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Space & Technology News

NASA ‘Eyes’ study Louisiana’s changing wetlands

   NASA recently completed an in-        at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory,      combat the negative effects of wetland    The Mississippi River Delta south of New Orleans, as seen from NASA’s
tensive study of Louisiana Gulf Coast                                              ORVVDQGÀRRGV7KHGDWDZLOODOVREH    C-20A research aircraft.
levees and wetlands, making measure-     Pasadena, Calif.. The instruments were    used to improve modeling of delta land
ments with three advanced imaging                                                  building and can be applied to help re-                                                                       Left: Kean Tam, UAVSAR
instruments on two research aircraft.    all developed at JPL.                     store deltas worldwide.                                                                                       instrument operator,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 monitors the C-20A’s
   1$6$LQVWUXPHQWVÀ\RYHUWKH*XOI       The instruments were:                     8$96$5ÀHZRQD&$UHVHDUFK                                                                            flight path to ensure
Coast one to three times per year to        ‡ 7KH 8QLQKDELWHG$HULDO 9HKLFOH   aircraft and the other two instruments                                                                        that accurate data are
keep consistent records of ground sub-   6\QWKHWLF$SHUWXUH5DGDU8$96$5        ÀHZRQD%.LQJ$LU%RWKDLUFUDIW                                                                        collected. Far Left:
sidence—the gradual sinking of an area                                             are based at NASA’s Armstrong Flight                                                                          UAVSAR image of Wax
of land—which can compromise the         instrument, an imaging radar uniquely     Research Center facility in Palmdale,                                                                         Lake Delta at low tide
integrity of roads, buildings and levee                                            Calif.                                                                                                        FDSWXUHGGXULQJDÀLJKWRQ
systems.                                 designed to measure how Earth loca-                                                                                                                     May 5, 2015. Research on
                                                                                      An area of particular interest on                                                                          the delta’s growth through
   Scientists also closely monitor veg-  tions change between repeat flights       this mission was the Wax Lake Delta.                                                                          natural sedimentation
etation changes in the coastal wetlands                                            According to UAVSAR Principal In-                                                                             processes can aid future
to better understand how to preserve     over the same path.                       vestigator Cathleen Jones of JPL, the                                                                         work on restoring deltas
them. The marshlands not only are           ‡ 7KH 1H[W*HQHUDWLRQ$LUERUQH      Wax Lake Delta is one of the few deltas                                                                       worldwide.
home to a delicate ecosystem, but also                                             in the world that is actually growing
serve as a natural barrier between land  Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer     through natural sedimentation pro-
and sea. During storms and hurricanes,   $9,5,6QJZKLFKREVHUYHVFKDQJHV       cesses.
into more heavily populated areas. As                                                 “Most deltas are highly engineered,
these wetlands become overly saturated   accurate, quantitative characteriza-      inhabited areas that are in danger from
by rising sea levels and the vegetation                                            a combination of subsidence and sea
within them dies, the protection pro-    tions of the composition and features     level rise. This happens because dams
vided by these areas is reduced, jeop-                                             upstream and levees in the delta prevent
ardizing the local communities and       of Earth’s surface.                       the natural process of sedimentation
economy.                                    ‡7KH$LU6XUIDFH:DWHUDQG2FHDQ     from offsetting subsidence,” said Jones.

   “This was a great opportunity to      7RSRJUDSK\$LU6:27LQVWUXPHQWDQ
use instruments that work together
to create a more complete picture of     airborne prototype of a planned space-
the changing Louisiana delta,” said
Randall Friedl, manager of the Earth     borne precision radar instrument that
                                         will use a new technique to measure

                                         changes in Earth’s water surfaces over


                                            According to Friedl, the instruments

                                         work synergistically together to charac-

                                         terize key wetland properties, such as

                                         ing dynamics and vegetation type.

                                            The goal of the research is to pro-

                                         vide data to federal and local agencies,

                                         which use the information to determine

                                         where to concentrate resources and


                                                  Aerotech News and Review                                                   June 19, 2015

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