Page 15 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
P. 15

September 18, 2015                                                  of September. Open to all ages. ID required.                                                                                            Desert Wings                                     Daily Bowling Specials                                                                       15
ANNOUNCEMENTS, from 14                                                Family Game Night Glow-in-the-Dark Bowling, 3-7 p.m.                                   cation rental! Forget cramped quarters - get access to Space-
                                                                                                                                                             A resort rentals worldwide for one low weekly price! Spread
OHYHO¿QDQFHRUKXPDQUHVRXUFHFRXUVHVDWRXU(GZDUGV$)%          Cost is $1.50 per game per person, $1 shoe rental. Glow-in-                              out in family-sized (2 to 8 people) resort accommodations,
FDPSXV0LQLPXPTXDOL¿FDWLRQVLQFOXGHDPDVWHU¶VGHJUHH            the-dark bowling for the whole family.                                                   many of which include on-site recreational facilities, living
LQDUHODWHG¿HOGWHUPLQDOGHJUHHSUHIHUUHGSURIHVVLRQDO                                                                                                 rooms, kitchens, washer and dryer, kids’ activities, and on-
experience, and preferably experience teaching at the gradu-          Friday                                                                                 site pools. Start your search today — you’ve earned it!
ate level. Applicants please send resume/vita to edwards@             Fun Package, 2 p.m.-close. Two hour lane rental (shoes For more information, call Karen Fudala at             included), one large pizza, and one large pitcher of soda.                                 ITT Pricelist & Other Events: To see the current ITT price
661-258-8501.                                                       Cost is $35.95 per lane.                                                                 list for events, parks, hotels and discount information, visit
                                                                      Glow-In-The-Dark Bowling, 6-10 p.m. Cost is $10 per per-                     
Family Child Care                                                   son, shoe rental included. Bowl as many games as you want!
                                                                      Saturday                                                                               Library
  Conference Center, Farrell Drive, Bldg. 5620, 661-275-              Glow-In-The-Dark Bowling, 6-10 p.m. Cost is $10 per per-
4322                                                                son, shoe rental included. Bowl as many games as you want!                                 5 W. Yeager Blvd., Bldg. 2665, 661-275-BOOK

