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Paris Air Show: Single-aisle jets win out for Boeing, Airbus

CZ"OHFMB$IBSMUPOBOE+BNFZ,FBUFO                 Airbus showcased several deals June 15, and                                        Conner said lower oil prices this year isn’t     The Paris show alternates years with Brit-
Associated Press                                                                                                                    dampening demand for more fuel-efficient         ain’s Farnborough Air Show as Europe’s
                                                 June 16 announced that Japanese low-cost car-                                      models like the 737MAX series. Lower fuel        premier industry event. Top military offi-
   Boeing landed the biggest order so far of     ULHU3HDFK$YLDWLRQVLJQHGD¿UPRUGHUIRUWKUHH                                  costs save airlines money and “when airlines     FLDOV DUH MRLQLQJ &(2V DQG VRPH 
the Paris Air Show with a deal June 16 for                                                                                          make money they tend to buy aircraft, which      visitors this year at the event, which runs
100 of its 737s—the single-aisle jets that       A320 jets and said Korean Air could buy up to 50                                   is a great thing.”                               through June 21.
in the years to come.                            A321neo planes.                                                                    %RHLQJ4DWDUFRQ¿UP
   Fighter jets growled and superjumbos             Despite Airbus’ modest relatively modest an-
soared above the Le Bourget airfield out-        QRXQFHPHQWV-XQH&(2)DEULFH%UHJLHUQRWHG                                       Boeing and the government of Qatar recently signed an agreement for the purchase of four
side Paris, the U.S. Air Force secretary met                                                                                        more C-17 Globemaster III airlifters.
&(2VDQG0LGHDVWDQG$VLDQDLUOLQHVVLJQHG     “much interest” in the A320neo jets. Speaking to
multibillion-dollar deals as thousands gath-                                                                                           7KHVHDLUFUDIWZLOOMRLQWKH4DWDU$UPHG)RUFHV¶H[LVWLQJÀHHWRIIRXUDQGKHOSPHHWWKHLU
ered for the latest edition of the world’s old-  The Associated Press, he predicted that his com-                                   ongoing airlift requirements.
est air show.
                                                 pany would bring in a total of 200 orders and                                         ³:HDUHYHU\SOHDVHGZLWKWKH&VIURP%RHLQJDQGORRNIRUZDUGWRGRXEOLQJRXUÀHHWWR
   Boeing and European rival Airbus clocked                                                                                         enhance worldwide operations,” said Gen. Ahmed Al-Malki, deputy commander, Qatar Emiri
scores of sales, with particularly intense       commitments this week.                                                             Air Force and chairman of The Airlift Committee.
competition between Boeing’s 737MAX se-
ries of planes and Airbus’ 320 family of jets.      Companies are believed to save up some order                                       ³:H¶UHFRQ¿GHQWWKHDGGLWLRQDO&VZLOOVLJQL¿FDQWO\LQFUHDVHWKH4$)¶VDELOLW\WRVXSSRUW
                                                                                                                                    the people of Qatar and their allies with transport, airdrop and humanitarian missions,” said
   Dutch-based leasing company AerCap or-        announcements for air shows, or freshen up older                                   Tommy Dunehew, vice president of International Customer Service and Sales for Boeing Military
GHUHG0$;SODQHVDIWHUORQJQH-                                                                                            $LUFUDIW³%RHLQJVWDQGVUHDG\WRVXSSRUWVXVWDLQDQGPDLQWDLQ4DWDU¶VH[SDQGHGÀHHWRI&VWR
gotiations, Boeing said June 16. The deal is     deals with new additions to make the air show
worth up to $10.7 billion, though customers                                                                                                                                                                    keep their planes mission ready.”
routinely negotiate discounts off list prices.   totals look better.                                                                                                                                              Qatar, the first Middle East

   In other Boeing announcements June 16:           Russia’s economic troubles clouded the stream                                                                                                              customer to order C-17s, received
                                                 RIFRQWUDFWVDV$HURÀRWDQQRXQFHGLWZDVFDQFHO-                                                                                                             two C-17s in 2009 and two ad-
   ‡ 7KH ,UHODQGEDVHG OHDVLQJ FRPSDQ\      LQJDQRUGHUIRU%RHLQJMHWV                                                                                                                             ditional C-17s in 2012.
SMBC Aviation Capital ordered 10 of the
0$;MHWVZRUWKXSWRELOOLRQ              Acknowledging that Russia is “a tough market                                                                                                                  In operation since 1991, C-17s
                                                 ULJKWQRZ´%RHLQJ&(25D\&RQQHUVDLGGHWDLOV                                                                                                               are unmatched in their ability to
   ‡7KH,QGRQHVLDQGRPHVWLFDLUOLQH6ULZL-                                                                                                                                                                    transport troops or heavy cargo,
jaya Air ordered two 737-900 jets, for up to     of the cancellation are still being negotiated but                                                                                                            to perform airdrop and aeromedi-
PLOOLRQ                                    LQVLVWHGKLVFRPSDQ\ZRXOG¿QGRWKHUFXVWRPHUV                                                                                                               cal evacuations and to deliver hu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                               manitarian aid virtually anywhere
   ‡7KH&KLQHVHORZFRVWFDUULHU5XOOL$LU-     for the plane.                                                                                                                                                in the world.
lines made a commitment to buy 30 planes            7KHFRQÀLFWLQ8NUDLQHDQGUHVXOWLQJVDQFWLRQV
from the 737 MAX range.
                                                 have hit the Russian economy and limited Rus-
Financial signed a preliminary 737 deal for      sia’s presence at this year’s Paris Air Show.
30 planes.
                                                    While Airbus executives predict high demand

                                                 megacities, Conner had the opposite view, call-

                                                 ing that “a limited market.”

                                                    “We believe the world continues to frag-

                                                 ment,” he said. “Nobody wants to hub up,

                                                 gather and go off from there.”
                                                    % R H L Q J  L V  I R U H F D V W L Q J  G H P D Q G  I R U       

                                                 airplanes over the next 20 years and says

                                                 26,730 of those will be single-aisle jets. Air-

                                                 bus projects that 32,600 new planes worth a

                                                 total of $4.9 trillion will be needed by 2034.

June 19, 2015                                              Aerotech News and Review                                                                                                  5

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