Page 2 - Aerotech News 6-19-15_Classical
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Russia to get 40 new intercontinental mis-                   2I¿FLDOVVDLG*LIIRUGVZDVFKRVHQWREHWKHYHV-   ejected when he lost control of the aircraft on the                   How to contact
siles this year                                           VHO¶VQDPHVDNHEHFDXVHVKHH[HPSOL¿HVVWUHQJWK      ground.                                                      Aerotech News and Review
                                                          courage and resilience. AP                                                                                       t.BJM&"WF,

   President Vladimir Putin says the Russian mili-                                                                 2URV]VDLGWKHMHWLVOLNHO\UHSDLUDEOH7KHUHVW   4VJUF
tary will receive 40 new intercontinental ballistic       9$PRYLQJWRH[WHQGEHQH¿WVWRVRPH$LU              RI+XQJDU\¶VÀHHWRI6DDE*ULSHQMHWVZLOODOVREH        t&.BJMFEJUPS!BFSPUFDIOFXTDPN
missiles this year capable of piercing any missile        Force reservists                                      inspected. AP                                              t1IPOF	

defenses—a blunt reminder of the nation’s nuclear                                                                                                                          t'BY	

might amid tensions with the West over Ukraine.              The Department of Veterans Affairs is now say-     /HEDQRQDUP\FRQGXFWVOLYH¿UHGHPRQVWUD-
                                                          ing that Air Force reservists who became ill after    tion of U.S. missiles                                                    Advertising
   Putin made the statement June 16 at the opening        EHLQJH[SRVHGWR$JHQW2UDQJHUHVLGXHZKLOHZRUN-                                                                     $PSQPSBUF)FBERVBSUFST
of an arms show at a shooting range in Alabino            ing on planes after the Vietnam War should be eli-       The Lebanese army June 10 conducted a live-
just west of Moscow, a display featuring the latest       JLEOHIRUGLVDELOLW\EHQH¿WV                        ¿UHGHPRQVWUDWLRQRIDGYDQFHGPLVVLOHVVXSSOLHGE\                   	

Russian weapons.                                                                                                the United States to help combat Islamic extremists
                                                             7KH9$VD\VLW¶VEHHQZRUNLQJWR¿QDOL]HDUXOH   along the country’s volatile border with Syria.                   Subscriber Services
   He says the military is also getting an array of       that could cover more than 2,000 military person-                                                                4VCTDSJQUJPOT UP "FSPUFDI /FXT
other new weapons, including the Armata tanks and         QHOZKRÀHZRUZRUNHGRQ)DLUFKLOG&DLUFUDIW       U.S. Ambassador David Hale said the demon-           BOE3FWJFXBSFGPSTJYNPOUIT
to the public during a Red Square military parade         WRVSUD\$JHQW2UDQJHLQ9LHWQDP                     bek region comes after the delivery in late May of      GPSNBUJPO
last month.                                                                                                     RYHU72:,,PLVVLOHVDQGGR]HQVRIODXQFKHUV       EFQBSUNFOUBU
                                                             The proposal awaits approval by the White          valued at over $10 million.                                &"WF,

   Putin also noted that the military was to start test-  +RXVHEXGJHWRI¿FH,WZRXOGEHWKH¿UVWWLPHWKH                                                            
ing its new long-range early warning radar intended       VA has established a special category of exposure        7KHHTXLSPHQWLVMRLQWO\¿QDQFHGE\6DXGL$UD-
to monitor the western direction. AP                      for those in the military who lacked “boots on the    bia and the U.S., he said.                                  Story ideas, letters, editorials
                                                          ground” or inland waterways service in Vietnam.                                                                  1MFBTFBEESFTTBMMMFUUFSTBOEFEJ
Constitutional questions grow over Japan                                                                           Islamic extremists have launched several at-         UPSJBMTUP4UVBSU"*CCFSTPO

PM’s military plans                                          An announcement is expected as early as this       tacks on Lebanese troops over the past two years,       &"WF,
                                                          coming week. AP                                       particularly in areas near the Syrian border, killing   $"
   Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s pledge to                                                               and wounding scores of soldiers. The most serious
the U.S. to increase Japan’s military contribution in-    USS 0LDPLtowed from Portsmouth Naval                 attack occurred in August, when members of the                             Web Site
ternationally is facing more questions about poten-       Shipyard                                              al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front and the Islamic State          "DDFTTUIF"FSPUFDI/FXTXFCTJUF
WLDOFRQÀLFWVZLWKWKHQDWLRQ¶VSDFL¿VW&RQVWLWXWLRQ                                                           group captured two dozen Lebanese soldiers. They        BUXXXBFSPUFDIOFXTDPN
                                                             A nuclear powered submarine heavily damaged        have killed four of them and still hold the rest.          4VCNJTTJPOTGPSVQDPNJOHFWFOUT

