Page 24 - Desert Lightning News 5-6-16
P. 24
24 May 6, 2016 Desert Lightning News
Putting mental health in focus
Prerana Korpe ment through a variety of evidence-based thera- visit their primary care manager at least once an-
peutic exercises. This includes both individual nually.
Air Force Surgeon General Public Affairs and group therapy.
The Air Force is changing primary care teams
FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AFNS) -- Nearly one Mental health assessment to better address behavioral health needs. The
in five adults, or 43 million Americans, has a di- The Automated Neuropsychological Assess- Behavioral Health Optimization Program is a pri-
agnosable mental disorder, according to the Na- ment Metrics is the Defense Department man- mary care behavioral health program. Through
tional Institute of Mental Health. dated pre-deployment assessment and is admin- BHOP, behavioral health personnel are integrat-
istered to all service members within 12 months ed into primary care clinics to provide the right
Contrary to many other brain disorders, effec- of deployment. care. BHOP is available to all active-duty service
tive treatments are available for mental disorders. The assessment establishes a neurocognitive members, retirees and their family members.
baseline. This is used to measure potential cogni-
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a tive changes in individuals exposed to a concus-
time of year to bring awareness to mental health sive event.
issues and available resources. In the event of a traumatic brain injury, the
baseline is used to determine changes in cog-
According to the Department of Health and nitive functioning for assessment of a service
Human Services, many factors can contribute member’s return to duty status.
to mental health issues. This includes biological Seeking treatment
factors, life experiences as well as family history The Air Force Family Advocacy Program im-
of mental health problems. plements programs to prevent and treat domes-
tic abuse, child abuse and neglect. The program
Mental health affects everyone. It influences provides training, consultation services and pro-
thoughts, feelings and actions. The state of one’s gram and policy development.
mental health can determine how they make de- While nearly 50 percent of people with a treat-
cisions, interact with others and cope with dai- able behavioral health disorder do not seek care
ly stressors. Mental health is a factor of overall from a behavioral health professional, 80 percent
wellbeing, much like physical health.
Air Force mental health clinics are critical
to the health and readiness of beneficiaries and
family members. Services include mental health
assessment, education, consultation and treat-
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