Page 2 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 9-18-15
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Desert Wings                                                             Commentary                                                                                                September 18, 2015


Our Air Force

68 years of guts, innovation and air superiority

by Gen. Ellen Pawlikowski                                                       DWWDFNRQ3HDUO+DUERU7KH\PRGL¿HGWKHLU   ing stealth aircraft that are invisible to our  It is our people, military and civilian, who
commander, AFMC                                                                 “land-based” Army Air Corps planes and        adversaries, the Air Force has always been      have made our Air Force the greatest air
                                                                                OHDUQHGWRÀ\WKHPIURPD1DY\DLUFUDIW      at the forefront of our national defense.       power in the world. Today, we rely on
  In 1911, a young Henry Arnold learned                                         carrier.                                                                                      660,000 people who come from diverse
to fly at the Wright Brothers aviation                                                                                          Our Air Force has evolved since 1947.         experiences, cultures and communities
VFKRRORQDGXVW\¿HOGLQ2KLR$VWURQJ                                         They made history.                          Today, we patrol the domains of not just        throughout the United States. They truly
advocate of aviation research and devel-                                                                                      the air, but space and cyberspace, too. We      represent a cross-section of America and
opment, “Hap” Arnold went on to be-                                               These pioneer Airmen, like countless        are fielding the world’s most advanced          it is their diversity that helps fuel our in-
FRPHD¿YHVWDUJHQHUDO                                                        others, demonstrated the world-changing       ¿JKWHUDLUFUDIWWKH)ZKLOHDWWKHVDPH   novation and commitment.
                                                                                effects of aviation technology. They set      time researching and developing ways to
  He made history.                                                              high standards and relied on innovation       LQFUHDVHDJLOLW\ÀH[LELOLW\SUHFLVLRQOH-      Our Air Force heritage is a proud one,
                                                                                and discipline to push the limits of their    thality and persistence for our missions of     and airpower remains an inherent part of
  In 1918, Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker shot                                        capabilities. Their guts, determination and   the future.                                     our nation’s history. The legacy of our air-
down 26 enemy aircraft over France during                                       skill were recognized on Sept. 18, 1947,                                                      power pioneers – imaginative and innova-
World War I. His skill and bravery earned                                       when the Air Force became a separate ser-       This is what we do in Air Force Mate-         tive Airmen harnessing new technologies
him the Congressional Medal of Honor,                                           vice following President Harry Truman’s       riel Command: deliver and support war-          and strategies — set the course for future
and he went on to become an innovative                                          signing of the National Security Act earlier  winning capabilities. When America calls        air, space and cyberspace capabilities.
aviation industry pioneer.                                                      that year.                                    on the Air Force, the Air Force turns to
                                                                                                                              AFMC.                                             As we celebrate the Air Force’s 68th
  He made history.                                                                This week, we celebrate the 68th birth-                                                     birthday, we realize our future is truly lim-
                                                                                day of our Air Force — 68 years of amaz-        But we must become better at what we          itless. We must, and will, remain a force
  In 1942, then-Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle                                        ing technological advances, courageous        do, for our world today is a complex mix        that provides global vigilance, global reach
led 16 B-25 bombers, the Doolittle Raid-                                        human endeavors and an ever-evolving          of rogue states and radical groups bent on      and global power.
ers, on a secret mission to bomb the Japa-                                      capability that protects our freedoms.        destroying basic freedoms we and other
Q H V H  P D L Q O D Q G  M X V W  ¿ Y H  P R Q W K V  D I W H U  W K H  )URPEUHDNLQJWKHVRXQGEDUULHUWR¿HOG-      nations hold dear. The best technologies          And we will continue to make history.
                                                                                                                              don’t develop and operate on their own.

Four F’s essential to life in military

by Chief Master Sgt. Mark Fousek                                                  Family is different for everyone at different stages of life.   ZHHNDQGWKDQNWKHPIRUWKHLUVXSSRUWDQGVDFUL¿FHRYHUWKH
Travis AFB, Calif.                                                              Your family right now might be a spouse, parent, brother or       years that enabled you to be successful at what you do.
                                                                                sister, another extended family member that you are close
  I have had a lot of my non-military friends ask me the                        to, or all of the above.                                            Friends come in all flavors as well: Old friends, new
question, “How have you made it for 24 years in the mili-                                                                                         friends and sort-of friends. You may have joined with a
tary?”                                                                            My wife Dawn and I got married right before I joined the        friend, or to get away from “those friends.”
                                                                                Air Force. She is the backbone of our family and the reason
  Looking back, I realized that I already had a form of what                    I have been successful in my career.                                We could have many assignments over the course of a
the Air Force now calls Comprehensive Airman Fitness:                                                                                             career and will potentially make a lot of friends across the
Mental, Social, Spiritual and Physical Fitness. I call it, the                    I didn’t worry about the “little things:” bills, grocery shop-  country and world. More than likely, you will really connect
four F’s: Family, Faith, Friends and Fitness (this last one                     ping, laundry, etc. Never mind the fact that Dawn worked          with a person or two, maybe military, maybe not, who really
came about much later in my career).                                            outside our home as well as taking care of all of those “little
                                                                                things.” Make it a point to call someone in your family this                                                See ESSENTIAL, Page 4


                                                                                                                                                      Action Line


                                                                                                                                                    The Commander’s Action Line gives all Airmen, re-
                                                                                                                                                  tirees, families and community members a direct link to
                                                                                                                                                  Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer, 412th Test Wing commander.
                                                                                                                                                  The Action Line can be used to express constructive
                                                                                                                                                  points of view on the policies and procedures of the
                                                                                                                                                  base; discuss safety and security issues; and address
                                                                                                                                                  problems, concerns, or suggestions after traditional
                                                                                                                                                  methods have been exhausted.

                                                                                                                                                    The Commander’s Action Line should not be the

                                                                                                                                                    Action Line queries may be submitted by sending an
                                                                                                                                                  e-mail to with Commander’s
                                                                                                                                                  Action Line as the subject heading or by calling (661)
                                                                                                                                                  277-7325. Action Line submissions must be written in
                                                                                                                                                  a courteous and professional tone, and must include a
                                                                                                                                                  name, an e-mail address or an alternative method of
                                                                                                                                                  contact. The requestor’s contact information will not be
                                                                                                                                                  published in compliance with Privacy Act restrictions.
                                                                                                                                                  Any messages received without contact information will
                                                                                                                                                  not be routed, so please be sure to provide some method
                                                                                                                                                  for communication.
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