Page 9 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
P. 9
September 18, 2015 Desert Wings 9
Eligible civilians can apply for out-of-cycle developmental education
by Debbie Gildea leadership. Program graduates earn a Mas- with prior military service or professional instructions are available on the myPers ci-
JB San Antonio-Randolph, Texas ter of Military Operational Art and Science military education are ineligible. vilian force development page.
degree. Program information is available on
Eligible Air Force civilians interested in myPers and at the ACSC master’s program Complete requirements and application For more information about Air Force per-
out-of-cycle opportunities to enroll in the Air page. sonnel programs go to the myPers website.
Command and Staff College Online Master’s
Program or attend Civilian Acculturation Applicants must have completed their
Leadership Training can apply through Sept. bachelor’s degree and have been a perma-
30 for a 2016 slot. nent GS-12 or GS-13 for at least two years.
Employees who have completed both a mas-
The ACSC master’s program and CALT ter’s degree and ACSC or Air War College
are two of many developmental education are not eligible.
programs open to civilian employees that
support the continuum of learning. Devel- Civilian Acculturation Leadership Train-
opmental education ensures civilians have
the tools necessary to support the mission ing
and to achieve their personal and profes-
sional goals. CALT is a two-week in-residence course
“Our objective is to provide the right train-
ing at the right time,” said Loretta Brown, duces employees to the Air Force culture and
Air Force Personnel Center Civilian Leader-
ship and Development Chief. prepares them for future leadership roles.
ACSC-Online Master’s Program Program information is available on myPers
The 33-semester-hour ACSC Online Mas- DQGDWWKH-HDQQH0+ROP&HQWHUIRU2I¿FHU
ter’s Program includes 11 eight-week courses Accessions and Citizen Development site.
that explore modern Air Force operations and
Applicants must have completed their
bachelor’s degree, have between two and
by Oct. 1, and have be a permanent GS-7
through GS-13 or equivalent. Employees
EVERYONE Church of
Sunday Services: Baptist Church Eph 4:4-6
BNtQN Sunday School .....................................9:00 AM
Thursday Family Night ........................6:00 PM 10173 South Loop Sunday Morning Bible Study