Page 12 - Desert Lightning News 5-6-16
P. 12

12                                                                         May 6, 2016                                               Desert Lightning News



Climbing to the top with Chief ingredients

Airman 1st Class Ashely N. Steffen                                         stuff, but I wasn’t dedicated to anything.”                it,” Lakin said. “Some of the things I didn’t like at
                                                                              Not being dedicated to anything led Hellwig to         the time turned out to be the greatest things to
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                    happen to me.”
                                                                           become unreliable at work and unable to handle
   DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz.                                     all of her responsibilities.                                 Some of D-M AFB’s new chief master ser-
-- Achieving the rank of chief master sergeant in                                                                                    geants had amazing supervisors throughout their
the U.S. Air Force wasn’t initially a goal for a few of                       “Your brain can only handle so much that you           careers that guided them to the top.
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base’s new chief master                            end up dropping things; you just need to focus
sergeants. Life changes and years of trial and error                       on work,” Hellwig said.                                      “I had really good supervisors early on in my
are a couple of the ingredients that shaped their                                                                                    career. They pushed me to excel and wouldn’t ac-
paths to the highest enlisted grade of E-9.                                   Chiefs are in the top of the enlisted ranks where      cept mediocrity on anything,” Lakin said. “Right
                                                                           only one percent of the enlisted force make chief.        from the start I had people to hold me to the
   “Making Chief was not a goal of mine, I came                            Not all chiefs made BTZ or got Stripes for Excep-         standard and push me to excel and that always
from a small town that I just wanted to get out of                         tional Performers Promotions.                             stuck with me through my career.”
before I got stuck, I had no education,” said Chief
Master Sgt. Rodney Vanleuven, 355th Logistics                                 Like Vanleuven, some have been at each and                As a supervisor, each chief had something
readiness Squadron superintendent. “My original                            every rank.                                               to pass down to those under them. Everything
enlistment was four years. Then I had my daugh-                                                                                      we receive as supervisors we aren’t supposed to
ter and that changed my plans. It wasn’t until 21                             “It’s great to say that I wore every single rank,      keep, we are supposed to hand down, accord-
years in the Air Force that chief became my goal.”                         and it’s ok if you don’t make BTZ or get STEP             ing to Vanleuven. Some of the new chiefs have
                                                                           promoted,” Vanleuven said.                                knowledge to pass down, things they lived by
   Two others selected as chief master sergeants,                                                                                    throughout their careers and things they learned
Chief Mast Sgt. Nathan Lakin, 755th Aircraft                                  Some even struggled throughout their careers,          from previous supervisors.
Maintenance Squadron superintendent, and Se-                               having to work their hardest to climb the ladder
nior Master Sgt. Jennifer Hellwig, 355th Elec-                             to the top.                                                  “Do what you love and everything will fall into
tronic Maintenance Squadron first sergeant, had                                                                                       place,” Hellwig said. “When you enjoy something you
planned to retire after completing first sergeant                              “I was a late bloomer,” Hellwig said. “It took me      give your time and life to it and you become reliable.
duty and hitting their 20-year mark.                                       four tries to make staff sergeant, four to make tech.      People will look for you when they need something.”
                                                                           sergeant, three to make master [sergeant] and an-
   Focusing too much on only one area of the whole                         other four to make senior [master sergeant].”                For growing Airmen, Lakin said to stick to
Airman concept can prove to be counterproductive.                                                                                    your core values, show up to work, be honest,
                                                                              Hellwig pushed forward with the help of her husband.   and do your best for the rest will fall into place.
   “When I was an Airman 1st Class, I remember                                “My husband said not to cut myself short, to
I didn’t make senior airman below the zone. I was                          give it all I could,” Hellwig said. “If I did that, then     “I believe in three words: application, elimina-
upset, I had done everything they had told me                              I knew I couldn’t have done any better, I would           tion and perseverance.” Vanleuven said. “No mat-
to do,” said Hellwig, who sews on later this year.                         have no regrets.”                                         ter what, apply yourself 100 percent, eliminate
“What I had actually done was run myself ragged                               For Lakin, getting to the top of the enlisted          bad decisions and never give up, no matter your
volunteering. I had everything in the frying pan                           force was more of a competition. When the Air             rank, put in the effort and give it all you can.”
but I was burning it all. I was doing all of this                          Force would throw him in a situation he was un-
                                                                           comfortable in, he would try and grow from it.               It takes an entire Air Force to develop a chief
                                                                              “Some of the things that happened to me that           master sergeant.
                                                                           I didn’t want or resisted, good things came out of

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