Page 1 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, December 2020
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Vol. 13, No. 12                Serving Southern Arizona’s military community, including Davis-Monthan Air Force Base   December 2020
                       Look for expanded coverage in the digital edition of Desert Lightning News and on

               INSIDE                          Multi-capable Airmen defend the base

                                                        by Senior Airman
             StorIES                                 JACoB T. STepheNS
                                                        355th Wing Public Affairs
             Remembering                        The 355th Security Forces Squadron
               Christmases past, 2             hosted various training sessions during
                                               Bushwhacker 20-07, held here Nov. 2 to 6.
             Contested coastal rescue           This training included learning about
               training, 3                     the law of armed conflict, use of force
                                               and other rules of engagement, as well
             Confined space training, 3       as practicing individual movement, team
                                               movement, weapons handling and deten-
             FARP exercises refuel            tion and searching techniques. These are
               capabilities, 5                 critical skills for Airmen as they learn
                                               to deal  with situations they may face
             Bushwhacker 20-07, 6/7           downrange.
                                                 “Everybody needs a basic knowledge of
             New housing resident             combat skills and who better to train that
               advocate, 8                     then SFS?” said Master Sgt. Rocky Rem-
                                               bert, 355th SFS training section chief.
             Generating aircraft, 9           “We developed this course that covers all
                                               the basic skills we deemed necessary in                                                 Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
                                               a short amount of time.”              Senior Airman Heather Bradley, 355th Security Forces Squadron defender, dem-
                                                 This curriculum has been developed   onstrates body search techniques during Exercise Bushwhacker 20-07 Nov. 3. The
                                               through multiple sessions of the Dynamic   355th Security Forces Squadron hosted training during the exercise that included
                                               Wing Skills Training Course and is now   learning about the law of armed conflict, use of force and other rules of engage-
                                               being taught at the wing-level as part of   ment, as well as practicing individual movement, team movement, weapons han-

             Continue to get Davis-Monthan                        See DEfEnD, Page 8  dling and detention and searching techniques.
               Air Force Base latest news
              and information from these
              sources: http://www.aerotech-                                                                 RQG saves four stranded teens
                   and social media
                   Desert Lightning News                                                                                       by Airman
                                                                                                                         WiLLiAM TuRNBuLL
                Date of publication
                                                                                                                            355th Wing Public Affairs
                  First Friday                                                                               Airmen assigned to the 563rd Rescue Group rescued
                    of the month                                                                            four teenagers who were stranded on Mount Baldy in
               Submission deadline                                                                          Dixie National Forest, Utah, Nov. 12.
            15th day of the month                                                                            One hiker, who was in critical condition, was transport-
           prior to date of publication                                                                     ed to Dixie Regional Medical Center in St. George, Utah,
                                                                                                            and was treated for hypothermia and altitude sickness.
                Veterans                                                                                    The other three teens were taken to the incident com-
                                                                                                            mand post and then further transported by helicopters
                                                                                                            to higher medical care.
                   Tell us Your Story                                                                        “The initial notification was that four teenage hikers
             Active-duty, Reserve, Retirees                                                                 had been stranded for approximately two days in incred-
           All military branches are included                                                               ibly rough, mountainous terrain at a high altitude,” said
            Email name, phone number and a                                                     Courtesy photo  Maj. Philip Veltre, 66th Rescue Squadron assistant direc-
           brief description of your service to  Airmen assigned to the 563rd Rescue Group rescued four teenag-
                 ers who were stranded on Mount Baldy in Dixie National Forest,   tor of operations. “Local civilian Life Flight helicopters
                                               Utah, Nov. 12.                                                                                   See rqg, Page 8

                                                                                                                                          See DOOLITTLE, Page 7

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