   2SSRVLWLRQODZPDNHUVGHPDQGHGDQVZHUVIURP            by a fire set by a shipyard worker has departed                                                               BJSTIPXTBOENVTFVNTTIPVMECFBE
key Cabinet members at a hearing June 10, after           Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.                               The Shiite Lebanese Hezbollah group—labelled         ESFTTFEUP8FC6QEBUFT
three prominent constitution experts—including                                                                  DVWHUURULVWE\WKH86JRYHUQPHQW²DOVRLV¿JKWLQJ    ,
one chosen by Abe’s ruling party—unanimously                 A Navy spokeswoman says workers have com-          the Sunni extremists the border region.                    'PSRVFTUJPOTDPODFSOJOHUIFXFCTJUF

told a parliamentary committee last week that leg-        pleted the inactivation of the USS Miami, which                                                               DPOUBDUUIFXFCNBTUFSBUXFCNBTUFS!
islation allowing Japanese troops to defend foreign       was towed from the shipyard June 12. Two Navy            “We are absolutely committed to making sure          BFSPUFDIOFXTDPN
militaries would violate the war-renouncing Article       ships are assisting in towing the sub to Puget        that the army has the capacity to be the sole de-
9 of Japan’s postwar constitution.                        Sound Naval Shipyard in Washington State, where       fender of Lebanese territory and its borders,” Hale                 Where you can get
                                                          it’ll be cut up for scrap.                            said. “This is a long term commitment and we will            Aerotech News and Review
   The development energized the opposition, add-                                                               stand by Lebanon’s side in this regard until these         'PSJOGPSNBUJPOPO"FSPUFDIEJT
ing to unease within the ruling party as public opin-        7KH¿UHLQ0D\WXUQHGLQWRDQLQIHUQRWKDW   terrorists are defeated.”                               USJCVUJPO
ion polls show both opposition to Abe’s security          UHTXLUHGKRXUVDQGPRUHWKDQ¿UH¿JKWHUV                                                               UJPO.BOBHFS
legislation and confusion about why it’s needed.          to douse.                                                The anti-tank guided missiles are part of weapons    FNBJMEFMJWFSZ!BFSPUFDIOFXTDPN
                                                                                                                and ammunition shipments that have arrived in Bei-
   It also raises questions about how far Japan can          A former shipyard worker is serving a 17-year      rut in batches this year. A U.S. Embassy statement        Aerotech News and ReviewJTQVCMJTIFE
expand its military activities under its constitution,    prison sentence for setting the blaze.                said America has provided the Lebanese armed           FWFSZ'SJEBZTFSWJOHUIFBFSPTQBDFBOE
and whether it should be revised. AP                                                                            IRUFHVZLWKPLOOLRQZRUWKRIZHDSRQVDQG        EFGFOTFJOEVTUSZPG4PVUIFSO$BMJGPS
                                                             $IWHUWKH¿UHWKH1DY\LQWHQGHGWRUHWXUQWKH    ammunition.                                            OJB
   For more on this story, visit www.aerotechnews.        /RV$QJHOHFODVVDWWDFNVXEPDULQHWRWKHÀHHWDI-                                                            DPQZEFBEMJOFJTOPPOPOUIF5VFTEBZ
com.                                                      ter extensive repairs. But it decided to scrap the       Hale told reporters in February that Lebanon has    QSJPSUPQVCMJDBUJPO5IFQVCMJTIFSBT
                                                          submarine when estimated repair costs grew. AP        EHFRPHWKH¿IWKODUJHVWUHFLSLHQWRI86IRUHLJQ     TVNFTOPSFTQPOTJCJMJUZGPSFSSPSJOBET
Minister: U.S. weighing placement of army                                                                       military assistance. AP                                PUIFSUIBOTQBDFVTFE
equipment in Poland                                       Hungary: Pilot stable after crash landing
                                                          *ULSHQ¿JKWHUMHW                                     35('$725IURP                                          :PVS DPNNFOUT BSF XFMDPNFE BOE
   Poland’s Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak                                                                                                                          FODPVSBHFE8SJUFUPUIFBEESFTTCFMPX
says the U.S. will “soon” take a decision to place           Hungary’s defense ministry says a pilot who        the performance of the entire system in a variety of
heavy army equipment in warehouses in Poland for          HMHFWHGIURPKLV*ULSHQ¿JKWHUMHWGXULQJDFUDVK                                                           t 1VCMJTIFS1BVM,JOJTPO
decades to come.                                          landing is in stable condition.                       situations to support the ongoing standards devel-     t #VTJOFTT.BOBHFS-JTB,JOJTPO
                                                                                                                RSPHQWZLWKLQWKH57&$6SHFLDO&RPPLWWHH         t &EJUPS4UVBSU*CCFSTPO
   Poland believes its security is threatened by             /W*HQ=ROWDQ2URV]VDLGH[SHULHQFHGSLORW                                                             t /BUJPOBM"EWFSUJTJOH
Russia’s hostile actions in eastern Ukraine and is        Maj. Sandor Kadar was on a training run June 10       Additionally, the CPB aircraft integration testing      .BOBHFS1BVM,JOJTPO
territory as a deterrent.                                 aircraft’s forward landing gear had malfunctioned.                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
                                                                                                                configurations of certified electronics, such as
   Siemoniak tweeted June 14 that he and the U.S.            Kadar then attempted a belly landing at the mili-  7HFKQLFDO6WDQGDUG2UGHUVFHUWL¿HG,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ                    456 E. Ave. K-4, Suite 8
defense secretary held talks about placing U.S.           tary air base in the central city of Kecskemet and                                                                           Lancaster, CA 93535
heavy army equipment in Poland last month.                                                                      Friend or Foe transponders and communications
   “Decisions are near,” he wrote.                                                                              radios from other industry partners.                    Visit our web site at
   Siemoniak did not specify numbers or what
type of equipment was being discussed. The White          UTC announces intention                                                                                                      June 19, 2015
House and the U.S. defense secretary need to ap-
prove.                                                    to exit helicopter business
   Poland’s General Command spokesman, Col.
Artur Golawski, said on Twitter that efforts have         United Technologies Corp. announced June 15 enhance Sikorsky’s long-term success and create
could be placed. AP                                       that it will pursue the separation of the Sikorsky the most value for customers and shareholders.”

