jig, it will
   pulled the aircraft away from the jig support   ogy, and the predecessor to the concept for the   move on to the final assembly phase, including
   system. The jig, which is similar to scaffolding,   past 15 years,” Richwine said. “I have more of   the first “power-on” of the aircraft to test its in-  Aerotech News and Review is published
   helped ensure all of the aircraft’s hardware was   an emotional attachment because I have put so   ternal systems. Once that is complete, the X-59   every other Friday, serving the
   placed together correctly throughout the manu-  many years into this mission.”  will be shipped to Lockheed Martin’s facilities in   aerospace and defense industry of
   facturing process.                     Initial construction of NASA’s X-59 began in   Fort Worth, Texas, where structural tests will be   Southern California, Nevada and
     “It’s pretty simple to move the jig away,” said   2018 at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works facil-  conducted. The first flight of the X-59 is planned   Arizona. News and ad copy deadline
                                                                                                                        is noon on the Tuesday prior to
   David Richwine, NASA’s X-59 deputy project   ity in Palmdale, Calif. The X-59 will be flown   for 2022.           publication. The publisher assumes no
                                                                                                                       responsibility for error in ads other
    AIRPORT, from 1                                                                                                   than space used. Your comments are
     region of North Los Angeles and Southeastern Kern counties has been a   17,000-acre desert site.                  welcomed and encouraged. Write to
     story of feast and famine for decades.                  Years later, Los Angeles World Airways and the City of Palmdale,   the address below.
      Gen. William J. Fox County Airfield in Lancaster had scheduled daily   in cooperation with the Air Force, opened a Palmdale Regional Airport
     airline service as far back as the 1950s, but nothing since the 1980s.   terminal, which saw a succession of feeder airline tenants, usually with
     Fox Field is the only one remaining of five Los Angeles County-owned   subsidies and operating with various degrees of success, depending on   •  Publisher  ....................Paul Kinison
     airports to have been certified by the Federal Aviation Administration for   shifts in the economy and having enough flights to the right destinations   •  Business Manager  ....... Lisa Kinison
     providing scheduled airline service.                  for passengers. Commercial carriers recruited to Palmdale Regional in-  •  Editor .................... Stuart Ibberson
      The Los Angeles County Airports Commission, which advises the                                                   •  National Advertising
     Board of Supervisors, was scheduled for a public ZOOM meeting at 10   cluded America West, American Eagle, Horizon, Skywest and United   Manager  .....................Paul Kinison
     a.m., Nov. 24 to continue discussion on creating a marketing plan for the   Express, the last to depart.
     airports, including Fox. Fifth District Supervisor Kathryn Barger was   The passenger service market area for the new Palmdale airport is the
     reportedly aware of the Palmdale initiative.          familiar High Desert triangle, encompassing Ridgecrest/China Lake on   Aerotech News and Review
      In the 1960s, Palmdale was proclaimed by the Los Angeles Department   the north, I-5 at Gorman on the west, and the San Bernardino County Line   e-mail:
     of Airports as the future home of what was to be Palmdale International   on the east. Within the triangle are Mojave, Rosamond, Edwards AFB,
     Airport, a plan that sold real estate, but not a single airline ticket on the   Lancaster, Palmdale, Quartz Hill and rural and foothill communities.  Visit our web site at

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
   2                                    ........              December 3, 2021
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