Page 5 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, December 2020
P. 5
4 December 2020 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News Devember 2020 5 (from Page 3) mission is to eliminate that
Chaplain’s thoughts ... rESCuE threat, pick him up and return FARP training enhances skill sets
Pararescuemen from the
him to friendly forces.”
48th RQS operated from the
Overcoming holiday blues water and in the air, while the 563rd Rescue Group, which
Staying well-trained gives
Survival, Evasion, Resistance
includes the 48th and 55th
and Escape personnel simu-
by Senior Airman
Through increased training, the wing
lated a survivor in an un- RQS, the skills to respond JACoB STepheNS Senior Airman Jake Mar- is expanding its capabilities to continue
effectively when the call for
quez, 355th Logistics
known location.
by Col. and can lead to the holiday blues, but Another area that causes the holiday help comes. Readiness Squadron for- pushing farther into the fight and be more
ShoN NeYLAND they can be overcome. blues is trying to meet perceived expec- “Our operations began with “Our overall mission is com- 355th Wing Public Affairs ward area refueling point effective in delivering lethal airpower when
You may be wondering if you are tations of society. If gifts are a part of a SERE Airman in a one-man bat search and rescue,” Foley Airmen from across the 355th Wing ex- operator, waits on aircraft it is required.
Chaplain, Pacific Air Forces life raft who used the different
experiencing the holiday blues. Often your holiday celebrations, understand said. “We’re supporting ev- ecuted forward area refueling point training to arrive during a FARP “If a combat controller sets up an airfield,
JoiNT BASe peARL hARBoR- overlooked warning signs include your gift-giving budget and stick to it. signaling devices a downed ery other aviator in the air. as part of exercise Bushwhacker 20-07 at mission in support of we can establish a refueling point there
hiCKAM, hawaii — The holiday changes in sleep patterns, weight loss Holiday pressures and wanting to give pilot would have,” said Staff They have the confidence that, Fort Bliss, Texas, Nov. 3 through 5. Bushwhacker 20-07 at Fort from day one to push our aircraft and re-
season is upon us once again, and or gain, increased or decreased eating, to those we care about can cause un- Sgt. Dakota Dennis, 55th RQS should anything go wrong with A-10 Thunderbolt IIs from the 354th Bliss, Texas, Nov. 4. As sources farther into the fight,” Watford said.
it is often a busy season. It is filled increased anger or anxiety, headaches, necessary financial strain. If your loved special missions aviator. “We their mission, we have the abil- Fighter Squadron, HC-130J Combat King the global climate of war “We hold the ability to establish refueling
with shopping, gifts, festivities, joyous lack of concentration and decreased one knew you would be carrying debt then deployed pararescuemen IIs from the 79th Rescue Squadron, and Air- continues to change and points anywhere in the world at any time,
music, holiday parties, decorations, interests in things you would normally for the next year to buy them a gift, do out of our aircraft into the ity to effectively pick them up become more demanding, whether it is an airfield or forward operat-
and many opportunities to be with do. Other classic symptoms that can you think they would still want you water and brought them back and return them to safety.” men from the 355th Maintenance Squadron
family, friends, and coworkers as we indicate the holiday blues or depression to buy it? Oftentimes the pressure to The 563rd Rescue Group’s and 355th Logistics Readiness Squadron service members across ing location.”
close out the old year and welcome include being sad often, withdrawn, overspend is internal and not external. up with the survivor.” capabilities give a safety net worked together to accomplish this train- the Department of Defense As the global climate of war continues
the New Year. However, for some this and not interacting with others or going There is little doubt that a key to Contested maritime train- pilots can rely on when they ing autonomously, as Airmen were unable continue to build and to change and become more demanding,
can be a challenging time. Instead to events. The key is recognizing that overcoming the holiday blues is ensur- ing improves the readiness are in harm’s way. to receive assistance from Army personnel sustain an unprecedented service members across the Department
of being a season of joy, some may these are all real feelings and possi- ing that whether you are military or of the 48th and 55th RQS by “Ultimately the Air Force’s due to COVID-19 restrictions. and unmatched level of of Defense continue to build and sustain
experience increased stress, feelings bilities for each of us. If you, your loved civilian, you are keeping a caring eye equipping them with the ex- mission is to hold air superior- “This training is taking normal fuels troops readiness across the force an unprecedented and unmatched level of
of loneliness, depression and anxiety. ones, or someone you know show signs on your wingman. This can be check- perience they need to perform ity,” said Dennis. “When stuff to conduct these FARP operations, which is through in-depth and con- readiness across the force.
