Page 10 - Desert Lightning News 5-6-16
P. 10

10 May 6, 2016                                                                                                                                  Desert Lightning News


Mixed Martial Airman

                                                                                                                                                 (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman Nathan H. Barbour)

U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Jeremiah Garber, 355th Maintenance Group analyst, drags a log during training at the Amity Circle Tree Ranch in Tucson, Ariz., March 26, 2016. Garber performed exercises

that would strengthen muscles needed in a mixed martial arts match.

Airman Nathan H. Barbour                    Garber is not a novice; he started “I never won a tournament [un- he started Muay Thai to improve
                                         wrestling at an afterschool club be- til that day], and then I won six in his striking abilities.
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

DAVIS-MONTHAN                      AIR   fore he was even attending classes.     a row.” Garber said. ”That’s when I                                “I really like the speed and tech-
                                            “[The instructors] didn’t know I     knew I could do it.”                                            nicality of Muay Thai,” Garber said.
FORCE BASE, Ariz. -- The silence                                                                                                                 “If I go against a kickboxer, grap-
                                         wasn’t in school yet,” said Garber.        Already sweaty from a warmup                                 pler or brawler who’s just relying
of a wooded courtyard is broken by       “I just went to the club like I was in  exercise consisting of lifting dumb-                            on their athleticism and physical-
                                         school already.”                        bells, log jumping, and shadow                                  ity, I can cut those things away and
the crack of flesh and bone against                                               boxing, Garber observed as Ricky                                cover and strike.”
                                            Kru Ricky wastes no time, in-        described the proper technique
the base of a tree. It is legend that    structing Garber to get his shoes       to drag a log with a rope tied to it.                              After more than 30 minutes of
                                         on because they are practicing out-     When the rope is handed to Gar-                                 high intensity drills, Garber shook
one who is trained in Muay Thai will     side today.                             ber, he must drag it approximately                              his arms to continue blood flow
                                                                                 50 meters back and forth until Ricky                            back to his hands. He and Ricky
be able to chop down a banana tree          Garber knew he was about to be       says to stop.                                                   then entered a nearby dojo and be-
                                         put through the ringer.                                                                                 gan to practice the techniques that
using their hardened shins. This                                                    Garber stays motivated by imag-                              will give Garber the edge he desires.
                                            “We work our bodies to a point       ining the growing distance of sepa-
legend drives a young man, with          that they’ll never have to reach in     ration between him and his compe-                                  “Muay Thai is very similar to kick
                                         competition and then we’ll start        tition with every new level he takes                            boxing,” Garber said. “The differ-
dreams of being the best, to repeat-     working on some techniques and          his training.                                                   ence is that clenches, knees and el-
                                         live sparring,” Garber said. “We al-                                                                    bows are vital for it to be effective.
edly assault the tree. It is padded but  ways train like that so when we do         After his 18th birthday, Garber                              You always have to picture each part
                                         get to sparring, striking and head-     fought in only one official MMA                                   of your body as a weapon.
it does not give. Even the sturdiest     to-head competition, it’s as if we’re   fight. A few months later, he joined
                                         in the fifth and final round.”            the Air Force. It would be years be-                               By utilizing Ricky’s extensive
heavy bag securely anchored to the                                               fore Garber would have the oppor-                               knowledge and experience, Garber
                                            Garber found his footing at a sev-
floor would give in to the power of       enth-grade wrestling tournament.

this fighter testing his might.

Senior Airman Jeremiah Garber,

355th Maintenance Group analyst,

wants to take his mixed martial arts

game to the next level.

The amateur fighter arrived at

the secluded Tucson ranch as the

high Arizona sun blazed through

the trees and flower bushes of He lost a match, but with hopes to tunity to fight in a cage again.                                                intends to expand his arsenal to its

the sanctuary.                           only reach second place, he pinned Garber found a jiu jitsu class maximum potential. He envisions

He already knew the drill: he must the rest of his opponents. To his sur- when he first arrived in Tucson. his hands being molded into power-

prepare immediately for the arrival prise, Garber had actually won the He spent hours upon hours per- ful clubs, his elbows sharpened into

of his Muay Thai trainer, Ricky Ph- tournament because the opponent fecting his ground technique. deadly knives, and his knees swinging

rathep, who allows no rests.             he originally lost to was defeated. Once he felt it was strong enough, with the might of sledge hammers.
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