  Unlicensed Child Care: Air Force Instruction 34-276,              Strike Zone Snack Bar Daily Specials                                                       Children’s Story Time: Every Wednesday and Friday 10
Family Child Care Programs, requires individuals in family            All combo meals include fries and a 16-ounce fountain                                  a.m. at the Edwards Library. Toddlers and pre-school chil-
housing (military or privatized) who provide child care in                                                                                                   dren are invited to join us for a wonderful story time and
their home for more than 10 child care hours per week to be         drink                                                                                    create very unique craft projects. Volunteer readers are wel-
a licensed provider. A child care hour is the number of hours         Monday: Tempura chicken, $8.45                                                         come!
times the number of children in care. If unlicensed does not          Tuesday: Barbecue pulled pork sandwich or sliders,
stop, the Base Commander can revoke your privilege of liv-                                                                                                     Special Holiday Story Time: Hispanic Heritage: Sept. 18
ing in base housing. If you need FCC services ensure the pro-       VHUYHGZLWKFKRLFHRI¿UHVFROHVODZRUSRWDWRVDODG                             and 25
vider is licensed. Each approved home, will have a license            Wednesday: Half-pound Angus beef western bacon
hanging in the home and a sign on the outside of the home.                                                                                                     New Resources in the Children’s section: Playaway View,
                                                                    cheeseburger, $9.45                                                                      WKH¿UVWDOOLQRQHYLGHRSOD\HURILWVNLQGSUHORDGHGZLWK
  Family Child Care is seeking dedicated people who love              Thursday: Spicy buffalo wrap or sandwich, $7.95                                        multiple videos of the best educational programming, now
working with children: If you live on-base and want to care           Friday: Half-pound Angus beef build-a-burger, $9.45                                    available at the Main library. Try it out and select titles such
for children in your home or you are a military dependent                                                                                                    as math, exploring space, U.S. history and more.
and live off-base, you may be eligible to be a licensed or          Information, Tickets and Travel
DI¿OLDWHGSURYLGHU0DNHDSRVLWLYHGLIIHUHQFHLQWKHOLYHV                                                                                                Muroc Lake Golf Course
of children! Most materials and training are provided free            205 W. Popson Ave., Bldg. 2500, 661-275-TRIP
of charge!                                                                                                                                                     111 Crest Dr., 661-275-PUTT
                                                                      Knott’s Scary Farm: Knott’s Scary Farm is a seasonal
  Moms, Pops, & Tots: Meets the second and fourth Thurs-            Halloween Event at Knott’s Berry Farm in which the theme                                   Twilight Golf: Daily, 3:30 p.m.-sunset. Had a long day at
day of the month. FCC is offering free playgroup sessions           park is transformed into 160 acres of horror via 100-plus                                work? Take a little time to relax and enjoy some golf! Our
for parents and children to share in the development of their       monsters, haunted mazes, and a series of scare zones.                                    ‘Twilight Special’ is a great way to end the day, get a few
child’s early skills, abilities, social interactions, and individ-                                                                                           holes in before dark and save money!
uality-all while having fun together and meet new friends.            #1, $38, valid Sept. 24, 25, Oct 1, 4, 8, 15, 18, 21, 22, 25,
To sign up or for more information, call Tasha Bushrod at           28 or 29                                                                                   E1-E4: $4.50 green fees
661-275-4322.                                                                                                                                                  E5 and Above/DOD: $6.50 green fees
                                                                      #2, $43.25, valid Sept. 26, Oct 2 or 11                                                  Contractors and guests: $8.50 green fees
High Desert Lanes Bowling Center                                      #3, $45.50, valid Oct. 3, 9, 16, 23, 30 or 31                                            Carts: $5 per seat
                                                                      #4, $48.75, valid Oct. 10, 17 or 24                                                      Golf carts need to be returned by 6 p.m. and walkers can
  205 Fitzgerald, Bldg. 5214, 661-275-BOWL                                                                                                                   play until dark.
                                                                      JetHawks Tickets: Get Preferred Grandstand tickets for                                   Annual Membership: Are you a frequent visitor to the
  Cosmic Octoberfest: Sept. 19, 6 p.m.-midnight. Cost is            RQO\DW\RXU,77RI¿FHWRGD\                                                         Muroc Lake Golf Course? Save money by purchasing an
$10 for adults and $5 for children under 10. Cosmic bowl-                                                                                                    annual membership! Our memberships run from April 1
ing with a Bavarian twist. Special German food and drink              K1 Speed Indoor Kart Racing: Save tons and have fun                                    through March 31 but you can join now with these pro-rated
specials throughout the day. Wear your favorite Lederhosen,         ZLWKWKLVGHDORQO\DW\RXU,77RI¿FH                                                   rates:
Bavarian Blouse or Gingerbread Hat and be eligible to win                                                                                                      E1-E4: $350
Octoberfest themed prizes!                                            Cruise Crazy: Have you ever wanted to take a cruise but                                  E5 and above/Retirees/DOD Civilians/Contractors: $475
                                                                    didn’t think you could afford it? Now is the time to get your                              Guests: $575
  Birthday Bowl: Bowl up to three games free between the            µVHDOHJV¶LQJHDUDQGJHWRYHUWRWKH,QIRUPDWLRQ7LFNHWV	                             Family Memberships are available along with monthly
hours of 11 a.m.-6 p.m. on your birthday during the month           7UDYHORI¿FHEHFDXVHWKHSULFHVDUHORZHUWKDQµVHDOHYHO¶²                            payment plans. New rates effective April 1, 2015, and run
                                                                    FDOOWKH,77RI¿FHWRGD\VRZHFDQVKRZ\RXWKDW\RXGRQ¶W                              through March 31, 2016. For more information, call MLGC
       NASA’S American Eatery                                       have to ‘sink to swim’!
                                                                                                                                                                                             See ANNOUNCEMENTS, Page 16
                           (Bldg. 4825)                               Armed Forces Vacation Club:/HWXV¿QG\RXUGUHDPYD-
                           Sept. 21-25
                      10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                            FAMILY FAll FESTIVAL
                                                                                 in Obserance of Domestic Violence Awareness Month
                       Country fried steak                               Hosted by family advocacy & 412 TW helping agencies
                 Mashed potatoes and gravy
                                                                                      Thursday, October 15, 2015
                            Vegetables                                                2:30-5:30 PM, Arnold Park,

                              Tuesday                                                                       Edwards AFB
                         Beef taco salad

                         Wednesday                                  Free giveaways
                 Spaghetti with meatballs                           Child ID kits
               Side salad and garlic bread                          face painting
                                                                    henna tattoos
                          Thursday                                  music & Food
                      Chicken teriyaki                              Bouncy Castles
                  Fried rice and egg roll                           bubble machines
                                                                    clowns & balloons
                            Friday                                  free health screenings
                           CLOSED                                   McGruff & Scruff crime dogs
                                                                    self-defense demonstrations
               All Blue Plate Specials — $7.89                      Miss Edwards and her Court
                        Drink not included.                         Fire and Police demonstrations
                                                                    something for everyone and more!
           Medium Beverage $1.99, Large $2.09
Robin Hood & Anthony’s Pizza Food Facilities Available                                                Designed and Fabricated by: 412 TW/PA Graphics 150565

                     Menu subject to change
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