Page 6 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
P. 6
Desert Wings September 18, 2015
Edwards marks suicide prevention month with activities
by Jet Fabara cide prevention. still honor the free and discounted events.” portunity, Family Advocacy, Mental Health,
412th TW Public Affairs “There will be free bowling event on Sept. The Helping Agencies at Edwards includes the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator,
and the Inspector General.
As part of the Air Force initiative to pro- 17 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. There will also be $'$37$LUPDQ )DPLO\5HDGLQHVV&HQ-
mote awareness during Suicide Prevention a discounted golf round and lunch on Sept. ter, the Chapel, Civilian Health Promotion For more information about future activi-
0RQWK7HDP(GZDUGVKHOGLWV¿UVWDZDUH- ´3ÀHGGHUHUVDLG³)RUWKRVHZKRGLGQRW Services, Drug Demand Reduction Program, ties for the remainder of the month, call 661-
ness activity Sept. 11 with a 5k run at the receive a t-shirt, due to the shortage, we will Employee Assistance Program, Equal Op- 277-5291 or 661-277-5292.
Rosburg Fitness Center.
Right: Approximately 280 Air Force photographs by Jet Fabara
This event was held with the collaboration people showed up at the
of the Suicide Prevention Program manager Rosburg Fitness Center Sept
and the Helping Agencies in an effort to raise 11 for a 5k run kicking off Suicide
awareness for suicide prevention, but to also Prevention Month. The event
honor the victims of 9/11. was hosted by the Suicide
Prevention Program manager
“As Col. Eric Leshinsky, [412 Mission and the Helping Agencies in
Support Group commander,] pointed out, an effort to raise awareness for
suicide is a serious problem. When it affects suicide prevention and to honor
one, it affects us all. It was also a way to the victims of 9/11. Above:
commemorate 9/11 as a base,” said Capt. As part of event, participants
/DXUD3ÀHGGHUHU6XLFLGH3UHYHQWLRQ3UR- received a free t-shirt. T-shirts
JUDPPDQDJHUDQG)DPLO\$GYRFDF\RI¿FHU given out during the event will
be used, later in the month, to
Approximately 280 people showed up to receive free bowling, discounted
WKH.UXQDFFRUGLQJWR3ÀHGGHUHU$OOSDU- golf and discounted meals.
ticipants received a free Suicide Prevention
also noted that the t-shirts given out during
the event could be used, later in the month,
to receive free bowling, discounted golf and
discounted meals.
“It was overwhelming to see so much
leadership, Airmen and family members par-
showed what a strong force we have here at
In addition to this 5k run, the Suicide Pre-
vention Program committee is hosting two
additional events to raise awareness for sui-
Showroom Hours: Mon – Sat: 9 am – 6 pm
(Home Depot/Sears Center, next to Payless Shoes and Subway)
Lic# 938884