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2                                                May 6, 2016                              Desert Lightning News



      Goldfein nominated as 21st CSAF

NEWS  Staff Sgt. Alyssa C. Gibson                   “I am pleased to support the          which he congratulated Goldfein           forts against ISIL, and work with co-
                                                 nomination of General David Gold-        on his selection.                         alition nations to deal them a lasting
      Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs  fein as our next chief of staff,” said                                              defeat,” Carter said.
                                                 Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee             From his experience at the
         WASHINGTON (AFNS) --                    James. “General Goldfein possesses       highest Air Force levels and the             Goldfein is a command pilot with
      Defense Secretary Ash Carter an-           the experience and vision needed to      joint force, Goldfein “under-             more than 4,200 flying hours in the
      nounced April 26 that the president        address dynamic global challenges        stands deeply the evolving na-            T-37 Tweet, T-38 Talon, F-16C/D
      has nominated Air Force Vice Chief         and increasing military demand. He       ture of warfare and the threats           Fighting Falcon, F-117A Night-
      of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein to          knows how to build and sustain key       we face,” the secretary said.             hawk, MQ-9 Reaper, and MC-12W.
      be the 21st chief of staff of the Air       partnerships, has important warf-                                                  He has flown combat missions in
      Force, succeeding Gen. Mark A.             ighting experience, and will exer-          Goldfein, he added, has “devel-        operations Desert Shield, Desert
      Welsh III, who has served in the po-       cise the critical judgement required     oped a keen appreciation for the          Storm, Allied Force, and Enduring
      sition since 2012.                         to balance our manpower and re-          strategic horizon … and the need to       Freedom. Goldfein has received
                                                 sources as we shape tomorrow’s Air       develop resilient cyber and space ca-     numerous awards for his military
         “I’m extremely humbled by the           Force. There is not a better person to   pabilities, which will allow the Unit-    service including the Defense Dis-
      nomination to serve as the Air             lead our Airmen into the next cen-       ed States to continue to dominate         tinguished Service Medal with oak
      Force’s 21st chief of staff. If con-        tury of airpower dominance.”             across all domains.”                      leaf cluster, the Legion of Merit with
      firmed, I pledge to serve our Airmen                                                                                           two oak leaf clusters and the Distin-
      and their families unwaveringly and           Prior to his current position,           If confirmed by the Senate as the       guished Flying Cross with Valor de-
      honor our remarkable heritage and          Goldfein was the director of the         next Air Force chief of staff, Gold-       vice and oak leaf cluster.
      legacy of integrity, service and ex-       Joint Staff at the Pentagon in Wash-      fein’s “extensive political-military ex-
      cellence,” Goldfein said. “I also look     ington, D.C., where he assisted the      perience will be to our great benefit
      forward to joining my fellow ser-          chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff     as we continue to accelerate our ef-
      vice chiefs as a member of the Joint       in fulfilling his responsibilities as
      Chiefs of Staff. General Mark and           the principal military adviser to the
      Betty Welsh continue to be excep-          president and secretary of defense.
      tional stewards of our service, and
      Dawn and I are honored to follow in           “Dave Goldfein is an Airman
      their footsteps.”                          who epitomizes warrior leadership,
                                                 and that’s exactly what our Air Force
         Goldfein entered the Air Force in       deserves,” Welsh said. “He connects
      June 1983 as a graduate of the U.S.        deeply with Airmen, he supports
      Air Force Academy. He has been             their families relentlessly, and he ab-
      assigned to numerous operational,          solutely recognizes the criticality of
      command and staff positions. He             our service’s mission. Most impor-
      currently serves as the vice chief of      tantly, he and Dawn understand the
      staff, where he presides over the Air       remarkable privilege they’ve been
      Staff and serves as a member of the         afforded in serving the nation.”
      Joint Chiefs of Staff Requirements
      Oversight Council and Deputy Ad-              Carter also spoke at a ceremo-
      visory Working Group.                      ny April 29 at the Pentagon, in

      DOD announces pilot tutoring program for service members

      Erin Roberts                                                                        vide help with all types of homework assignments and test preparation.
                                                                                          Tutors and students communicate in a secure online classroom using text
      Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support Public Affairs               chat and by drawing on an interactive whiteboard. There are no webcams
                                                                                          or telephones used and no personal information is shared between the
         PENSACOLA, Fla. (AFNS) -- Officials with the Defense Department                    tutor and student.
      Voluntary Education Program and the Defense Activity for Non-Tradi-
      tional Education Support (DANTES) announced the launch of a pilot tu-                  Students can access the online service using any internet-enabled de-
      toring program that will provide service members with tutoring support              vice, including smart phones and tablets. If it’s just a quick question, tutors
      at no cost, anytime, anywhere.                                                      are available on demand, or students can schedule future tutoring ses-
                                                                                          sions or upload papers for offline review.
         “If a service member is struggling with a college course or simply needs
      help with a homework assignment, this DOD-funded tool offers a place                    “The Defense Department wants service members to be successful in
      to go to get answers,” said Jeff Allen, the DANTES director.                         pursuing professional development,” Allen said. “DOD currently main-
                                                                                          tains a variety of education resources to help members pursue their edu-
         The program provides around-the-clock, online tutoring services for              cation. Tutoring services are being piloted to further explore the addition
      active-duty service members, Coast Guard members and full/part time                 of this type of tool as another way to help service members succeed in
      National Guard and Reserve component members. Some family mem-                      their military careers.”
      bers are also eligible to use the tutoring services.
                                                                                             Find out more about DOD’s pilot tutoring program by going to the tu-
         The program is available online at, and pro-     For more information on tutoring services and other DOD edu-
      vides one-on-one tutoring with educators in more than 40 college sub-               cation resources, visit the DANTES website.
      jects, including algebra, statistics, physiology and more. The tutors pro-
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