Page 18 - Desert Lightning News 5-6-16
P. 18
18 May 6, 2016 Desert Lightning News
Security experts build relationships through exchange
2nd Lt. Lacey Roberts AF security forces and local law en- dents in Chile outside what the USAF (U.S. Air National Guard photo by 2nd Lt. Lacey Roberts)
forcement, are responsible for ensuring would consider military force protec-
162d Wing Public Affairs the safety of property and personnel tion. Capt. Gonzalo Febre from the Carabineros de
from hostile forces. Each are tasked to Chile Special Operations Unit and Capt. An-
TUCSON, Ariz. -- Security experts respond to security threats posed by “This exchange presented an op- drea Garcia a Chilean air force exchange officer
from the Arizona Air National Guard’s transnational organized crime, terror- portunity to help us focus on base se- assigned to the Arizona Air National Guard’s
162nd Wing located at the Tucson Inter- ism, and natural disasters. curity and force protection,” said Febre. 162nd Wing located at the Tucson Internation-
national Airport teamed up with 12th Air “We will be able to take what we have al Airport attended an exercise during a Subject
Force (Air Forces Southern), Davis-Mon- During the exchange, visitors attend- learned and apply it when we return Matter Expert Exchange at the 162nd. The five-
than Air Force Base Explosive Ordinance ed presentations from D-M EOD, Pima home,” he said. day exchange focused on a sharing of ideas to
Disposal, AF Office of Special Investiga- County Sheriff’s Office and 162nd Se- increase capabilities specific to force protection
tions and local agencies to participate in curity Forces. The visitors were also In Chile every member of the air and threat assessment.
a Subject Matter Expert Exchange with presented with threat assessment sce- force was responsible for force pro-
partner nation counterparts. narios during a tour of the 162nd Wing. tection prior to the establishment of a with partner nations and during the
protection force five years ago. Now all exchange with Chile played an integral
The five-day exchange focused on a “There have been complex security members are vigilant and alert officials part in the 12th AF mission to build
sharing of ideas to increase capabilities incidents in the U.S.,” said Capt. Gonza- of threats, enabling the protection force partner nation capacity.
specific to force protection and threat lo Febre from the Carabineros de Chile members to focus on base protection.
assessment. Special Operations Unit. “The most im-
portant thing about participating in this “The defense force is relatively new,
“This is the second exchange of this exchange is creating the relationships to so we are developing tactics and pro-
kind we have hosted,” said U.S. Air be able to share information and learn cedures based on this exchange,” said
Force Chief Master Sgt. Mark Mil- how the U.S. handles security issues,” Chilean air force Lt. Diego Espoz. “It
bourn, 162nd security forces manager. said Febre. is important for us to see how security
“Hopefully we will be able to make this forces protect the flight line and the
an annual exchange and build an en- He and his team specialize in com- base, so we can adapt practices to fit our
during relationship that will increase bating terrorism, conducting search needs,” said Espoz.
our capabilities and the capabilities of and rescue efforts, protection dignitar-
our partner nations,” said Milbourn. ies, drug interdiction and other inci- The 162nd Wing is committed to
fostering long lasting relationships
The security experts from Chile, like
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