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6                                               May 6, 2016                                                               Desert Lightning News



Air Force clubs to award $23,000 in scholarships

Carole Chiles Fuller

Air Force Civil Engineer Center Public Affairs

   JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas (AFNS) -- May 20                                                                in aeronautics and space, are broad and monumental. Others are personal,
is the deadline to apply for the 2016 Air Force Club Scholarship Program.                                                 smaller but still very impactful.”

   During the past 17 years, the program has provided college tuition assistance                                             A panel of judges will score essays on material content, presentation and
to more than 440 Air Force Club members and their eligible family members.                                                adherence to the required number of words for written essays and length
                                                                                                                          for video essays.
   As in the past, applicants must be club members or their eligible de-
pendent ID card holders. They must complete an online application form,                                                      The program will also award the two Air Force installation clubs that
submit an essay, and supply a college or university letter of acceptance or                                               produce the most eligible entries in either format $1,000 each to help pay
admission (for their first associate or bachelor’s degree). Also, this year’s                                              for their efforts to encourage applicants.
applicants must upload two letters of recommendation: one from their
high school principal, university or college dean, civic leader or military                                                  “We hope that raising the individual amount of the scholarships will en-
leader; and one from their community service leader detailing work the                                                    courage more Airmen and their families to participate in this year’s pro-
applicant has performed.                                                                                                  gram,” Boyd said.

   Also new for 2016 is the essays may be five-minute video essays or tra-                                                    For complete eligibility and entry requirements, click here. To receive
ditional 1,000-word written submissions. Also, instead of 25 $1,000 schol-                                                a scholarship, all entry and eligibility requirements must be met, and all
arships, there will be three winners in the video essay category and three                                                documentation must be provided by the required date.
in the written essay category. The first-place award in each category is a
$5,000 scholarship; second place $4,000; and third place $2,500.

   “We wanted to make the process more interactive and enhance the pro-
gram by adding the video category,” said Jonathan Boyd, the Air Force Ser-
vices Activity operations branch chief for Air Force clubs.

   This year’s essay topic is “My Air Force story.”
   “We want to hear how you’ve been impacted by the best Air Force on
the planet,” said Col. Mike Lamb, the director of operations for AFSVA.
“Some Air Force stories, such as telecommunications and achievements

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