Page 11 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
P. 11

September 18, 2015                              Community News                                                                                                            Desert Wings                                                                                                       11


  September is National Preparedness            shelter from the wind                            ,IDÀRRGRUÀDVKÀRRGZDWFKLVLVVXHG        Landslides may be very small or very
Month and each area is prone to its own set                                                                                                    large and can move from slow to very high
of potential natural disasters.                   Wind Advisories, Watches and Warnings        tune into the NOAA Weather Radio, local         speeds. It is estimated that landslides cause
                                                are issued by the National Weather Service.                                                    between 25 and 50 deaths each year in the
  For Edwards Air Force Base and the sur-                                                      radio or television for more information. If    U.S. and thousands more in vulnerable ar-
rounding communities, some of those haz-        Floods                                         DÀRRGZDUQLQJLVLVVXHGDÀRRGLVRFFXU-       HDVDOODURXQGWKHJOREH/LNHZLVHPXGÀRZV
DUGVLQFOXGHKLJKZLQGVDQGÀRRGV                                                                                                             PD\EHYHU\VPDOORUYHU\ODUJHÀRZLQJUDS-
                                                  )ORRGLQJRFFXUVZKHQDQRYHUÀRZRIDQ       ring or will occur soon - heed all evacuation   idly down slopes or through channels, and
  Gusts of wind up to 70 mph aren’t uncom-      expanse of water submerges land. Not all       DGYLVRULHV,IDÀDVKÀRRGZDUQLQJLVLVVXHG  can strike with little or no warning. A mud-
and on Edwards AFB. High winds can make         during an extended period of rain, or in a                                                     growing in size as it picks up trees, vehicles,
GULYLQJGLI¿FXOWFDXVHVRPHSRZHURXWDJHV    warming trend following a heavy snow. Oth-     on foot immediately.                            and other materials along the way.
damage buildings and vehicles, and also         even without any visible signs of rain.          During a flood, stay tuned to radio or          During a slide, if you are indoors, stay in-
cause injuries or even death. Safety is es-                                                    WHOHYLVLRQIRUXSGDWHV%HDZDUHWKDWÀDVK     doors and move to a second story if possible.
sential before, during and after a high wind      2XWVLGHRI¿UHÀRRGVDUHWKHPRVWFRP-      ÀRRGLQJFDQRFFXU,IWKHUHLVDQ\SRVVLELO-    Take cover under a desk, table or other piece
event.                                          mon and widespread of all natural disas-                                                       of sturdy furniture. If outdoors, get out of the
                                                ters and play a part in ninety percent of all  ity of a flash flood, move immediately to       SDWKRIWKHODQGVOLGHRUPXGÀRZ5XQWRWKH
To stay safe during high wind events:           presidential-declared U.S. natural disasters.                                                  nearest high ground in a direction away from
  ‡6HFXUHRXWGRRUREMHFWV                      'XULQJWKHVÀRRGLQJFDXVHGPRUHWKDQ    higher ground. Do not wait for instructions     the path. Do not delay! Save yourself, not
  ‡'HEULVPD\EHÀ\LQJDURXQGEHDZDUH      $4 billion a year in losses and 2,200 deaths                                                   your belongings. Run for the nearest shel-
                                                in the U.S.                                    to move. Do not ever walk through moving        ter such as a group of trees or a building if
of your surroundings                                                                                                                           rocks and other debris are approaching and
  ‡5HSRUWDQ\GRZQHGSRZHUOLQHVWRWKH         There is a 26 percent chance of experi-      water more than 6 inches deep.                  curl into a tight ball and protect your head if
                                                HQFLQJDÀRRGGXULQJWKHOLIHRID\HDU                                                    escape is not possible.
electrical company- DO NOT TOUCH                mortgage (more than six times the likelihood     A rainstorm may also activate a landslide,
  ‡'RQRWWRXFKDQ\WKLQJWKDWLVLQFRQWDFW   RID¿UH(YHQPLQRUÀRRGLQJFDQFRVWWKRX-                                                     For more information on what to do before
                                                sands of dollars in losses and repairs, and    which is a mass of rock, earth, or debris mov-  RUDIWHUDÀRRGRUODQGVOLGHYLVLWKWWSZZZ
with downed electrical power lines              ÀRRGGDPDJHLVYLUWXDOO\QHYHUFRYHUHGE\                                            or
  ‡,I\RXKDYHWRGULYHGULYHVORZO\ZLWK    standard homeowners insurance.                 ing down a slope. They are also activated by    contact the office of Emergency Manage-
                                                                                               HDUWKTXDNHVYROFDQLFHUXSWLRQV¿UHVDQGE\  ment at 661-277-277-6555.
both hands on the wheel. Turn on headlights       Floods can happen anytime, anywhere, but     KXPDQPRGL¿FDWLRQRIWKHODQG:KHQZDWHU
while driving through blowing dust              communities particularly at risk are those in                                                    ,QIRUPDWLRQDERXWÀRRGVULVNRI¿QDQFLDO
                                                low lying areas, coastal areas, or downstream  rapidly accumulates in the ground such as       ORVVGXHWRÀRRGLQJDQGÀRRGLQVXUDQFHFDQ
  ‡.HHSDVDIHGLVWDQFHIURPRWKHUYHKLFOHV   from large bodies of water. Even a very small                                                  be found at
                                                VWUHDPRUGU\FUHHNEHGFDQRYHUÀRZDQG       during heavy rainfall or rapid snowmelt, a
and watch for debris                            FUHDWHÀRRGLQJ                                PXGÀRZRUGHEULVÀRZPD\RFFXUFKDQJ-
  ‡:DWFKIRUKLJKSUR¿OHYHKLFOHV&DPS-                                                      LQJWKHHDUWKLQWRDÀRZLQJULYHURIPXGRU

