Page 22 - Desert Lightning News 5-6-16
P. 22

22 May 6, 2016                                                                                                                                  Desert Lightning News


Lieutenant in training

Airman 1st Class Ashley N. Steffen                 emy application checklists on his desk fill up with                                               “It was all about having to find that balance and pri-
                                                   ink to indicate completion” said Senior Airman                                                oritizing what was more important that day, ensuring
355th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                  Chris Drzazgowski, 355th Fighter Wing Public                                                  my job performance didn’t go down,” Arnaud said.
                                                   Affairs photojournalist.
   DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, Ariz.                                                                                                              Arnaud aims to study foreign affairs and hopes
-- Coming from Puerto Rico, Jean-Paul Arnaud          Throughout the process, second lieutenant                                                  to obtain a piloting slot through the Academy.
vied his way through school, picking up English    bars appeared on his desk to serve as a constant
as a second language and struggling to create his  reminder for him to maintain focus on becom-                                                     “I’ve always pushed myself I think it is too easy
own path to success leading him to enlist in the   ing part of the USAF’s officer corps while he ac-                                               to get comfortable in a routine and plateau,” Ar-
U.S. Air Force.                                    quired signatures and recommendation letters.                                                 naud said. “It’s a constant obsession to push my-
                                                                                                                                                 self and grow as a person. I believe in my heart
   His life has been a growing adventure from         “I was relieved once it was finished,” Arnaud                                               that you live once and if you spend it comfortable
leaving Puerto Rico adapting to a new culture to   said. “It was a team effort, between my direct                                                 what are you really going to accomplish.”
becoming a broadcaster for the U.S. Air Force,     supervisor, commanding officer and the base
with the biggest step resting ahead.               commander. So many things could have stopped                                                     Arnaud eagerly waited for the news of whether or
                                                   my application, something as simple as not get-                                               not he got accepted. Only 170 prior service Airmen
   Airman 1st Class Jean-Paul Arnaud, 355th        ting a signature.”                                                                            interview for entry yearly according to USAFA.
Fighter Wing Public Affairs broadcaster, applied
for the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado            Arnaud’s brief military career focused                                                        The announcement of Arnaud’s acceptance was
Springs, Colo., through the Leaders Encouraging    around his profession as a broadcaster using                                                  made by Col. James Meger, 355th Fighter Wing
Airman Development program. This unique pro-       video to convey the Air Force story visually.                                                 commander, during a staff meeting March 22.
gram gives prior service Airmen the opportunity    The job of a broadcaster is to inform the com-
to enter the academy.                              munity on and off the base about the Davis-                                                      Meger congratulated Arnaud and told him
                                                   Monthan Air Force Base mission by highlight-                                                  there was a lot of challenges ahead of him.
   “There’s a list of things you have to accom-    ing airmen and their families.
plish, from the standard personal information, to                                                                                                   “He has the right attitude, skill set and mind
medical appointments, physical tests and plenty       Arnaud’s first published story was picked up                                                set, he’s going to be a very successful cadet,” said
of paperwork,” said Arnaud.                        by local news and his work since has been fea-                                                Capt. Casey Osborne, 355th Fighter Wing Pub-
                                                   tured on news stations, as well as, the Depart-                                               lic Affairs chief of public affairs, “Following his
   The extensive application process took ap-      ment of Defense website.                                                                      time in the academy, he will be an incredible suc-
proximately five months for him to complete.                                                                                                      cessful officer even when he has the weight of the
                                                                                                                                                 world on his shoulders he’ll get through it.”
   “For the past few months, I’ve watched Acad-

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