Page 3 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, December 2020
P. 3

2  December 2020  Desert Lightning News  Desert Lightning News       Devember 2020                                                                      3                                        
 Remembering Christmases past, major military events  Contested coastal rescue training conducted

 by    A damaged Confederate gun at Fort
 KATie LANge  Fisher, N.C., circa 1864, after the first                     by Airman 1st Class            during which they executed a series of rescue
 battle there toward the end of the                                        KAiTLYN J. eRgiSh               procedures over the Pacific Ocean to enhance
 Department of Defense                                                                                     overall rescue capabilities, not only on land but
 Civil War.                                                                   355th Wing Public Affairs
 On Christmas Day every year, many                                                                         also over and in water.
 Americans relax and enjoy time with                                 The 48th and 55th Rescue Squadrons com-  “We shot moving targets towed behind a boat
 their families. For many of our troops,   The Battle of Trenton inspired this   pleted  contested maritime training off the   while flying above the ocean,” said Capt. Dylan
 though, it can be a day of sacrifice and   famous painting by Emanuel Leutze   coast of California, Nov. 1 through 14. The   Foley, 55th RQS pilot. “Our crews applied weap-
 hardship.  of Gen. George Washington crossing                     training included day and night operations   ons tactics to analyze how we can get better at
 Throughout the history of the U.S.,   the Delaware River.                                                 taking opposing forces out while protecting the
 several large-scale military actions have                         An HH-60 Pave Hawk II assigned to the 55th   survivor we are picking up. We also focused on
 taken place on December 25. The follow-                           Rescue Squadron flies over the Pacific   using search and signaling devices such as a
 ing are four of the most noteworthy.                              Ocean, Nov. 3. The 55th RQS completed con-  radios, mirrors, flares and smokes to determine
 1776: Washington’s Famous Cross-                                  tested maritime training at Naval Air Station   how effective they are based on different ranges
 ing of the Delaware  It was a debacle for the Union.              North Island, California, from Nov. 1-14 to   and altitudes of the aircraft.”
 The winter of 1776 didn’t start well for   First, the Union tried to pack a warship   Airman 1st Class Kaitlyn J. Ergish  enhance their over-water rescue capabilities.   See rESCuE, Page 4
 Gen. George Washington’s Continental   with explosives to blow up the fort’s walls
 Army. They suffered many defeats in the   — but that didn’t work. It just blew up
 first few months of the American Revo-  their ship and alerted the Confederates   Confined space training prepares Airmen for emergencies
 lution and had been pushed out of New   of an imminent attack. So on Christmas
 York and New Jersey into Pennsylvania.   Eve, the Union tried again, bombarding
 For the troops, morale was low.  the fort with heavy gunfire, most of which   by Senior Airman    “Training these situations is vitally important
 Washington needed to renew faith in   fell short or missed its target.  JACoB T. STepheNS  because it can happen to anyone at any time and we
 the battle for independence, so he decided   On Christmas morning, Union com-  must know what to do,” said Airman 1st Class Eric
 to surprise the Hessians — German   manders decided to shell an area north   355th Wing Public Affairs   Macklin, 355th CMS aircraft fuels systems troop.
 troops hired by the British — who were   of the fort so troops could land and come   The 355th Component Maintenance Squadron Fuels   “We have to be able to rely on the people around us
 stationed in Trenton, New Jersey. He   ashore. But when they did, more disap-  Flight conducted confined space emergency action   to work as a team in the event that something hap-
 figured that doing so after the enemy’s   pointment followed — the fort’s heavy   training here Nov. 13.  pens that requires us to execute these procedures in
 Christmas celebrations would find them   artillery was completely unscathed, so   This annual training was accomplished to ensure   a real-world situation.”
 groggy and unprepared for a fight, es-  that was a no-go, too. It was only then   Airmen’s readiness in case of an on-the-job emergency.  Teamwork is a critical element to mission success
 pecially as a terrible winter storm was   that the Union ordered troops to retreat.  “This practice allows us to exercise pulling an   in any facet, but relying on the Airmen you work with
 brewing.  While the first Battle of Fort Fisher   incapacitated Airman out of a confined space and   is even more important when faced with a potential
 So, late Christmas night, Washington   was a massive failure for the Union, the   A B-52 Stra-  performing emergency procedures as defined by our   life-or-death situation.