ers, big rigs and trailers are more likely to                                                  slurry.
overturn in high winds


if the winds make driving too dangerous

Team Edwards dances into Hispanic Heritage Month

by Rebecca Amber                       23 at 7:30 a.m. at the Rosburg Fit-   announced during the ceremony.        Tickets are $13.60 for members and    pez at 661-277-2929, email deann.
Staff writer                           ness Center’s running course. Run-    The event will feature cultural food  $15.60 for non-members.               ORSH]#XVDIPLO RU 6HQLRU $LU-
                                       ners are encouraged to dress up in    made by the club from donated
  Hispanic Heritage Month got a        WKHLUPRVWIHVWLYHRXW¿WV            recipes along with a guest speaker.     For more information about the      man John Lopez at 661-277-2103,
rhythmic start at the Base Exchange                                                                                events, contact Staff Sgt. DeAnn Lo-
Sept. 15 with guest dancers from the     The Zumba class will be Sept. 28,                                                                               email
Ballet Folklorico Etzatlan from Lit-   11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Oasis Com-
tlerock, Calif.                        munity Center. There will be dancing
                                       demonstrations on a variety of Latin
  The group did a variety of Mexi-     dance routines by the local Zumba
can folk dances representing the       instructor, Cheryl Avon.
states of Jalisco, Veracruz, and Chi-
apas.                                    The HHM cooking demonstration
                                       will be held in the Commissary Oct.
  Hispanic Heritage Month is cel-      3 from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. Several
ebrated every year from Sept. 15       samples will be offered throughout
to Oct. 15, and this year’s theme is   the commissary and recipes will be
“Hispanic Americans: Energizing        provided.
Our Nation’s Diversity.”
                                         The library will be hosting story
  The planning committee also          time with preschoolers Sept. 18 to
shared cake, donated by the Ex-        Sept. 25 and Oct. 9 at 10 a.m.
change with anyone who wished to
join in the celebration.                 The HHM celebration culminates
                                       Oct. 14 with a closing ceremony at
Calendar of events                     Club Muroc from 11 a.m. to 12:30
  A 5k Fiesta run will be held Sept.   p.m. The winner of the Desert High
                                       School HHM essay contest will be

National Hispanic Heritage Month Facts                                                                                                                                                                                                             Air Force photograph by Rebecca Amber

  ‡6HSWZDVFKRVHQDVWKHVWDUWLQJSRLQWIRUWKHFHOHEUDWLRQRI        Ana Robles of Ballet Folklorico Etzatlan from Littlerock, Calif., dances in a vibrant dress to a song from the State
Hispanic Heritage Month because it is the anniversary of indepen-            of Chiapas, Mexico, an area that is known for its bright colors. Team Edwards kicked off Hispanic Heritage Month
GHQFHRI¿YH/DWLQ$PHULFDQFRXQWULHV&RVWD5LFD(O6DOYDGRU             Sept. 15 with a Mexican dance display and cake at the Base Exchange.
Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile
celebrate their independence days on Sept. 16 and 18 respectively.

language. It is slightly ahead of English (328 million), but behind
Chinese (1.2 billion).


  HHM facts courtesy of the Edwards Hispanic Heritage Committee.
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