Page 4 - Desert Lightning News 5-6-16
P. 4
4 May 6, 2016 Desert Lightning News
Please give tomorrow a chance
CMSgt Steve K. McDonald ourmajorconcernswerefightingfightswecouldwinand whyIdidit.Icanonlyimaginehowmuchithurther. Espe-
gettingthecutestgirlfriend. Sorry,Iamgettingawayfrom ciallyknowingthesituationwithherowndad.Irobbedall
ACC Command Chief the reason I wanted to write. It’s just so easy to wonder of you. I robbed mom and dad of a son. I robbed you and
what my life would have been. But, of course, all I can do Sheilaofabigbrother. Irobbedyourchildrenofanuncle.
LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. -- In March is wonder. I probably would have been a good uncle. Oh man, I al-
1983, I was 16 years old and a senior in high school. I most forgot about Jimmy. You remember he was the one
had a sister who was 17 and a brother who just turned IknowthatwhatIdiddoesn’tmakealotofsense. Iwas that found me. I don’t even want to think about the im-
19. Through interesting circumstances, we were all se- just dealing with some things that would have been hard pactofthatinitialsightonhislife.Thatwasn’tfair. Ishould
niors together. On Sunday, 4 March 1983, my brother toexplain. IknowImadesomebadchoicesandthatkind not have done that.
committed suicide. That was a tough time for our fam- of caught up with me. It’s hard to believe I could make
ily. I have always wondered how different my life would that big of a mess of my life in only 19 years. I know we all I wish I could go back in time but that’s not possible. I
be if I still had a big brother. This letter is an attempt had our problems growing up. Dad was hard on us. But wish I would have realized that those things I was deal-
to get people to realize that permanent actions to tem- you know as well as I do that he had a rough life. Maybe ing with weren’t going to last forever. So many people go
porary problems may have lasting effects on others. To if his life was different, mine would have turned out dif- through so much worse and make it. I wish I would have
think that everyone would be better off without an indi- ferent as well. Sorry, there I go wondering again. I know I looked beyond that Sunday morning. I wish I would have
vidual is just wrong. The future holds so much promise. can’t blame my choice on him. realized that I had a life ahead of me. I wish I would have
There is always hope. Please give tomorrow a chance. thought about my future wife and kids...and baseball
As I was saying, I was going through a tough time. I games...and dance recitals...and nephews and nieces...and
Dear Steve, didn’t think I could talk to you. You seemed to have a bet- familyvacations...andafamilydog.IamprettysureIwould
Hey,howhaveyoubeen? Ithasbeenawhile.Iwanted ter handle on things and I am not sure you would have haveownedabassethound.Doyourememberthebasset
to just take a moment to tell you that I am sorry. I know understood what I was facing. And we had just had that houndIhadwhenwewerekids?
that, by now, you have probably moved on with life and fightacoupleofweeksbefore. Whydidwefightsomuch?
I may be nothing more than a passing thought or an oc- Seems like there was way too much fighting going on in If I could ask one thing of you, it would be to please
casional mention in a conversation. But I can’t help but ourhouse.Weweresomestubbornkids. Rememberthat sharemystorywithothers. Pleasetellthemthatproblems
wonder what our lives would have been like if I didn’t time we got in a fight because you wanted to change the are temporary. Please tell them there is a future regard-
make that decision. What would I be doing? I wonder TV channel? Doesn’t seem so important now, does it? less of what life looks like at that point in time. Please tell
what kind of job I would have? Would I have a family Maybe if we didn’t fight so much, we would have talked them that there are people who need them...people who
like yours with an amazing wife and wonderful children? more.Wow,Ididitagain. Ourfightingdidn’tforcemeinto love them...people who care about them. Please tell them
Whatwouldmychildrenbedoing? Icanalmostimagine my was my decision alone. I will try to stay on to look past their own Sunday morning. Please tell them
having a little girl and seeing her grow up into a beautiful track here. it will get better. Please tell them there is hope. Please tell
young lady. Or maybe a son who grew up to be a base- them to give tomorrow a chance.
ball player and we could have spent time playing catch. My point is that I am extremely sorry for what I did. It
You do remember that I liked playing baseball, don’t you? was selfish. I wasn’t thinking about dad, mom, Sheila or Steve,pleaseforgiveme.Iwaswrong. Iknowthatnow
You probably also remember we played football when you. IwasjustthinkingaboutmeandIdidn’twanttodeal butitistoolate. PleasetellmomandSheilathatIamsorry
wewereyounger. Oh,thedayswhenwewereyoungand with stuff anymore. I know that my decision had a huge also. I miss you more than you know.
because of what I did. I know mom doesn’t understand Love,
Harry Schlosser,
U.S.A.F. Colonel,
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