Page 7 - Aerotech News and Review, December 3, 2021
P. 7

VOYAGER, from 6
          ing them radio messages of congratulations.
           Just south of Los Angeles, Burt Rutan and
          the Melvill’s in the Duchess, met up with Voy-
          ager. As they entered into the airspace over
          the Antelope Valley, Rutan called Edwards
          tower and was shocked to learn that the Air
          Force had cancelled all operations just waiting
          for their return. “I couldn’t believe that they
          would cancel all flight operations for us little
          ‘homebuilders’ from Mojave,” Rutan said.
           On Dec. 23, 1986, at 7:32 a.m., Voyager
          entered the edge of the restricted airspace and
          saw the dry lake where they would be landing.
          They flew over the thousands of people who
          came to witness the landing, making several
          circuits in the sky with chase planes before
          landing at 8:05 a.m.
           The impressive round the world flight
          marked the 69th flight of Voyager and led
          Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager into aviation
          history forever. The absolute world distance
          records set during that flight remains unchal-
          lenged today. The flight was sanctioned by
          FAI (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale).
           Four days after landing, President Ronald
          Reagan presented the Voyager crew and its
          designer with the Presidential Citizenship
          Medal. Awarded only 16 times previously in
           For their record-breaking flight, the pilots,
          Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager, the designer,
          Burt Rutan, and the crew chief, Bruce Evans,                                                                                            Courtesy photograph
          earned the Collier Trophy in 1986, aviation’s   Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager inside the cramped Voyager cockpit.
          most prestigious award.

                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
          December 3, 2021                     ........                                    7
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