Page 21 - Desert Lightning News 5-6-16
P. 21

Desert Lightning News                                      May 6, 2016                                                                                                                       21

Be a Green Dot                                                                                                   instance of violence, but it also gives
                                                                                                                      tools to overcome those barriers.

2nd Lt. Lacey Roberts                    all can take to put a stop to power-                                           gram is to inspire a change in our         “Members will learn what it
                                         based personal violence,” said Capt.                                           culture,” said Alterman. “The mes-      means to direct, delegate and dis-
162nd Wing Public Affairs                Melissa Gonzalez officer in charge                                               sage we want members to leave with      tract in an effort to establish a com-
                                         of the International Military Student                                          after the training is that we want you  munity free of violence and fear of
   TUCSON, Ariz. -- In May mem-          Office and Green Dot implementer.                                                to step in and stop any act of inter-   violence,” said Alterman.
bers of the Arizona Air National                                                                                        personal violence from happening.”
Guard’s 162nd Wing located at the           Wing members will be required                                                                                          Are you ready to be a Green Dot?
Tucson International Airport will        to participate in one Green Dot ses-                                              Alterman says the program identi-
take the first step of a five-year         sion by December 31, 2016. This                                                fies barriers that might prevent some-
strategy to decrease interpersonal       50-minute long session will satisfy                                            one from taking action during an
violence across the Air Force when       the annual Sexual Assault Preven-
the Green Dot violence-prevention        tion and Response training require-
initiative gains momentum.               ment.

   The Air Force contracted with the        Master Sgt. Kim Alterman the
non-profit organization, Green Dot etc.   162nd Wing Green Dot coordina-
to provide violence prevention tools to  tor, said although Green Dot will
the total Air Force through 2018.        fulfill the annual SAPR require-
                                         ment, this program is not limited
   Four members of the 162nd             to sexual assault. It provides train-
joined 1,500 other Air Force per-        ing to prevent domestic violence,
sonnel trained by Green Dot staff         dating violence, stalking, child
to teach this new strategy. Classes      abuse, elder abuse and bullying.
have been held for wing leadership
and those set to deploy, but begin-         According to the Green Dot web-
ning in May the instructors will of-     page the overarching goal is to mo-
fer weekly classes.                      bilize a force of engaged and proac-
                                         tive bystanders.
   “Green Dot is a new training ap-
proach to help educate our force            “The goal of the Green Dot pro-
about preventative measures we

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