Page 18 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
P. 18
Business for Sale Employment Opportunities Services Education Real Estate NEW FOR CLASSIFIED ADS
Mobile Locksmith Service LOOKING for the DirecTV Join Us! All real estate advertised You can now get your
for sale. BEST APPLICANT? Toastmasters Club in this publication is subject Paid Classified Ads
Starting at $19.99/mo to the Federal Fair Housing highlighted in
Has everything to enhance ***************************** 384 Meetings Act of 1968, which makes it
or start your own business. Place An Ad for FREE Installation Yellow!
includes 2004 GMC van with FREE 3-months of 1HHGWR5H¿QH<RXU6SHDNLQJ illegal to advertise any
pop up sides; equipment and Your Business Today! HBO, SHOWTIME, 3UHVHQWDWLRQ preference, limitation or Homes for Rent
supplies. call 760-887-1529. Aerotech News CINEMAX & STARZ discrimination based on race
877-247-9288 FREE HD/DVR Upgrade! /HDGHUVKLS6NLOOV" color, religion, or national Beautiful and Spacious 2
Apartments for Rent 2015 NFL Sunday Ticket origin, or an intention to
TEMP JOB Included (Select Packages) Tuesdays, 11:30-12:30 make such preference SampleMaster Bedrooms/2.5 Baths/2
CLEAN & SPACIOUS! 3-Weeks New Customers Only Test Wing Bldg 1400 limitation or discrimination.
Call 1-800-609-0109 Conference Room 414 Real estate advertisements Car Garage. 1332 sq. ft. in
Completely Remodeled Retail Fixturing $12/hr that are in violation of the law Gate Community. Appliances
North Edwards Own Transportation Needed Services Meeting Agendas Include: shall not be accepted for included. Fenced Yard,
Prepared Speeches publication. All dwellings Community Pool. $995/mo.
1-Bedroom, 1-Bath $425 Call for Appointment Time DISH TV Retailer Speech Evaluations advertised in this publication
Freshly Painted/New Flooring! 888-678-8966 x1189 SAVE 50% on For Information, are available on an equal Homes for Rent
Call Laquita Dukes Apartments for Rent
Blinds, Stove, Small Yard Cars & Trucks Qualifying Packages! 412 CS/SCPT opportunity Employment Opportunities
Available Now! Starting $19.99/Mo. 661-275-9201
Richard SELL or BUY YOUR (for 12-months) Cars & Trucks
213-200-9184 WHEELS HERE! FREE Garage & Yard Sales Furniture & Appliances
Rooms for Rent Call Today, Place an Ad! Premium Movie Channels MOVING?...PCSing? Yard Sales
Aerotech News FREE Installation! GARAGE/YARD SALE? Services and many more…
in a very spacious house. LOCAL DEALS ****************************** For information, call
Announcements 1-800-279-1290 Attract More Customers
Beautiful back yard toll free 877-247-9288
with large solar heated pool DONT FORGET! :LWKD&ODVVL¿HG$G
Call 877-247-9288 '$$ $
for rent $600/mo. CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE $"
Lancaster, near AV College TUESDAY @ NOON Aerotech News & Review !$$&$#
13 MILLION ACRES…AND COUNTING 2463 15th St. West Rosamond, CA 93560 Office Hours
For more information, go to A CFC participant - 661-256-8356 Mon – Fri 9 AM - 6PM
provided as a public service Sat. 9 AM - 5 PM Sun. 10 AM - 3 PM
Gate Access Hours
Mon – Fri 6 AM - 8 PM
Sat. 6 AM - 8 PM Sun. 6 AM - 8 PM
Please share and spread the word! This will be a MOST EPIC yard sale! I’ve been busy with my mid-life crisis hobby...
I have picked up some really good storage units at auction recently. Enough to fill four 10x20 storage units, and then some!
Here is a preview of what will be available...
Furniture – including several dining sets, dressers, china hutches, wood
bed frames, trundle bed frame, entertainment centers, desks, cabinets and
bookcases, coffee and end tables, cedar chests, patio furniture, and more!
Vintage and antiques! - Lamps, dolls, antique chairs, silverplate, old newspapers
and magazines, and more. Lots of books! Some recent, but a lot of older books,
including 1970s romance novels, etc. Lots of very nice clothes, shoes and purses.
Costume jewelry – Lots of earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, etc. Lots of
Kitchen – Lots of very nice bakeware, dinnerware, glassware, china, small kitchen } LÑĊČĊ Desk/media center armoire – $120
appliances, and more! Tools and hardware! Power tools and hand tools. About 51W x 22D x 72T. Some wear.
China hutch, table, one leaf and six chairs (including
Electronics – Stereos, DVD and VHS players, TVs, boxes of various electrical two captains chairs). Chairs still have plastic over the
cords- audio, video and instrument. cushions. China hutch measures about 52W x 17D x 79T.
Table, about 56x38, leaf 18”. Only minor wear. All wood.
Also, there will be a lot of misc parts and things that I have kept for fixing up stuff
for sale, including “project furniture,” appliance parts (refrigerator drawers and
shelves), dresser drawers, chair seats, drawer handles, etc.
Lots of kids toys, large and small. Kid’s bicycles. Plus tons of nice stuffed animals,
toddler toys, etc. Many lamps, blankets, linens. Ceramic dolls, wicker, knick
knacks, candles, candle holders and much, much more. Lots of DVDs, CDs, and a
lot of very nice framed art.
A LOT of very nice misc stuff! Way too much to list! Everything will be offered Ave K
at tremendously reduced prices! It’s too much too pack up, so come early for Ave K-8
fantastic blowout deals! 20th St. West
!ďJċ7 ĉđ
!ĎJĊ Blooming
ĊĊčĊ~đ Park
25th St. West
Ave K-9