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Desert Lightning News                               May 6, 2016                                                    7



CAF Month Fitness Challenges

Airman 1st Class Mya M. Crosby                         For the Defender Challenge, participants dem-                                                (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Mya M. Crosby)
                                                    onstrated strategies such as breaching and clear-
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                   ing shoot-house, recovering a hostage and re-        U.S. Air Force Airman 1st Class Dylan Nigren, 355th Logistics
                                                    ceived time penalties for friendly fire and missed    Readiness Squadron fire truck and refueling journeyman,
   DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE,                    targets.                                             utilizes a fire hose during the Comprehensive Airman Fitness
Ariz. -- Desert Lightning Team Airmen partici-                                                           Month Fire Department fitness challenge at Davis-Monthan
pated in multiple fitness challenges to conclude        Participants in the Fire Department Fitness       Air Force Base, Ariz., March 31, 2016. Participants demonstrat-
D-M AFB’s Comprehensive Airmen Fitness              Challenge demonstrated extending fire hose,           ed their physical resilience through exercises such as dummy
Month, March 31.                                    charging fire hydrant, bunker drill, ladder carry,    drags, tool carries and fire hydrant charging.
                                                    climbing ladder and stair climb.
   The 355th Civil Engineer Squadron’s explo-                                                            Farrell, 41st Electronic Combat Squadron EC-
sive ordnance disposal and fire emergency ser-          The Airmen also removed suspicious packag-        130H Compass Call pilot and fitness challenge
vice flights hosted the Fire Department Fitness      es from a vehicle, performing hand-entry ren-        participant. “It presents a new mentality that
Challenge and the 355th Security Forces Squad-      der safe procedure and maneuvering through           we’re all here to be warriors and while you may
ron hosted the Defender Challenge.                  trip wires in the EOD challenge.                     primarily have a desk job that doesn’t require
                                                                                                         you to pick up a firearm, this is showing the ap-
   The separate challenges involved D-M Airmen         “It’s a chance to see [that] our defenders are    preciation for those that are doing that on the
volunteering in teams of two and racing against     more than just that guy checking IDs,” said Tech.    front lines.”
the clock to perform a variety of scenarios.        Sgt. Cameron Johnson, 355th SFS unit security
                                                    manager. “For somebody who works in [com-
   CAF is an Air Force-wide initiative based on     munications] or medical who doesn’t get to do
improving Airman readiness by solidifying the       stuff like this on a regular basis, I think they’ll
four pillars of health: mental, physical, social    enjoy it. It’ll give them a lot of insight into the
and spiritual. These challenges focused on two      capability of our defenders.”
pillars: physical and mental.
                                                       Approximately 60 Airmen from various ca-
   “The ultimate goal of physical resilience is to  reer fields participated in the fitness challenges.
show the link of how mental resilience can lead
to physical resilience,” said U.S. Air Force Tech.     “I like that this was just a small glimpse of
Sgt. Jennifer Roth, 355th Fighter Wing NCO in       what these guys actually do in a controlled en-
charge of community support center. “You must       vironment,” said U.S. Air Force 1st Lt. Steven
be strong in one skill for others to follow.”

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