Psychologists often refer to this as of the holiday blues, here are some rec- ing in via email, a phone call, or going over-water rescues, despite goes wrong or a pilot gets shot making us the multi-capable Airmen that stant training, to ensure “FARP capabilities increase the menu
the holiday blues. Unfortunately, this ommendations to help overcome them. to lunch with them. Connection is the the conditions and opposi- critical capabilities that of options for where and how the Air Force
is a real phenomenon and some will We must be intentional about social- key to letting others know they are down, knowing that they have we are required to be,” said Staff Sgt. Daniel
contemplate suicide. izing with others. The easiest thing to loved and not a burden. Those who tions. dedicated units out there to Watford, 355th LRS FARP operator. “We are Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens are required in the fight. projects fixed-wing combat power within
Military and civilian personnel do when faced with difficulties is to experience the holiday blues often “This training gives us a re- come get them boosts morale going from driving fuel trucks to becoming the joint battlespace,” said Peters. “More
alike can face higher stress levels isolate ourselves. Isolation can give a feel as though they were a burden to alistic experience in maritime and continues the mission.” flight certified and are able to refuel any air- options means the 355th Wing can provide
during the holidays. The expectation false sense that the problems are big- their family, friends and coworkers. operations for when we rescue The 563rd RQG is always frame or any other equipment that takes jet men continue to lead the way in building at Fort Bliss utilizing combat controllers tailorable packages for a wide range of
of “holiday happiness” can seem dif- ger than they actually are. Spending Connecting with one another is a sure a downed pilot,” Dennis said. prepared to rescue. By com- fuel. We are also qualified to help loadmasters readiness for the high-end fight. from Cannon Air Force Base. The FARP mission sets, enabling efficient allocation
ficult to obtain if you are experiencing time with family, friends, and those way to provide a sense of hope and “It prepares us to go on real- pleting contested maritime load cargo, execute air drops and perform a “FARP training increases the ability for site allowed the Dynamic Wing to utilize of airpower resources. Additionally, as the
a troubled relationship, the death of a who care about you can help bolster encouragement. Communicate with world rescues due to the fact training, they significantly im- variety of other critical tasks.” the Dynamic Wing to rapidly deploy combat its HC-130Js, FARP personnel and A-10 procedures are normalized, the training
loved one, separation from family and your emotional well-being. Each of others and talk about your feelings that we simulate opposing a proved their skills to respond These capabilities are crucial for the dy- airpower utilizing organic personnel and aircraft to rapidly refuel A-10s closer to the opportunities with Army, Air Force, Navy
friends, being away from home, diffi- us needs a wingman and support with your wingman or family mem- real-world adversary that is to those missions effectively, and Marine Corps units increases, which
culties in the work place or challenges network where we can go when things bers. Surround yourself with family namic force employment and agile combat equipment,” said Capt. Zachary Peters, battlespace. A closer refuel site increases
with finances. These stressors are real are not going as we planned in life. and friends. moving against our isolated despite the adversaries, so that employment concepts that are being trained 354th Fighter Squadron A-10 pilot. “A FARP on-station time for the A-10s, which enables makes the wing’s fighting units more po-
survivor in the water. Our others may live. and emphasized as the 355th Wing’s Air- survey was conducted during a site survey more coverage of ground troop movement.” tent members of the total force.”
Competition tightens their bonds of friendship, family and service to our nation.
USAA salutes the Cadets and Midshipmen of the 2020 Army-Navy Game.
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