 and his troops hopped in boats and   second wasn’t. In mid-January 1865,   tofortress   standards,” said Senior Airman Zachary Watkins,   “The on-base fire department, bioenvironmental
 waded across the icy Delaware River   Union troops were finally able to capture   bomber takes   355th CMS aircraft fuels systems troop. “This train-  flight from the Medical Group and safety at the   Senior Airman Jacob T. Stephens
 to test his theory — and he was right.   the fort, effectively cutting the Confeder-  off from An-  ing goes through the entire process, which includes   squadron and wing-level are all involved in this   Senior Airman Zachary Watkins, 355th Component
 At dawn on Dec. 26, about 2,400 frozen   ates off from global trade and supplies.   dersen Air   getting the Airman out of the fuel tank, calling emer-  training,” Watkins said. “Getting everyone on the   Maintenance Squadron aircraft fuels systems troop,
 Continentals pushed into Trenton, and   The Civil War ended three months later.  Force Base   gency services, changing the respirator and starting   same page makes sure that in these situations, we   pulls a simulated incapacitated Airman out of a fuel   SPOTLIGHT
 they did indeed surprise the enemy, who   1972: operation Linebacker ii in   in Guam in   to perform CPR.”  are able to preserve our wingmen’s life.”  tank during training Nov. 13. Watkins took lead in
 surrendered within an hour and a half.  North Vietnam  support of   The quality of this training was enhanced by using   Working in confined spaces can create potentially   the situation as he went through emergency pro-
 The mission, which became known as   American troops were in the middle of   Operation   a recently acquired C-130 wing to give more realism   hazardous situations and training for any possible   tocol to safely and effectively remove the Airman
 the Battle of Trenton, was of huge signifi-  the largest bombing mission in military   Linebacker II   to the type of confined space that will be seen in a   scenario is critical to ensure the safety of the Air   from the fuel tank, address any issues and treat for
 cance to the Continental Army’s cause.   history during the Christmas season of   in December   real-world situation.  Force’s most valuable resource, its Airmen.  potential injuries.
 Not only did it raise the troops’ spirits,   1972. The air campaign, called Operation   1972.
 but it revived the hope of the colonists,   Linebacker II, has largely been consid-
 who were beginning to think their battle   ered the action that ended U.S. involve-  The only day that both sides got a re-  American troops wouldn’t leave the
 for independence wasn’t feasible.  ment in the Vietnam War.  prieve was Christmas, when troops were   country for another two years.  Chapel Services  national Vietnam War
 1864:  The First Battle of Fort   President Richard Nixon ordered   given a 36-hour break to celebrate. Dur-  1896: “Stars and Stripes Forever”
 Fisher  the bombings to begin on Dec. 18 after   ing that time, Nixon ordered the North   is Written            Vets Day —
 For most of the Civil War, North Caro-  North Vietnamese delegates walked out   Vietnamese to return to the bargaining   While this wasn’t exactly a military   Catholic services  Staff
 lina’s Fort Fisher saw very little combat.   on peace talks. Nicknamed the “11 Days   table. The North Vietnamese refused, so   action, it’s definitely a symbol of Amer-  Desert Dove Chapel  Publisher ..............................................................Paul Kinison  rescheduled
 But that changed on Christmas 1864,   of Christmas,” the operation consisted   the bombings continued until Dec. 29,   ica’s military might.  Daily Mass: 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday  Business manager  ...............................................Lisa Kinison
 when the Union decided it wanted to   of 11 successive days of raids by B-52   when they agreed to resume peace talks.  John Philip Sousa, who grew up dur-  Saturday Mass: 5 p.m.  Editor .......................................................................Amy Lamb
 capture the last port the Confederates   Stratofortress bombers flown in from   In 11 days, Linebacker II dropped   ing the Civil War, was a talented musi-  Sunday Mass: 10 a.m.  Advertising representative ................................Sandi Bueltel  On  National Vietnam War Veterans
                                                         Designer .................................................................Tinna Sellie
 held on the Atlantic Ocean.  Andersen Air Force Base, Guam.  15,000 tons of bombs via 729 U.S. Air   cian who became a long-time director   Protestant services, studies   Day, the Defense Commissary Agency
 Force sorties involving   of the U.S. Marine Band. Known as the   Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.  has recognized the service of Americans
 about 12,000 airmen.   “March King,” he was a rock star of his   and programs  877- 247-9288 •  who served on active duty during the
 Defense Department   time, eventually starting his own band   •  Facebook Event page - Contemporary Service   Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert Lightning   Vietnam War. In past years, commissaries
 records show the raids   in 1892.  9 a.m. Live stream to include a link to join our   News. The editor will edit or rewrite submitted material for clarity, brevity or to   and exchanges hosted commemoration
                                                         conform to the Associated Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force style as
 destroyed or damaged   On Christmas Day 1896, while cross-  Sunday School live via Zoom and Children’s   required by Air Force Instruction 35-101. Contributions for Desert Lightning News   ceremonies on March 29.
