Page 9 - Aerotech News 6-19-15_Classical
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NASA’s Launch Services Program for smaller payloads that NASA an- es and involvement of many agencies nies, and once we get going, the regu- VSDFHZLOO¿QGLWGLI¿FXOWWRJHWDWULS
has issued a Request for Proposal ticipates it will require on a recurring to Mars on a major spacecraft, for in-
for new commercial Venture Class basis for future science and CubeSat and institutions to accomplish. For ex- lar launches will drive the costs down VWDQFH2QWKHRWKHUKDQGLIWKDWVHQ-
Launch Services for small satellites, missions. VRUFRXOGEHÀRZQRQD&XEH6DWDQG
often called CubeSats or nanosatel- ample, past CubeSats have been built for everyone.” show its effectiveness, a future use
lites, and experiments on science mis- The services acquired under the becomes more practical more quickly.
sions using a class of rockets smaller RFP mean NASA does not have to with parts from smartphones, while The emerging uses are for data
than any currently available to the support a CubeSat launch vehicle on “It proves the technology for our
agency. its own or pay for its development. others are a custom blend of materi- valuable to a number of industries larger spacecraft,” said Garrett Skro-
The agency can buy the launch service bot, Educational Launch of Nano-sat-
NASA plans to award one or more as any other customer could and enjoy als and equipment. The next CubeSat including farming, shipping, data net- HOOLWHPLVVLRQPDQDJHU³,IZH¿QGD
¿UP¿[HGSULFH9&/6FRQWUDFWVWRDF- the savings since the rocket’s costs are launch opportunity through the Cube- ZRUNLQJDQGWKHLQVXUDQFH¿HOG7KH sensor or a battery that works better,
commodate 132 pounds of CubeSats supported by a wide market of users. ZHFDQÀ\LWRQRQHRIWKHVHDQGVKRZ
in a single launch or two launches The boosters would be developed pri- Sat Launch Initiative will be released uses for the satellites, even as small as whether it works. Then the team that
carrying 66 pounds each. The launch vately, and a single rocket would be uses it on something else does so with
provider will determine the launch lo- able to send dozens of the tiny space- in early August. they are, require them to be in particu- DORWPRUHFRQ¿GHQFH´
cation and date, but the launch must craft into orbit at once on paths that
RFFXUE\$SULO EHVWVXLWWKHLUVFLHQWL¿FJRDOV6RPHRI CubeSats already are used in the lar orbits in some cases, so piggyback- The drive comes as CubeSat de-
the tiny craft that contain experiments signers learn how to build observato-
At present, launch opportunities for and sensors inside the form factor of a commercial sector for purposes, such ing on the launch of another mission ries capable of studying distant black
small satellites and science missions 4 inch cube may even be sent beyond holes and cosmic X-ray background to
are primarily limited to ride-share Earth orbit to send back reports from as imagery collection and analysis, that may be heading to an orbit that is track geomagnetic storms of Earth’s
W\SHDUUDQJHPHQWVÀ\LQJRQO\ZKHQ deep space. weather patterns.
space is available on NASA and other and are being used for operational not as useful is no longer acceptable
launches. NASA’s Launch Services NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative “As we drive costs down, that frees
Program seeks to develop alternatives provides innovators at non-profits, purposes instead of being limited to for the CubeSat market, Wiese said. up more money for science,” Wiese
to this approach and help foster other educational institutions, and NASA said. “We see this emerging capability
launch services dedicated to transport- sponsor missions with an accessible research and development. Dedicated rockets for small satel- to launch CubeSats as something the
ing smaller payloads into orbit. The way to participate in space explora- world is going to need.”
services acquired through such a con- tion. Universities, science clubs and “This will start to open up viable lites also will benefit NASA’s mis-
tract will constitute the smallest class organizations with an idea for a Kick- The VCLS RFP is available at
of launch services used by NASA. starter campaign can afford to build a commercial opportunities,” said Mark sions by pushing cutting-edge technol-
small satellite and compete to get it :LHVHFKLHIRIWKHÀLJKWSURMHFWVRI-
This solicitation, and resulting con- ÀRZQZKHUHDVWUDGLWLRQDOODUJHVDWHO- ¿FHIRU/63³:HKRSHWREHRQHRI ogy faster from the research level to For more information about NA-
tract or contracts, is intended to dem- lites require a great deal more resourc- WKH¿UVWFXVWRPHUVIRUWKHVHFRPSD- SA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative, visit
onstrate a dedicated launch capability usable stage. A sensor that works well
LQWKHODEEXWKDVQRWEHHQÀRZQLQ home/CubeSats_initiative.html.
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June 19, 2015 Aerotech News and Review 9 ........