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Students selected to attend military academies
staff writer
Eighteen students consider them- Photograph by Linda KC Reynolds
selves very fortunate to be selected by
the U.S. Congressional Knight Military Proud friends and family members take photos of Class of 2019 military academy appointees June 13 at the AV College Performing Arts Theatre. The appointees
Academy Selection Committee and are pictured with John Fergione and Ellie Kay, Knight Military Academy Selection Committee members (left), and U.S. Rep. Steve Knight, (right). The Class of
will soon pursue a four-year education 2019 Knight Military Academy appointees are: U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis: Harrison Davis Hom; Amy Christine Stallard; Patrick Karl Watler and Taylor
DQGEHFRPHPLOLWDU\RI¿FHUV Clendenan Welker; U.S. Air Force Academy: Zachary David Norton; Benjamin Aaron Young; Anna Maria Weilbacher; Nickolas Cody Chew and Dean Everett
Risse; U.S. Air Force Academy Prep School: Blake Evan Fall; U.S. Merchant Marine Academy: Logan Thomas Propst; Veronica Jane Grabiak; Kalani Cabico;
Representing California’s 25th Dis- Thomas Arthur Curry and Jarom Lee Sims; and U.S. Military Academy at West Point: Chloe Elizabeth Kargodorian; Hayden Andrew Cook; Olivia Anita Capasso.
trict, Congressman Steve Knight along
with best-selling author of “Heroes at
Home,” Ellie Kay, and presenter and
committee chairman, John Fergione,
shook hands with “the best of the best,”
during a reception to honor America’s
new leaders and send them along their
way with a few encouraging words by
those who walked before them.
The Military Academy Selection
Committee was hand-picked by Knight
because of their expertise and integrity:
John Fergione, Ellie Kay, Todd “Leif”
Ericson, Ken Fidyk, Jennifer Riedel
and Jim Webb worked together to
choose students from across District
“I picked these members because I
know what they are capable of. I know
that the students they choose will be-
come great leaders,” explained Knight.
Students will attend the United
States Academies: Navy, Air Force,
Merchant Marine and the Army Mili-
tary Academy at West Point. They
will receive a full scholarship and in
return, will serve at least four years in
the military.
See ACADEMY, Page 3
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. announced %OXH&(2*$$6,³7KHFRPSDQ\DOVRKDVPDGHDVLJ-
pendent Research and Development program to design, UHSUHVHQWWKH¿UVW53$V\VWHPLQLWVFODVVWRDFKLHYHWKLV
develop, and produce a variant of the Predator® B RPA breakthrough.”
GA-ASI is a leading manufacturer of Remotely Piloted
milestone for the CPB RPA. The wings span 79 feet and
Aircraft systems, radars, and electro-optic and related mis- HQDEOHRYHUKRXUVRIÀLJKWWLPHIRUWKHDLUFUDIW7KH
sion systems solutions.
&HUWL¿DEOH3UHGDWRU%KDVFRPSOHWHGDVXFFHVVIXOLQWHU- is working with the FAA to develop Unmanned Aircraft
nal Phase 1 Critical Design Review, along with reviews Systems airworthiness standards.
by two prospective European customers. Development of GA-ASI is focused on the development and testing of
the system follows international airworthiness standards
and Collision Avoidance System II with the company’s
that include STANAG 4671, UK DEFSTAN 00970, SAE
$53$0,/+'%.&'2DQG'2DV Due Regard Radar to enable both automatic collision
avoidance and the ability to remain well clear of other air-
granted by the responsible agencies within each country.
7KHFRPSDQ\LVRQVFKHGXOHWRFRQGXFWÀLJKWWHVWVRIDWHVW space users. The integrated DAA system will continue to
production aircraft in 2017.
See PREDATOR, Page 2
“Completion of this first CDR is the culmination
of several years of review of requirements and design
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