 1,600 structures, 500 rail   ing the Atlantic on his way home from   Church (lesson, materials and activities)  can be emailed to the editor at Submission deadlines
 targets, 10 airfields and   a European vacation, Sousa’s lasting   •  Facebook Event page - Gospel Service 11:30 a.m.   are the 15th day prior to the month of publication. Submissions will be based
 80 percent of North Viet-  legacy came to him. He said the notes   Live stream to include a link to join our Sunday   on space available and priority. Desert Lightning News uses information from   However, this year, these events were
 nam’s electric-generating   for “Stars and Stripes Forever” were   School live via Zoom and Children’s Church   Davis-Monthan Air Force Base website, the Armed Forces Information Service,   postponed to a later date due to efforts
                                                         Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command, staff writers and other sources.
 capacity. Fifteen U.S. B-  born out of homesickness and fond   (lesson, materials and activities)   All advertising is handled by Aerotech News and Review, 220 E. Ave. K4, Suite   to help prevent the spread of the coro-
 52s were also destroyed   memories of his time as the Marine   •  Adult Sunday School, Young Adult Ministries,   7, Lancaster, CA 93535. For business advertising, call 877-247-9288 or email   navirus.
 in the process, killing   Band’s leader.  Wednesday Night Gospel Study, AWANA,   Sandi Bueltel at For classified advertising, email
 35 men and leading to   The iconic song officially became   PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel)  DeCA will publicize the new ceremony
                                                          Desert Lightning News is published by Aerotech News and Review, a pri-
 the capture of nearly   America’s national march in 1987.  and PMOC (Protestant Men of the Chapel)   vate firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under written agree-  dates once they are set, inviting all
 40 American  prisoners   This holiday season, while you’re en-  will be available on Zoom.   ment with the 355th Fighter Wing. Contents of Desert Lightning News are   Vietnam-era veterans who served from
              Find up-to-date information at Davis-Monthan
 of war.  joying leave, family, friends and feasts,   Chapel Facebook page.  not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government,   Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975, to attend
 The resumed peace   think of some of your fellow troops, past   Department of Defense or the Department of the Air Force. The appearance   and receive a lapel pin at select stateside
 talks that came from the   and present, who had to  forgo their   Connect to these study links through our   of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not   and overseas stores.
 campaign led to the Paris   holidays for the greater good of the   Facebook page or email:   constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by the DLN,
                                                         DOD, Air Force or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this
 Peace Accords in January   country.  While you’re at it, you might  publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without   For more information, go to
 Courtesy photos  1973. The U.S. ended its   even want to put on “Stars and Stripes   For more information or to contact a chaplain,   regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physi-
 On this stereoscopic card, the John Philip Sousa Band plays on a bandstand in Philadel-  involvement in the war   Forever” in their honor. Have a great   call 520-228-5411.  cal handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the pur-
 phia around 1900, while two band members wave American flags.  soon after, but the last   holiday season, everybody!  chase, user or patron.   Courtesy of DeCA
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