Page 8 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, December 2020
P. 8
8 December 2020 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News Devember 2020 9
D-M welcomes military housing resident advocate DEfEnD (from Page 1) are giving these Airmen a basis
for the situation where they may
Bushwhacker 07, to teach more have to defend a base or location, Generating aircraft for high-end fight
Airmen and become more effec- but we want them to walk away
by Staff Sgt. lations in order to help improve resident advocate position gives tive.
gioVANNi SiMS the quality of housing. Davis-Monthan housing members “The curriculum has changed with a desire to learn more and
“I serve as the key advisor another avenue to ensure their to put more of an emphasis on continue developing and master- Airman 1st Class Jackson Wagner, 355th Air-
355th Wing Public Affairs ing their field skill craft.”
to the installation commander housing needs are addressed. building multi-capable Airmen craft Maintenance Squadron A-10 Thunderbolt
In an effort to improve hous- and wing leadership on housing “The most common situation as it is required by the Dynamic The 355th Wing is developing II crew chief, performs maintenance on an A-10
ing and give residents a better issues related to life, health and is that residents think that I can Wing,” said Kevin Johnson, 355th Airmen to meet the needs of the on the flightline here Nov. 3. Wagner and other
way to get their issues resolved, safety,” said Jim Slough, 355th assist with all their issues without SFS trainer. “We have 150 Airmen ever-changing global climate of Airmen from the 355th Wing diverted opera-
a new Department of Defense- Wing privatized-housing resi- going through the correct process,” going through training this week war by forging an unmatched and tions from their typical location on the flight-
wide housing initiative has been dent advocate. “My job is to as- Slough said. “If they follow the from a wider variety of career fields unprecedented state of high-end line, while only taking limited resources as they
put in place to assist active duty sist residents who are unable to ‘Dispute Resolution Process,’ most (where it is typically only 30 or so readiness. This is being sustained simulated what would be available to them in a
military families residing in resolve their housing concerns or of the issues will be resolved in a maintenance personnel) which by multi-capable Airmen who are contested and austere environment, as Airmen
privatized housing. needs and help seek solutions.” timely manner.” gives what we are doing a bigger able to execute dynamic force continue to train different scenarios to ensure
After some concerns were Similar to the Military Housing Davis-Monthan residents can impact. Now we have the ability to employment and agile combat their readiness for the high-end fight.
raised about privatized mili- Office and Soaring Heights hous- contact the housing resident ad- split into doing some class work, employment in contested and
tary family housing, the DoD ing, the resident advocate address- vocate at 520-228-3142 or email field work and we are going to the austere environments.
assigned privatized-housing es any issues Airmen may have questions directly to james. range and getting them qualified “We are conducting this train-
resident advocates to the instal- with their home on base. The new ing to meet the objectives of
with their weapons.” this exercise and the wing com-
The Airmen involved in this mander,” Rembert said. “This An A-10 Thunderbolt II taxis
rqg (from Page 1) are trained to scale rugged and steep terrain in training, who were from various gives the wing the ability to grab on the flightline here Nov. 3.
harsh weather conditions to execute search and units across the wing, learned any group of Airmen who are A-10 pilots are being trained
were able to infill two flight medics nearby, who rescue missions. from SFS personnel to become required to complete the mission on tactics, techniques and
then hiked two miles to the stranded hikers. “It feels good to get a rescue mission in because multi-capable — able to estab- at a moment’s notice and drop procedures for operating in
The hikers were suffering from various degrees it’s a lot of hard work we put in on this, a lot of pre- lish, sustain and defend the them into a contested area in the contested and austere loca-
of altitude sickness and hypothermia. One paring and flying this aircraft to give us the tools base with organic command and middle of nowhere and know that tions as part of Exercise
hiker’s condition was more severe and therefore to make sure this was executed safely,” Schrock control. they have the skills they need to Bushwhacker 20-07.
prevented the medics from moving to a location said. “The motto of the unit is ‘these things we do, “By getting everyone that basic survive and be successful.”
where the Life Flight helicopters could land to that others may live.’ In these aircraft, we have riflemen and field operator type The 355th Wing is leading the Wagner marshals an A-10 on
pick them up safely.” 13 people who are going out of their way to save training, we multiply the ability way in executing the priorities the D-M flightline Nov. 3.
After the Washington County Sheriff’s office these hikers and bring them back to their families.” of our force to go and support of Air Force and Department of
contacted the Air Force Rescue Coordination This rescue is one of several real-world rescues operations when the wing is Defense senior leaders by staying Photos by Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
Center, the 66th RQS dispatched two HH-60G performed over the last year by the 563rd RQG, called on,” Johnson said. “You ready to wield combat airpower Wagner marshals an A-10 on the flightline Nov. 3. Airmen from the
Pave Hawks with crews that included eight and serve as a great example of how these Airmen never want to be in a gun fight anywhere, anytime through con- 355th AMXS have been generating aircraft in support of Exercise
aircrew members from the 66th RQS and five are always ready to execute their mission, whether or survival situation where you stantly evolving and enhanced Bushwhacker 20-07.
pararescuemen from the 58th RQS. These Airmen at home station or downrange. wish that you learned more. We training.
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