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Lockheed Martin donates to Habitat for Heroes
staff writer
Veterans are one step closer to moving into their new homes in Santa Clarita,
Calif., thanks to Habitat for Humanity and Lockheed Martin employees.
In 2011, Habitat LA established Habitat for Heroes, an outreach initiative seek-
ing to engage veterans, military members and their families in Habitat for Human-
ity’s mission. Since then, more than 4000 veterans have volunteered and nearly
Honorably discharged, low-income veterans may apply for a home and loan.
Seventy-eight homes will be built in Centre Pointe Parkway in Santa Clarita.
“We are really proud to help support our veterans through Habitat and to be
here working with the veterans that will actually be moving into these houses,”
said Terri Garcia, of Lockheed Martin. “It is something we all believe in, that is
why we are here.”
Lockheed Martin donates
$15,000 to Habitat for
Humanity and help paint
and trench a phase of
new homes that are
already sold to low income
Photographs by Linda KC Reynolds
ACADEMY, from 1
“These are the best schools in the country … you’re going to with cadets from 50 states, be taught and lead by our nation’s best academies are full of valedictorians, presidents of clubs and
cry, you’re going to be pushed, you’re going to do things you never leaders and mentors. They will also join clubs and teams and go on captains.
thought possible and in the end, you are going to achieve some- ships all over the world, study abroad and learn a new language,
thing that is unbelievable,” said Knight. meet heads of states and leaders of nations. “Be patient, embrace “They didn’t accept you just to put you on a pedestal to congratu-
the process, keep your goals close, and have fun.” late you, they accepted you to challenge you.” When learning with
U.S Army 2nd Lt. Alex Gaff, a 2015 Military Academy graduate, the best, she reminded students to have pride, but don’t get cocky.
said that her father encouraged to go West Point. “When my mom Affecting not only their lives but all those they interact with, “They will make it a point to knock you down if you get cocky, take
and I asked what it was, we laughed.” She soon talked to a recruiter UHWLUHG1DY\RI¿FHUDQG/RFNKHHG0DUWLQWHVWSLORW-RKQ)HUJLRQH pride and stay humble. People will respect you for it.”
and since then, has had some of the most incredible experiences, told students to remember that winners never quit. Ellie Kay is considered to be America’s Military Family Expert.
Gaff imagined her college experience would be like her friends; winners never quit. Be a winner, and not just in the academy. It will she is the mother of seven, with three sons on active duty. She said
however, instead of decorating dorm rooms and going to parties, positively affect your life forever more.” family support is of most importance and encourages families to let
she took advantage of the countless opportunities and encouraged U.S. Air Force Academy Cadet 1st Class Marika Nemeth their soldiers hear and really know; “I love you, I’m proud of you
the new cadets to do the same. She told students that they will live UHPLQGHGVWXGHQWVWKH\ZLOOEHOLWWOH¿VKLQDELJSRQG7KH and together we’re going to be all right.”
June 19, 2015 Aerotech News and Review 3 ........