Page 4 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
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Desert Wings                                                                                                                                             September 18, 2015


BRIEFS, from 3                                                belt instructor will take the class through various techniques  ESSENTIAL, from 2
                                                              to keep safe. It will be a fun and educational class for women
a squadron or organization and would like volunteer, please   and girls ages 13 and up. Reservations are required and need    stand out as true friends for the ages. These are the ones
send me an email to reserve a room. The guests will vote on   to be submitted by Sept. 30. To R.S.V.P., call 609-610-9066     that when there is a crisis or special moment in your
what room is the scariest and the winning room will receive   or email                                    life that you want to share you will call, text, Facebook,
DSUL]H7KHURRPVZLOOEHJLYHQDZD\RQD¿UVWFRPH¿UVW                                                                    Instagram, Snapchat or whatever is the popular app of
serve basis. Once you have reserved a room you will receive   Mandatory Chief’s Panel                                         the month.
an email telling you when you can start turning it into the
gruesome scene that you wish it to be.                          The Chief’s Panel (enlisted call) originally scheduled for       Faith is not third on my list, but sadly, sometimes it
                                                              Aug. 28 has been moved to Oct. 5. The 412th Test Wing           is. Fortunately, it is something I can always turn to, no
  If you would like to help out and did not get a room we     command chief along with four group chiefs will be hosting      matter how long I have been away.
will still need people to do the following:                   the Chief’s Panel at the base theater at 10 a.m. and again at
                                                              1:30 p.m. The Chief’s Panel will give Airmen their perspec-        Fitness came along late in my career.
  ‡3XEOLF5HODWLRQV7HDP                                     tive on the new Enlisted Evaluation System. They will also         All of a sudden I started to like to run, to go to the
  ‡6HWXSWHDUGRZQFUHZ                                     RSHQXSWKHÀRRUIRUGLVFXVVLRQDQGHQGZLWKDTXHVWLRQDQG    gym and it’s a good thing to, because in case you haven’t
  ‡0RQH\	7LFNHWWDNHU                                      answer session. This Chief’s Panel is MANDATORY for             QRWLFHG¿WQHVVLVNLQGRIDELJGHDOLQWKH$LU)RUFHWKHVH
  ‡*XLGHV                                                    ALL enlisted personnel stationed at Edwards AFB. You do         days. Now I use running and working out as a way to
  ‡5DQGRP&UHDWXUHV                                          not want to miss the opportunity to provide feedback and        help myself relax, to burn off the stress at the end of a
  For questions or concerns, call Tech. Sgt. Dennis Cates     DVNTXHVWLRQVWRWKHEDVH¶VWRSHQOLVWHGOHDGHUVKLS2I¿FHUV  long day or week and sometimes to get me pumped up
at 661-275-5503.                                              civilians and DOD contractors are welcome to attend. For        for the day ahead.
                                                              more information, call 661-277-6897 or email s533c9@               Due to the nature of life, sometimes my four F’s get
Women’s Self Defense Class Oct. 3                                                                         out of balance and one will take precedence over another.
                                                                                                                              A family crisis can take over everything else for a period
  Sponsored by the 412th Security Forces Squadron, there                                                                      of time. Special projects at work, studying for promotion
will be a free women’s self defense class 11 a.m.-1 p.m.,                                                                     takes up months of evenings and weekends, crowding out
2FWDWWKH&KDSHO$QQH[$FHUWL¿HGVL[WKGHJUHHEODFN                                                                  ERWKIDPLO\DQGIULHQGV2K\HDKGRQ¶WIRUJHW¿WQHVVKDV
Memorial service for Shannon Woodland                                                                                            A lot of these overlap: Family and Fitness go together.
                                                                                                                              Friends and Fitness, you get the point.
  It is with deep sadness the 412th Communications Squadron announces the passing of Shannon                                     Sometimes I neglect one or more of these items for
Woodland. Shannon spent seven years in various positions within the 412th CS and more than 20                                 days, weeks, sometimes even months. Then I will get it
years working at Edwards. A viewing will be held 4-8 p.m., Sept. 18 at Joshua Memorial Park in                                together, balance out my life and rest my priorities only
Lancaster. The address is 808 E. Lancaster Blvd.                                                                              to have something else push into the mix. For the past 16
                                                                                                                              months, I have been geographically separated from my
  The memorial service is 10 a.., Sept. 19 starting at 10 a.m. at Lancaster United Methodist Church                           family, my daughters just moved away for school I am
located at 918 W. Avenue J.                                                                                                   out of balance. No one in my life has gotten 100 percent
                                                                                                                              of what they needed or deserved from me: not my wife,
  ,QOLHXRIÀRZHUVWKHIDPLO\UHTXHVWVWKDWDQ\GRQDWLRQVEHPDGHWRWKH/XSXV)RXQGDWLRQRI                               my kids, my friends or honestly, the Air Force.
America at, or, because of her love of all animals, any Antelope Valley                                 It’s time to reset.
animal shelter.

  For more information, call 661-277-7623.

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