Navy ship christening for Giffords, wounded               Aircraft business from United Technologies, sub- Excluding Sikorsky, UTC now expects 2015
in 2011 shooting
                                                          MHFWWR¿QDOERDUGDSSURYDO                          earnings per share of $6.35 to $6.55 on sales of
   Former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle “Gabby” Giffords of
Arizona has had a Navy ship named in her honor at         This announcement follows a review of stra- DSSUR[LPDWHO\WRELOOLRQ7KHFRPSDQ\
a shipyard in Mobile, Ala.
                                                          tegic alternatives for Sikorsky announced earlier continues to expect organic sales growth of 3 to 5
   Giffords joined with others including Jill Biden,      this year. A decision on whether Sikorsky will be SHUFHQWDQGFDVKÀRZIURPRSHUDWLRQVOHVVFDSLWDO
wife of Vice President Joe Biden, as the USS Ga-
brielle Giffords was christened in a ceremony June        spun off or sold is expected by the end of the third expenditures in the range of 90 to 100 percent of
                                                          quarter.                                              net income attributable to common shareowners.
   The 419-foot ship was built at the Austal ship-           ³2XUVWUDWHJLFUHYLHZKDVFRQ¿UPHGWKDWH[LW-
yard in Mobile. It’s the Navy’s 10th littoral combat                                                               Including Sikorsky, the company now antici-
ship designed to operate in shallow waters near           ing the helicopter business is the best path forward  SDWHVHDUQLQJVSHUVKDUHRIWRGRZQ
the coast.                                                                                                      IURPWKHSUHYLRXVH[SHFWDWLRQRIWR
                                                          for United Technologies,” said Gregory Hayes,
   Giffords was badly wounded in a 2011 shooting          87&SUHVLGHQWDQG&(2´6LNRUVN\LVWKHZRUOG¶V     This reduction in the earnings expectation range
that left six dead and a total of 13 injured in Tuc-                                                            UHÀHFWVDSSUR[LPDWHO\WRRIRQHWLPH
son. The Democrat left Congress and later founded         premier helicopter company and through a series
an organization that supports gun control.
                                                          of strategic wins is well positioned for long-term separation costs along with a $0.10 decline in
                                                          growth. However, separation of Sikorsky from Sikorsky’s operational expectations for the year

                                                          the portfolio will allow both United Technologies due to weakness in the oil and gas markets.

                                                          and Sikorsky to better focus on their core busi- United Technologies Corp., based in Hartford,
                                                          QHVVHV2YHUWKHFRPLQJZHHNVZH¶OOGHWHUPLQH Conn., provides high technology systems and ser-

                                                          whether a spinoff or direct sale is the best way to vices to the building and aerospace industries.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review

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